Code of Alabama

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Section 22-32-5 Radiation Safety Fund; licensing and inspection fees; bond of contractor-leasor;
perpetual care fund; operating fund; compact commission fund; royalty fees; appropriation.
(a) There is hereby created a Radiation Safety Fund into which the State Treasurer shall deposit
the licensing, application, and inspection fee of the Radiation Control Agency. The Radiation
Control Agency is authorized to collect for deposit into the Radiation Safety Fund application,
licensing and inspection fees equal to 75 percent of those fees charged by the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission for issuing similar licenses. This authority applies only to the specific
licenses issued by the Radiation Control Agency. The funds available in the Radiation Safety
Fund are appropriated to the State Health Department for the purpose of Title 22, Chapter
14. The moneys in this fund may be carried over from one fiscal year to the next provided
that any unencumbered funds in excess of $100,000.00 on... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-9C-4 First Responders Wireless Commission Fund. (a) There is hereby created in the
State Treasury the First Responders Wireless Commission Fund, which shall be used for expenses
incurred by the commission in carrying out this chapter. Expenditures shall be administered
by the Alabama Department of Homeland Security, with expenditures approved by the commission.
(b) The fund may consist of gifts, federal grants, appropriations from the Legislature, fees
and contributions from user agencies that the commission considers necessary to maintain and
operate the system, monies collected for lease or sublease under this chapter, and monies
from any other sources permitted by law. (c) Any monies remaining in the fund at the end of
the fiscal year shall not revert to the General Fund, but shall remain in the First Responders
Wireless Commission Fund. (Act 2013-330, p. 1155, §4.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27B-6 Trust fund. There is established a separate special trust fund in the State
Treasury to be known as the Alabama State Board of Respiratory Therapy Fund. All funds received
by the board shall be deposited into the fund and shall be expended only to implement and
administer this chapter. No monies shall be withdrawn or expended from the fund for any purpose
unless the monies have been appropriated by the Legislature and allocated pursuant to this
chapter. Any monies appropriated shall be budgeted and allocated pursuant to the Budget Management
Act in accordance with Article 4, commencing with Section 41-4-80, of Chapter 4 of Title 41,
and only in the amounts provided by the Legislature in the general appropriations act or other
appropriations act. Funds shall be disbursed only upon a warrant of the state Comptroller
upon itemized vouchers approved by the chair. After the first three full fiscal years from
May 17, 2004, and every three years thereafter, if a surplus of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-3A-16 Appropriation made; Debt Service Reserve Fund established. (a) For the purpose
of providing funds to enable the authority to pay on their respective due dates the principal
of and the interest and premium (if any) on any bonds issued by it under the provisions of
this chapter and to accomplish the objects of this chapter, there is hereby irrevocably pledged
to such purpose and there is hereby appropriated so much as may be necessary for such purpose
of the receipts from the incremental and additional excise taxes or fees levied on the disposal
of hazardous waste or hazardous substances by the provisions of (i) the act resulting from
the enactment of House Bill 310 introduced at the 1990 Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature
(whether such bill is enacted before or after this chapter) or (ii) any other statute, now
or hereafter enacted, which appropriates or pledges such a tax or fee for the payment of the
principal of and the interest and premium (if any) on bonds... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-731 Disposition of funds. (a) Any fees required by this division shall be remitted
to the department and, after the cost appropriation in subsection (c), shall be deposited
to the credit of the Recruitment and Training Promotion Fund in the State Treasury which is
hereby created for the purpose of funding a recruitment and training promotion program to
be administered by the Alabama Construction Recruitment Institute. (b) The proceeds from fees
collected and deposited into the Recruitment and Training Promotion Fund are appropriated
to the Alabama Construction Recruitment Institute for the purposes of this article. Such funds
shall be appropriated, budgeted, and allotted in accordance with Sections 41-4-80 to 41-4-96,
inclusive, and 41-19-1 to 41-19-12, inclusive, and only in amounts stipulated in general appropriations
bills and other appropriations bills to be expended, in whole or in part, by vote of the Board
of Directors of the institute. (c) In addition to all other... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-38-8 Use of funds. (a) The moneys appropriated by the State of Alabama, the funds
deposited with the Treasurer under the provisions of the federal act and any other funds accruing
to the state for vocational rehabilitation training of disabled persons shall be used by the
State Board of Education for the purposes set forth in this chapter, and the moneys appropriated
and accruing shall be paid out upon requisition of the State Superintendent of Education upon
the Comptroller, who shall draw his warrants upon the Treasurer for the amount for which requisition
was made. (b) All reimbursements received by the State Department of Education, Rehabilitation
and Crippled Children Service for state funds expended on behalf of clients shall not revert
to the State Treasury under the provisions of Section 41-4-93 but shall carry forward to the
next fiscal year. All reimbursements described in this subsection are hereby appropriated
and designated as continuing appropriations to the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-12B-2 Board established; composition; meetings; powers. There is hereby established
the Alabama Mothers and Babies Indigent Care Trust Board to administer said fund. The board
shall consist of the Governor, who shall serve as ex officio chairman, the commissioner of
the Alabama Medicaid Agency, the Finance Director and the State Health Officer. The board
shall meet as necessary to carry out its duties, upon three days' notice to all board members.
The board shall have the power to transfer moneys from the trust fund to the Alabama Medicaid
Agency to carry out the purposes, intent and provisions of this chapter. The Medicaid Agency
may accept unconditional and unrestricted transfers of such moneys. The existence or availability
of this trust fund shall not reduce appropriations from the State General Fund. (Acts 1987,
No. 87-707, p. 1245, §2.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-9-87 Alabama Statewide Emergency Notification System Fund. (a) Funds shall be appropriated
by the Legislature to the Alabama Statewide Emergency Notification System Fund within the
recovery fund for the purposes of establishing, implementing, maintaining, and operating the
system, and, thereafter, shall be appropriated annually by the Legislature for continuous
maintenance and operation of the system. Funding for the system may also be derived from gifts,
federal grants, other appropriations from the Legislature, fees and contributions from users,
or any other sources permitted by law. Any disbursement from the Alabama Statewide Emergency
Notification System Fund shall be authorized in advance by the committee. (b) Within three
months after the Legislature appropriates funds for the system, the committee and the State
Emergency Management Agency shall jointly develop requirements and specifications for the
system. The State Emergency Management Agency shall provide... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-1-22 Disposition of fees and charges; disbursements. All fees and charges provided
for in this chapter shall be paid to the board and, upon collection thereof, shall be deposited
in the State Treasury to the credit of the Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy, except
for the examination fees collected by the board's designee as provided for in Section 34-1-4.
The State Treasurer shall keep all moneys in a separate fund to be known as "Fund of
the Alabama State Board of Public Accountancy," which fund shall be expended and drawn
against solely for the purposes of this chapter as herein provided. For the purpose of carrying
out the objects of this chapter and for the exercise of the powers herein granted, the board
shall have the power to direct the disbursement of the fund. All compensation, expenses, and
charges incurred for the purposes of this chapter shall be paid from the fund and shall be
paid on warrant of the state Comptroller upon certificate or voucher of the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-14A-36 (Repealed for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2002.) Remittance
and disposition of tax. The tax levied by this article shall be due at the same time the return
is due. Remittance of the shares tax required by the above sections shall be made to the department
at Montgomery, Alabama, for deposit to the State Treasurer of Alabama. In addition to all
other appropriations heretofore or hereinafter made, there is hereby appropriated to the department
for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000, such amount as is reasonably required to offset
its conversion costs as a first charge against the revenues from the tax levied by this article.
For all subsequent years, there shall be appropriated to the department as a first charge
against the revenues from the tax levied by this article an amount that will offset its actual
costs in the administration and regulation of this tax. The balance of the shares tax collected
shall be distributed each fiscal year to the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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