Code of Alabama

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Section 22-30-5.1 Restriction on number of commercial hazardous waste treatment facilities
or disposal sites per county; legislative approval of sites. (a) The term "hazardous
waste" shall mean the same as defined by Section 22-30-3(5). (b) Committee shall mean
the continuing Select Joint Nuclear Energy Activities and Hazardous Chemical Toxic Waste Oversight
Committee as created by Act No. 81-307, H.J.R. 254 (p. 392), as amended by Act No. 84-329,
S.J.R. 214 (pp. 754-755). (c) There shall be no more than one commercial hazardous waste treatment
facility or disposal site as defined by subdivisions (4) and (14) of Section 22-30-3 situated
within any one county of the state. Provided, however, no commercial hazardous waste treatment
or disposal site not in existence on or before December 31, 1988, shall be situated until:
(1) a written proposal or application addressing the items found in subdivisions (d)(1) through
(d)(7) of this section is submitted by the applicant wishing to construct... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-294 Advisory Council. (a) The Advisory Council shall consist of a member of the
Alabama House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House, a member of the Alabama
Senate appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, one member appointed by each member of the Designating
Committee, three persons appointed from the state at-large by the Governor, and one representative
appointed by the Governor from each of the following groups or organizations: (1) Scenic Alabama.
(2) Alabama Environmental Council. (3) The outdoor advertising industry. (4) The Alabama Wildlife
Federation. (5) A business, industry, or trade association or professional organization having
its principal programs extending generally throughout the state, and having a demonstrated
concern for balancing economic growth with protection for the environment and increased recreational
opportunities. (6) Public utilities. (7) Tourism associations. (8) Real estate associations.
(9) Regional planning commissions.... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-26-8 Director of personnel - Executive head of department; powers and duties generally;
agreements with political subdivisions of state; cooperation with other governmental agencies.
(a) The director, as executive head of the department, shall direct and supervise all its
administrative and technical activities. (b) It shall be the duty of the director to: (1)
Attend all meetings of the board, act as its secretary, and record its official actions. (2)
Appoint, with the approval of the board, such employees of the department and such experts
and special assistants as necessary to carry out effectively this article. (3) Prepare and
recommend rules and regulations for the administration of this article. (4) Recommend and,
on its adoption, establish, administer, and execute a classification plan for the state service.
(5) Submit to the Governor, after its approval by the board, a pay plan for all positions
in the state service. (6) Conduct tests, formulate employment registers,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-16-51 Contracts for which competitive bidding not required. (a) Competitive bids
for entities subject to this article shall not be required for utility services, the rates
for which are fixed by law, regulation, or ordinance, and the competitive bidding requirements
of this article shall not apply to: (1) The purchase of insurance. (2) The purchase of ballots
and supplies for conducting any primary, general, special, or municipal election. (3) Contracts
for securing services of attorneys, physicians, architects, teachers, superintendents of construction,
artists, appraisers, engineers, consultants, certified public accountants, public accountants,
or other individuals possessing a high degree of professional skill where the personality
of the individual plays a decisive part. (4) Contracts of employment in the regular civil
service. (5) Contracts for fiscal or financial advice or services. (6) Purchases of products
made or manufactured by the blind or visually handicapped... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-210.1 Legislative findings and declarations. The Legislature finds and declares
all of the following: (1) Through this article, the Legislature has (i) granted to each municipality
in the state, acting either individually or in cooperation with one or more other municipalities,
the power to acquire, operate, manage, and control parks, playgrounds, and other recreational
or athletic facilities and to authorize the organization of an authority, as a public corporation,
to act on behalf of the municipality or municipalities in providing for the ownership and
management of parks, playgrounds, and other recreational or athletic facilities, (ii) provided
for the organization of the authorities, and (iii) specified certain powers to be enjoyed
by such an authority. (2) In order to facilitate the accomplishment of the legislative objectives
reflected in this article and to provide for a greater degree of mutual cooperation among
separate political subdivisions, it is necessary,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-27-45 State Solid Waste Management Plan. The Director of the Alabama Department
of Environmental Management, with the advice and consultation of the Solid Waste Management
Advisory Committee, is directed to prepare a State Solid Waste Management Plan. In developing
the state plan, the department will seek to achieve the following goals: (1) That solid waste
facilities and management systems are provided for in an orderly manner consistent with the
needs and plans of the state and its regions and local governments; (2) That alternative methods
of solid waste management are encouraged as a means of reducing the state's dependence on
landfilling; (3) That all aspects of local, regional and state planning, zoning, population
estimates, and economics are taken into consideration; and (4) That appropriate time schedules
are set for the phasing in of the required component parts of the system. Said plan shall
be developed in two phases: a. The first phase of the plan shall be... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-7-41 Definitions; limitations on compensation and employment benefits not required
by state or federal laws. (a) For purposes of this article, the following words have the following
meanings: (1) DISCRIMINATION. An action by an employer or a distinction by an employer that
adversely affects an employee or job applicant based on a group, class, or category to which
that person belongs. (2) EMPLOYEE. An individual employed in this state by an employer or
a natural person who performs services for an employer for valuable consideration and does
not include a self-employed independent contractor. (3) EMPLOYER. A person engaging in any
activity, enterprise, or business in this state employing one or more employees, or a person,
association, or legal or commercial entity receiving services from an employee or independent
contractor and, in return, giving compensation of any kind to such employee or independent
contractor. (4) FEDERAL LABOR LAWS. The National Labor Relations Act,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-1-10.1 Insurance coverage for drugs to treat life-threatening illnesses. (a) The
Legislature finds and declares the following: (1) The citizens of this state rely upon health
insurance to cover the cost of obtaining health care and it is essential that the citizens'
expectation that their health care costs will be paid by their insurance policies is not disappointed
and that they obtain the coverage necessary and appropriate for their care within the terms
of their insurance policies. (2) Some insurers deny payment for drugs that have been approved
by the Federal Food and Drug Administration, hereafter referred to as FDA, when the drugs
are used for indications other than those stated in the labelling approved by the FDA, off-label
use, while other insurers with similar coverage terms do pay for off-label use. (3) Denial
of payment for off-label use can interrupt or effectively deny access to necessary and appropriate
treatment for a person being treated for a... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-13-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words shall have
the following meanings: (1) ALIEN. Any person who is not a citizen or national of the United
States, as described in 8 U.S.C. ยง 1101, et seq., and any amendments thereto. (2) BUSINESS
ENTITY. Any person or group of persons employing one or more persons performing or engaging
in any activity, enterprise, profession, or occupation for gain, benefit, advantage, or livelihood,
whether for profit or not for profit. Business entity shall include, but not be limited to,
the following: a. Self-employed individuals, business entities filing articles of incorporation,
partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, foreign corporations, foreign
limited partnerships, foreign limited liability companies authorized to transact business
in this state, business trusts, and any business entity that registers with the Secretary
of State. b. Any business entity that possesses a business... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-9-8 Emergency powers of Governor. (a) The provisions of this section shall be operative
only during the existence of a state of emergency, referred to hereinafter as one of the states
of emergency defined in Section 31-9-3. The existence of a state of emergency may be proclaimed
by the Governor as provided in this subsection or by joint resolution of the Legislature if
the Governor in the proclamation or the Legislature in the resolution finds that an attack
upon the United States has occurred or is anticipated in the immediate future, or that a natural
disaster of major proportions or a public health emergency has occurred or is reasonably anticipated
in the immediate future within this state and that the safety and welfare of the inhabitants
of this state require an invocation of the provisions of this section. If the state of emergency
affects less than the entire state, the Governor or the Legislature shall designate in the
proclamation or resolution those counties to... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

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