Code of Alabama

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Section 16-6F-9 Legal status and powers of public charter schools; employees. (a) Legal status
of a public charter school. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, to the
extent that any provision of this chapter is inconsistent with any other state or local law,
rule, or regulation, the provisions of this chapter shall govern and be controlling. (2) A
public charter school shall be subject to all federal laws and authorities enumerated herein
or arranged by charter contract with the school's authorizer, where such contracting is consistent
with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. (3) Except as provided in this chapter, a public
charter school shall not be subject to the state's education statutes or any state or local
rule, regulation, policy, or procedure relating to non-charter public schools within an applicable
local school system regardless of whether such rule, regulation, policy, or procedure is established
by the local school board, the State Board of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-27-8 Financial assurance. (a) All persons having or requesting a permit for the
operation of a municipal solid waste landfill shall establish and maintain financial assurance
for proper closure, post-closure care, or corrective action in the form and amount the department
specifies by regulation. This requirement is applicable to all municipal solid waste landfills
required by federal law or regulations to demonstrate such assurance. (b) All municipal solid
waste landfills permitted or to be permitted by the department shall submit financial assurance
forms and supporting documents to the department, and such forms and documents shall establish
that there is funding to the appropriate levels required by department regulation. The financial
assurance mechanism shall be maintained for the life of the municipal solid waste landfill,
and for a period of not less than 30 years after closure, unless the owner or operator demonstrates
to the director that a period less than 30... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-31A-3 Risk retention groups chartered in this state. (a)(1) A risk retention group
shall, pursuant to this title, be chartered and licensed to write only liability insurance
pursuant to this chapter and, except as provided elsewhere in this chapter, shall comply with
all of the laws, rules, regulations, and requirements applicable to the insurers chartered
and licensed in this state and with Section 27-31A-4, to the extent the requirements are not
a limitation on laws, rules, regulations, or requirements of this state. (2) Notwithstanding
any other provision to the contrary, all risk retention groups chartered in this state shall
file with the department and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) an
annual statement in a form prescribed by the NAIC and, if required by the commissioner, in
electronic format. The statement shall be completed in accordance with its instructions and
the NAIC Accounting Practices and Procedures Manual. (b) Before it may offer... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-18-39 Corporate returns. (a) Except as provided in subsection (c), every corporation,
joint stock company, or association subject to income tax under this chapter shall file a
return with the Department of Revenue for each taxable year, stating specifically the items
of its gross income and the deductions and credits allowed by this chapter. In cases where
receivers, trustees in bankruptcy, or assignees are operating the property or business of
corporations, such receivers, trustees, or assignees shall file returns for such corporations
in the same manner and form as corporations are required to file returns. Any tax due on the
basis of such returns filed by receivers, trustees, or assignees shall be collected in the
same manner as if collected from the corporations of whose business or property they have
custody and control. Returns shall be filed by the same date as the corresponding federal
income tax returns are required to be filed as provided under federal law. The... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-101A-8 Powers of authority. (a) In addition to all other powers granted elsewhere
in this chapter, and subject to the express provisions of its certificate of incorporation,
an authority shall have the following powers, together with all powers incidental thereto
or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form: (1) To have succession by its corporate
name for the duration of time, which may be in perpetuity, specified in its certificate of
incorporation, or until dissolved as provided in Section 11-101A-24. (2) To sue and be sued
in its own name in civil suits and actions, and to defend suits and actions against it, subject,
however, to Chapter 93 of this title, which chapter is hereby made applicable to the authority.
(3) To adopt, alter, amend, and repeal bylaws, regulations, and rules for the regulation and
conduct of its affairs and business. (4) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to
alter the same at pleasure. (5) To acquire, whether by purchase,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22A-6 Environmental Management Commission; powers and duties; composition; meetings;
compensation; expenses; ethical requirements. (a) There is hereby created a seven member Environmental
Management Commission of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management which shall have
the following duties: (1) To select a director for the Department of Environmental Management
and to advise the director on environmental matters which are within the department's scope
of authority; (2) To establish, adopt, promulgate, modify, repeal, and suspend any rules,
regulations, or environmental standards for the department which may be applicable to the
state as a whole or any of its geographical parts; (3) To develop environmental policy for
the state; and (4) To hear and determine appeals of administrative actions. (b) The Environmental
Management Commission shall be composed of seven members who are citizens of the State of
Alabama. Initial members of the commission shall be appointed... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-28-17 Review of plans and specifications. (a) The commission may require that notice
be given to the director prior to the undertaking of the construction, installation or establishment
of particular types or classes of new air contamination sources specified in its rules and
regulations. Within 15 days of its receipt of such notice, the director may require, as a
condition precedent to the construction, installation or establishment of the air contaminant
source or sources covered thereby, the submission of plans, specifications and such other
information as it deems necessary in order to determine whether the proposed construction,
installation or establishment will be in accord with applicable rules and regulations in force
pursuant to this chapter. If, within 60 days of the receipt of plans, specifications or other
information required pursuant to this section, the director determines that the proposed construction,
installation or establishment will not be in accord... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35-244.02 Provisions of states sales tax statutes applicable. (a) Unless otherwise
provided for herein or where the context herein clearly indicated a different interpretation,
the taxes levied in Section 45-35-244.01 shall be subject to all definitions, exceptions,
exemptions, proceedings, requirements, rules, regulations, provisions, discounts, penalties,
fines, punishments, and deductions that are applicable to the taxes levied by the state sales
tax statutes, except where inapplicable or where herein otherwise provided, including all
provisions of the state sales tax statutes for enforcement and collection of taxes. (b) Sales
taxes levied in Section 45-35-244.01 shall be due and payable in monthly installments on or
before the 20th day of the month next succeeding the month in which the tax accrues. All taxes
levied in this subpart shall be paid to and collected by the Houston County Commission, or
its designee, at the same time as state sales tax is due to be paid to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-3-11.3 Collection of local taxes - Department of Revenue. (a) Counties may, upon
request of the county commission, engage the Department of Revenue to collect and administer
any county sales, use, rental, lodgings, tobacco, or other local taxes for which there is
a corresponding state levy. Subject to subsections (d) and (e) below, the department shall
collect and administer a county sales, use, rental, lodgings, tobacco, or other tax for which
there is a corresponding state levy on behalf of the requesting county. Any county sales,
use, rental, or lodgings tax levy administered and collected by the Department of Revenue
pursuant to this section, whether the levy is imposed pursuant to the authority of Section
40-12-4, or any general, special, or local act of the Legislature, shall parallel the corresponding
state tax levy, except for the rate of tax, and shall be subject to all definitions, exceptions,
exemptions, proceedings, requirements, provisions, rules, regulations,... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30F-2 Legislative findings; purpose and intent of chapter; establishment of revolving
loan program for voluntary remediation of environmentally contaminated areas. (a) The Legislature
finds that rural and urban property in Alabama may have areas of contamination which may be
addressed via the Alabama Land Recycling and Economic Redevelopment Act, Sections 22-30E-1
through 22-30E-13. The Legislature further finds that encouraging the voluntary remediation
and redevelopment of such properties is in the public interest. (b) The Legislature finds
that industries and developers often give preference to previously unused greenfield sites
over previously used property due largely to concerns over the financial and environmental
liabilities which may be incurred in acquiring such previously used property for reuse and
redevelopment. The Legislature further finds that the appropriate reuse and redevelopment
of properties which are contaminated, or perceived to be contaminated is in... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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