Code of Alabama

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Section 26-14-3 Mandatory reporting. (a) All hospitals, clinics, sanitariums, doctors, physicians,
surgeons, medical examiners, coroners, dentists, osteopaths, optometrists, chiropractors,
podiatrists, physical therapists, nurses, public and private K-12 employees, school teachers
and officials, peace officers, law enforcement officials, pharmacists, social workers, day
care workers or employees, mental health professionals, employees of public and private institutions
of postsecondary and higher education, members of the clergy as defined in Rule 505 of the
Alabama Rules of Evidence, or any other person called upon to render aid or medical assistance
to any child, when the child is known or suspected to be a victim of child abuse or neglect,
shall be required to report orally, either by telephone or direct communication immediately,
and shall be followed by a written report, to a duly constituted authority. (b)(1) When an
initial report is made to a law enforcement official, the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3C-9 Hearing on petition to prevent abduction. (a) If a petition is filed under
this chapter, the court may set a preliminary hearing as necessary, and shall cause to be
issued all summonses and notices as required by law and otherwise deemed necessary and appropriate.
Should the court determine from the petition, or on evidence presented at a preliminary hearing,
that no emergency or temporary orders are appropriate, then the court shall set the petition
for a final hearing at such time as the court deems appropriate and as the best interests
of the child require. (b) If, at a hearing on a petition under this chapter, the court after
reviewing the evidence finds a credible risk of abduction of the child, the court shall enter
an abduction prevention order. The order must include the provisions required by subsection
(c), specifying measures that are reasonably calculated to prevent abduction of the child
and giving due consideration to the custody and visitation rights of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-75.1 Certificate and limited license under Retired Senior Volunteer Program.
(a) The State Board of Medical Examiners may, at its discretion and subject to the rules and
regulations promulgated by the board, issue a certificate of qualification in behalf of physicians
meeting the requirements for participation in the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. The Retired
Senior Volunteer Program is created for the purpose of permitting doctors of medicine and
doctors of osteopathy who are fully retired from the active practice of medicine to obtain
a limited license without cost which would permit the provision of outpatient health care
services at established free clinics operated pursuant to the Volunteer Medical Professional
Act, Section 6-5-660, et seq. Physicians having certificates issued under this section must
perform no fewer than 100 hours of voluntary service annually and must limit their practice
to the confines of an established free medical clinic, as that term is... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-9-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) ABUSE. The infliction of physical pain, injury, or the willful
deprivation by a caregiver or other person of services necessary to maintain mental and physical
health. (2) ADULT IN NEED OF PROTECTIVE SERVICES. A person 18 years of age or older whose
behavior indicates that he or she is mentally incapable of adequately caring for himself or
herself and his or her interests without serious consequences to himself or herself or others,
or who, because of physical or mental impairment, is unable to protect himself or herself
from abuse, neglect, exploitation, sexual abuse, or emotional abuse by others, and who has
no guardian, relative, or other appropriate person able, willing, and available to assume
the kind and degree of protection and supervision required under the circumstances. (3) CAREGIVER.
An individual who has the responsibility for the care of a protected... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-18-140 Contribution designations. (a)(1) Each Alabama resident individual income
taxpayer desiring to contribute to any of the programs listed in subsection (b) may designate
an amount of his or her refund, rounded off in whole dollars, in an appropriate box on the
state income tax return form, to be credited to the program. (2) All future check-offs, duly
enacted by the Legislature subsequent to April 17, 2006, shall be accorded an appropriate
box on the state income tax return forms, subject to the terms and conditions prescribed herein,
without the requirement that they be added by amendment to this section. (b) Contributions
received for the following authorized charitable and nonpolitical income tax check-off recipients,
less costs of administration to the Department of Revenue not to exceed five percent, shall
be distributed and appropriated as provided herein: (1) Contributions to the Alabama Aging
Program shall be deposited with the State Treasurer into the Alabama... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-25-23 Disposition of funds. All revenues collected under the provisions of this
article, except as otherwise provided, shall be paid to the Department of Revenue by check
or draft made payable to the Treasurer of Alabama, and shall be distributed in the following
manner: (1) All of the revenue derived from the tax levied upon cigarettes by Sections 40-25-2
and 40-25-41 shall be deposited in the State Treasury and 38.82 percent of such revenue shall
be divided as follows: a. Six and six one-hundredths percent to the credit of the State Public
Welfare Trust Fund, which is hereby appropriated for general welfare purposes. In this section,
"general welfare purposes" means: 1. The administration of public assistance as
set out in Sections 38-2-5 and 38-4-1; 2. Services, including supplementation and supplementary
services under the federal Social Security Act, to or on behalf of persons to whom such public
assistance may be given under Section 38-4-1; 3. Services to and on behalf... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-2A-11 Administrators licensed in other state; licensed nursing home administrators;
acute care hospital administrators, etc. (a) The board may, subject to this chapter and the
rules and regulations of the board prescribing the qualifications for an assisted living administrator
license, issue a license to an assisted living administrator who has been issued a license
by the proper authorities of any other state or issued a certificate of qualification by any
national organization, upon complying with the provisions of licensure, payment of a fee established
by the board pursuant to its rule-making authority, and upon submission of evidence satisfactory
to the board of all of the following: (1) That the other state or national organization maintained
a system and standards of qualification and examinations for an assisted living administrator
license or certificate which were substantially equivalent to those required in this state
at the time the other license or certificate... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-1A-404 Health care powers of attorney executed on or after January 1, 2012. (a)
This section applies to a power of attorney for health care decisions executed on or after
January 1, 2012. (b) A durable power of attorney is a power of attorney by which a principal
designates another his or her attorney in fact or agent in writing and the writing contains
the words "This power of attorney shall not be affected by disability, incompetency,
or incapacity of the principal" or "This power of attorney shall become effective
upon the disability, incompetency, or incapacity of the principal" or similar words showing
the intent of the principal that the authority conferred shall be exercisable notwithstanding
the principal's subsequent disability, incompetency, or incapacity. (c)(1) A principal may
designate under a durable power of attorney an individual who shall be empowered to make health
care decisions on behalf of the principal, in the manner set forth in the Natural Death Act,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-56-4 Rights. (a) Consumers of mental health services have the same general rights
as other citizens of Alabama. These rights include but are not limited to the following: (1)
The right to exercise rights as a citizen of the United States and the State of Alabama. (2)
The right to be served through general services available to all citizens. (3) The right to
choose to live, work, be educated, and recreate with persons who do not have disabilities.
(4) The right to be presumed competent until a court of competent jurisdiction, abiding by
statutory and constitutional provisions, determines otherwise. (5) The right to vote and otherwise
participate in the political process. (6) The right to free exercise of religion. (7) The
right to own and possess real and personal property. Nothing in this section shall affect
existing laws pertaining to conveyance of real or personal property. (8) The right to make
contracts. (9) The right to obtain a driver's license on the same basis as... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-5-77 Expenses of medical and surgical treatment, vocational rehabilitation, medicine,
etc.; medical examinations; review by ombudsman of medical services. (a) In addition to the
compensation provided in this article and Article 4 of this chapter, the employer, where applicable,
shall pay the actual cost of the repair, refitting, or replacement of artificial members damaged
as the result of an accident arising out of and in the course of employment, and the employer,
except as otherwise provided in this amendatory act, shall pay an amount not to exceed the
prevailing rate or maximum schedule of fees as established herein of reasonably necessary
medical and surgical treatment and attention, physical rehabilitation, medicine, medical and
surgical supplies, crutches, artificial members, and other apparatus as the result of an accident
arising out of and in the course of the employment, as may be obtained by the injured employee
or, in case of death, obtained during the period... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

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