Code of Alabama

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Section 9-16-125 Reclamation program. (a) The Department of Labor, State Programs Division,
shall establish and maintain a state reclamation program for abandoned mines which complies
with Title IV of Public Law 95-87. The state reclamation program plan shall generally identify
the areas to be reclaimed, the purposes for which the reclamation is proposed, the relationship
of the lands to be reclaimed and the proposed reclamation to surrounding areas, the specific
criteria for ranking and identifying projects to be funded, and the legal authority and programmatic
capability to perform such work in conformance with the provisions of the federal act. (b)
The director shall annually submit to the secretary, an application for the support of the
state program and implementation of specific reclamation projects. Such requests shall include,
but shall not be limited to: (1) A general description of each proposed project; (2) A priority
evaluation of each proposed project; (3) A statement of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-99B-3 Filing of application for incorporation of district; adoption of resolutions
approving or denying application by governing bodies. (a) In order to incorporate a district
under this chapter, any number of natural persons, not less than three, shall first file an
identical written application with the governing body of each county, municipality, and public
corporation proposed to be a member of the proposed district. Such application shall contain:
(1) A statement of each project that the district proposes to acquire or construct. (2) A
general description of the area or areas in which the district proposes to acquire or construct
such project or projects, and the name of each county, municipality, and public corporation
proposed to be a member of the district. (3) A proposed total number of directors, which shall
be at least equal to the total number of counties and municipalities, and public corporations
with the governing bodies of which such application is filed, but... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-27-4 Licensing of drivers. Regulations made pursuant to an order of the board of
education requiring and providing for special training and licensing of drivers of vehicles
used to transport pupils to and from school shall require an applicant for a school bus driver's
license to be the holder of a currently valid regular driver's license and to complete a minimum
of 12 clock-hours of approved instruction in school bus driving and to pass satisfactorily
a written examination and also a driving performance test. The written examination shall be
designed by the State Superintendent of Education with the cooperation of the state Director
of Public Safety and may be given to the applicant either by an employee of the State Department
of Education or a state trooper or other representative of the State Department of Public
Safety as the State Superintendent of Education and the Director of Public Safety agree; but
the driving performance test shall be given by a state trooper or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-33B-4 Basic powers and duties of the Alabama Commission on Higher Education for
the Alabama Guaranteed Student Loan Program. (a) Basic powers. The Alabama Commission on Higher
Education (ACHE) is authorized to administer the Alabama Guaranteed Student Loan Program in
accordance with the Federal Student Loan Law, and empowered to promulgate such rules, regulations,
policies, and procedures as may be reasonable and proper in order to carry out the provisions
and purposes of this chapter. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the ACHE is
authorized and empowered: (1) To establish regulations deemed necessary to comply with federal
regulations and legislation relative to guaranteed student loans and the Federal Student Loan
Law. (2) To establish eligibility criteria for participating postsecondary educational institutions.
(3) To establish reasonable eligibility criteria for the initial and continuing participation
of approved lenders in the student loan program. (4)... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 29-6-7 Powers and duties of Legislative Council. (a) In addition to the powers otherwise
provided in this chapter, the Legislative Council shall: (1) Approve budget requests, provide
accounting services, make purchases, and provide mail distribution, property inventory, telephone
service, electronic media services, recycling services, and building maintenance services
for the Legislative Department, and all agencies and entities, respectively, therein. (2)
Allocate space in the Alabama State House, including to the Senate and the House of Representatives.
In carrying out its responsibilities under this subdivision, the Legislative Council may charge
and collect rent from any entity allocated space in the Alabama State House at a rate set
by the council. The council may establish a special fund in the State Treasury to receive
funds from any source to maintain the State House property. Funds in the special fund are
continuously appropriated for the exclusive use of the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-26-8 Director of personnel - Executive head of department; powers and duties generally;
agreements with political subdivisions of state; cooperation with other governmental agencies.
(a) The director, as executive head of the department, shall direct and supervise all its
administrative and technical activities. (b) It shall be the duty of the director to: (1)
Attend all meetings of the board, act as its secretary, and record its official actions. (2)
Appoint, with the approval of the board, such employees of the department and such experts
and special assistants as necessary to carry out effectively this article. (3) Prepare and
recommend rules and regulations for the administration of this article. (4) Recommend and,
on its adoption, establish, administer, and execute a classification plan for the state service.
(5) Submit to the Governor, after its approval by the board, a pay plan for all positions
in the state service. (6) Conduct tests, formulate employment registers,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-4-412 Alabama Construction Industry Craft Training Program; Craft Training Board.
(a) It is the intent of the Legislature to establish and provide for a coordinated effort
between the construction industry and institutions of higher education and other entities,
including, but not limited to, union training programs, to enhance the availability and quality
of programs which promote construction industry craft training and education, and thereby
enhance the availability and competence of the work force for supporting the industry. (b)
In order to provide for efficient, competent, and resourceful construction industry craft
training programs that will deliver the knowledge and skills necessary for persons to learn
and meet the skill requirements for a craft and career in the construction industry trades
and thereby enhance the development of a quality labor pool to support the construction industry
of this state, there is established within the Division of Construction... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-5A-44 Acquisition of majority of voting shares of a bank; procedure. (a) No person,
acting directly or indirectly or through or in concert with one or more persons, may acquire
control of a state bank or of any corporation or other entity having control of a state bank,
unless an application is filed with the superintendent for review of the proposed transaction
and for his or her action, if any, as provided in this section. (b) The application shall
be on a form prescribed by the superintendent and shall be made under oath. The application
must contain all information that the superintendent by regulation requires to be furnished
in an application, as well as any information that the superintendent orders to be included
in the particular application being filed and shall be accompanied by the filing fee prescribed
by the Banking Board. For the purposes of this section, the Banking Board may reduce or waive
any prescribed fees for applications where a change of control... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-44C-66 Director of finance - Powers and duties. The director of finance shall have
general management and control of the several divisions and units of the department of finance.
He or she shall have charge, subject to the direction and control of the mayor, of the administration
of the financial affairs of the city, and to that end shall have authority and be required
to: (1) Cooperate with the mayor in compiling estimates for the general fund, public utility,
and capital budgets; (2) Supervise and control all encumbrances, expenditures, and disbursements
to insure that budget appropriations are not exceeded; (3) Prescribe and install systems of
accounts for all departments, offices, and agencies of the city and provide instructions for
their use; and prescribe the form of receipts, vouchers, bills, or claims to be used and of
accounts to be kept by all departments, offices, and agencies of the city; (4) Require daily,
or at such other intervals, a report of receipts from... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-27 Penalties; enforcement; jurisdiction, venue, judicial review; limitations
period. (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided, any person subject to this chapter who intentionally
violates any provision of this chapter other than those for which a separate penalty is provided
for in this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class B felony. (2) Any person
subject to this chapter who violates any provision of this chapter other than those for which
a separate penalty is provided for in this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a
Class A misdemeanor. (3) Any person subject to this chapter who knowingly violates any disclosure
requirement of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. (4)
Any person who knowingly makes or transmits a false report or complaint pursuant to this chapter
shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and shall be liable for the actual
legal expenses incurred by the respondent against whom the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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