Code of Alabama

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Section 25-5-1 Definitions. Throughout this chapter, the following words and phrases as used
therein shall be considered to have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context
shall clearly indicate a different meaning in the connection used: (1) COMPENSATION. The money
benefits to be paid on account of injury or death, as provided in Articles 3 and 4. The recovery
which an employee may receive by action at law under Article 2 of this chapter is termed "recovery
of civil damages," as provided for in Sections 25-5-31 and 25-5-34. "Compensation"
does not include medical and surgical treatment and attention, medicine, medical and surgical
supplies, and crutches and apparatus furnished an employee on account of an injury. (2) CHILD
or CHILDREN. The terms include posthumous children and all other children entitled by law
to inherit as children of the deceased; stepchildren who were members of the family of the
deceased, at the time of the accident, and were dependent upon him or... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-60-2 Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact. The State of Alabama hereby
agrees to the following interstate compact known as the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation
Compact: ARTICLE I. PURPOSES. The purposes of this compact are, through means of joint and
cooperative action among the compacting states: 1. To promote and protect the interest of
consumers of individual and group annuity, life insurance, disability income, and long-term
care insurance products; 2. To develop uniform standards for insurance products covered under
the compact; 3. To establish a central clearinghouse to receive and provide prompt review
of insurance products covered under the compact and, in certain cases, advertisements related
thereto, submitted by insurers authorized to do business in one or more compacting states;
4. To give appropriate regulatory approval to those product filings and advertisements satisfying
the applicable uniform standard; 5. To improve coordination of... - 45K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-1 Definitions. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) ACCREDITED SCHOOL or COLLEGE OF MORTUARY SCIENCE. A school or
college approved by the Alabama Board of Funeral Service and which maintains a course of instruction
of not less than 48 calendar weeks or four academic quarters or college terms and which gives
a course of instruction in the fundamental subjects including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Mortuary management and administration. b. Legal medicine and toxicology as it pertains
to funeral directing. c. Public health, hygiene, and sanitary science. d. Mortuary science,
to include embalming technique, in all its aspects; chemistry of embalming, color harmony;
discoloration, its causes, effects, and treatment; treatment of special cases; restorative
art; funeral management; and professional ethics. e. Anatomy and physiology. f. Chemistry,
organic and inorganic. g. Pathology. h. Bacteriology. i. Sanitation... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-88 Permits - Review and appeal of applications. (a) At the time of submission
of an application for a surface coal mining and reclamation permit, or revision of an existing
permit, pursuant to the provisions of this article, the applicant shall submit to the regulatory
authority a copy of his advertisement of the ownership, precise location, and boundaries of
the land to be affected. At the time of submission such advertisement shall be placed by the
applicant in a local newspaper of general circulation in the locality of the proposed surface
mine at least once a week for four consecutive weeks. The regulatory authority shall notify
various local governmental bodies, planning agencies, and sewage and water treatment authorities
or water companies in the locality in which the proposed surface mining will take place, notifying
them of the operator's intention to surface mine a particularly described tract of land and
indicating the application's permit number and where a... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-13-2 Adoption and text of Interstate Corrections Compact. The Interstate Corrections
Compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the State of Alabama with any and all
states legally joining therein, in accordance with its terms, in the form substantially as
follows: INTERSTATE CORRECTIONS COMPACT Article I (Purpose and Policy) The party states, desiring
by common action to fully utilize and improve their institutional facilities and provide adequate
programs for the confinement, treatment, and rehabilitation of various types of offenders,
declare that it is the policy of each of the party states to provide such facilities and programs
on a basis of cooperation with one another, thereby serving the best interests of such offenders
and of society and effecting economies in capital expenditures and operational costs. The
purpose of this compact is to provide for the mutual development and execution of such programs
of cooperation for the confinement, treatment and... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-78 Disqualifications for benefits. An individual shall be disqualified for total
or partial unemployment for any of the following: (1) LABOR DISPUTE IN PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT.
For any week in which an individual's total or partial unemployment is directly due to a labor
dispute still in active progress in the establishment in which he or she is or was last employed.
For the purposes of this section only, the term labor dispute includes any controversy concerning
terms, tenure, or conditions of employment, or concerning the association or representation
of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing, or seeking to arrange terms or conditions
of employment, regardless of whether the disputants stand in the proximate relation of employer
and employee. This definition shall not relate to a dispute between an individual worker and
his or her employer. (2) VOLUNTARILY QUITTING WORK. If an individual has left his or her most
recent bona fide work voluntarily without good... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-166 Refusal, revocation, or suspension - Grounds; rules; disciplinary action.
(a) The State Board of Chiropractic Examiners may refuse to grant a license or permit to any
applicant who is not of good moral character and reputation or has a history of narcotic addiction
or has previously been convicted of a felony or any crime of moral turpitude or has previously
been diagnosed as having a psychopathic disorder. (b) The State Board of Chiropractic Examiners
may invoke disciplinary action as outlined in subsection (c) whenever the licensee or permit
holder shall be found guilty of any of the following: (1) Fraud in procuring a license or
permit, or any fraud in obtaining money or other thing of value. (2) Immoral conduct. (3)
Unprofessional conduct. (4) Habitual intoxication or addiction to the use of drugs. (5) Conviction
of a felony or any crime of moral turpitude. (6) Conviction for violation of any narcotic
or controlled substance statute. (7) Unlawful invasion of the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-9-243.40 Privilege or license tax. (a) The following words, terms, and phrases,
when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except
where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) PERSON. Any natural person, firm,
partnership, association, corporation, receiver, trust, estate, or other entity, or any other
group or combination of any thereof acting as a unit. (2) COUNTY. Chambers County, Alabama.
(3) BUSINESS. All activities engaged in, or caused to be engaged in, by any person with the
object of gain, profit, benefit, or advantage, either direct or indirect to such person. (4)
GROSS PROCEEDS. The value proceeding or accruing from the leasing or rental of tangible personal
property, without any deduction on account of the cost of the property so leased or rented,
the cost of materials used, labor, or service cost, interest paid or any other expenses whatsoever,
and without any deduction on account of loss and shall also... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-44-8 Powers and duties of association. (a) If a member insurer is an impaired insurer,
the association may, in its discretion and subject to any conditions imposed by the association
that do not impair the contractual obligations of the impaired insurer, and that are approved
by the commissioner: (1) Guarantee or reinsure, or cause to be guaranteed, assumed, or reinsured,
any or all of the covered policies of the impaired insurers. (2) Provide such moneys, pledges,
notes, guarantees, or other means as are proper to effectuate subdivision (1), and assure
payment of the contractual obligations of the impaired insurer pending action under subdivision
(1). (b) If a member insurer is an insolvent insurer, the association shall, in its discretion
and subject to the approval of the commissioner, do either of the following: (1)a. Guarantee,
assume, or reinsure, or cause to be guaranteed, assumed, or reinsured, the covered policies
of the insolvent insurer. b. Assure payment of the... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-14 Filing of statement of economic interests. (a) A statement of economic interests
shall be completed and filed in accordance with this chapter with the commission no later
than April 30 of each year covering the period of the preceding calendar year by each of the
following: (1) All elected public officials at the state, county, or municipal level of government
or their instrumentalities. (2) Any person appointed as a public official and any person employed
as a public employee at the state, county, or municipal level of government or their instrumentalities
who occupies a position whose base pay is seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) or more
annually, as adjusted by the commission by January 31 of each year to reflect changes in the
U.S. Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index, or a successor index. (3) All candidates,
provided the statement is filed on the date the candidate files his or her qualifying papers
or, in the case of an independent candidate, on the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

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