Code of Alabama

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Section 37-6-10 Board of trustees. The business and affairs of a cooperative shall be
managed by a board of not less than five trustees, each of whom shall be a member of the cooperative
or of another cooperative which shall be a member thereof, or a person designated by the governing
body or board of directors of a municipality or other corporation, respectively, which is
a member thereof. The bylaws shall prescribe the number of trustees, their qualifications,
other than those provided for in this chapter, the manner of holding meetings of the board
of trustees, and of the election of successors to trustees who shall resign, die or otherwise
be incapable of acting. The bylaws may also provide for the removal of trustees from office
and for the election of their successors. The bylaws may establish a procedure for nominating
candidates for the board of trustees and if the bylaws contain such a procedure, they may
prohibit nominations from the floor on the day of an annual, district,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-26B-21 Privilege assessment on nursing facilities. To provide further for
the availability of indigent health care, the operation of the Medicaid program, and the maintenance
and expansion of medical services: (a) There is levied and shall be collected a privilege
assessment on the business activities of every nursing facility in the State of Alabama. The
privilege assessment imposed is in addition to all other taxes and assessments, and shall
be at the annual rate of one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-six cents
($1,899.96) for each bed in the nursing facility. Beginning September 1, 2020, the privilege
assessment shall be increased from one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-six
cents ($1,899.96) for each bed in the nursing facility, by an addition to the privilege assessment
equal to three hundred twenty-seven dollars and forty-eight cents ($327.48) per annum. The
addition to the privilege assessment shall be paid in equal monthly... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-133 Appropriation of funds for care of certain sick and wounded persons
in municipal hospitals. The board of mayor and aldermen or other governing body of cities
or towns in this state may make appropriations out of the revenues of their respective cities
or towns to aid in maintaining and taking care of sick or wounded persons who are unable to
provide such maintenance and care for themselves in any hospital maintained in their respective
cities or towns exclusively for the care of the sick or wounded within the limits of such
cities or towns. (Code 1907, §1460; Code 1923, §2316; Code 1940, T. 37, §494.)... - 945 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-525 Board of directors. The government of the corporation shall be vested
in the board, which may by resolution exercise or provide for the exercise of all the powers
of the corporation. The board shall be composed of one director from each municipality located
in the power district having a population of 1,000 or more inhabitants according to the last
or any future federal census, whose election shall be certified to the corporation by the
clerk of such municipality as hereinafter provided. The governing body of each such municipality
having such population may elect a director from such municipality. The election of each such
director shall be certified to the corporation by the clerk of the municipality whose governing
body shall make such election, as and when any such election shall be so made. The directors
so certified shall constitute the board, and a majority thereof at any time existing shall
constitute a quorum of the board for the transaction of business. The... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-91A-7 Jurisdiction of board; funding; powers of board. The board shall have
full, complete, and exclusive jurisdiction over the program and shall allocate funds from
its treasury for the fulfillment and accomplishment of its duties and responsibilities in
a manner as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The
board shall have the general powers and authority granted under the laws of this state for
health insurers, and in addition thereto, the specific authority to do all of the following:
(a) Subject to compliance with Section 11-91A-8 where applicable, execute a contract
or contracts to provide for the administration of the program in accordance with this chapter.
The contract or contracts may be executed with one or more agencies or corporations licensed
to transact or administer group health care business in this state with similar plans of the
state for the joint performance of common administrative functions. (b) Establish, and... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-20-7 Election of a board of directors and officers; modification of declaration.
A declaration or the governing documents of a homeowners' association may provide for a period
in which the declarant will maintain control of the election of directors and officers of
the association and a right to reasonably alter, amend, or modify the declaration. (Act 2015-292,
§7.)... - 686 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 4-3-5 Board of directors of authority. Each authority shall be governed by a
board of directors of three or more members, selected as provided herein. If the sole authorizing
subdivision is a county, the governing body of said county shall elect all members, the number
of such members to be set out in the certificate of incorporation of said authority. In all
other cases, one member shall be elected by the governing body of each authorizing subdivision,
one member shall be elected by the governing body of the county in which is located the principal
office of the authority specified in the certificate of incorporation, if such county is not
an authorizing subdivision, and one additional member shall be agreed to and elected by the
governing bodies of all the authorizing subdivisions and the governing body of said county
in which is located the principal office of the authority specified in the certificate of
incorporation. Each member elected by the governing body of one of the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-28A-42.53 Secretary-treasurer; custodial care of the retirement fund. (a)
The board of trustees, if it so elects, and with the approval of the governing body of the
city, shall have the power and authority to appoint a secretary-treasurer of the board who
shall serve at the pleasure of the board and who shall receive a compensation for his or her
services the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75) per month or such other amount of compensation
as the board of trustees shall provide by majority vote and shall be approved by the governing
body of the city, to be paid on the first day of each month by warrant drawn in like manner
as other warrants on such fund. The secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees is hereby
made, and it shall be his or her duty to be the custodian of all monies belonging to the policemen's
and firemen's retirement fund, and all monies belonging to such fund, and all money or other
property belonging to such fund, and all money or other property belonging... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-54B-11 District management corporation limits, powers, and duties. (a) District
management corporations shall be incorporated under the Alabama Nonprofit Corporation Act
(Chapter 3A of Title 10) and shall exercise their powers in a manner consistent with such
act. (b) To qualify for designation by ordinance to manage a self-help business improvement
district, the articles of incorporation of a proposed district management corporation must
provide the following: (1) That the property, business, and affairs of the corporation shall
be managed by a board of directors. (2) The names and addresses of the initial members of
the board of directors. (3) That the initial members of the board shall be divided into three
groups which are as equal in number as is possible, that such groups will serve for initial
terms of one (1), two (2) and three (3) years respectively, and that all directors thereafter
elected by the board of directors shall serve for a term of three (3) years. (4)... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-8-42.1 Authority for risk management cooperative. (a) Definitions. For the
purpose of this section, the following terms shall have the meanings subscribed to
them by this section: (1) RISK MANAGEMENT COOPERATIVE. An entity or entities, to be
formed by local boards of education in any combination of 25 or more for the purpose of pooling
resources and funds to jointly purchase insurance or to self-insure such boards of education,
their members and employees, against risks to which they are exposed. (2) MEMBER BOARDS OF
EDUCATION. A city board of education, county board of education, Department of Youth Services
School District, Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, State Board of Education or other public
education governing board which elects to pool its resources and funds with one or more other
boards of education for the purpose of forming a risk management cooperative. (b) Boards of
education in any combination of 25 or more may establish a risk management cooperative for... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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