Code of Alabama

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Section 45-35-244.07 Charge for collection. (a) The Houston County Commission or its designee,
for collecting the taxes levied under this subpart, may retain and deposit to the General
Fund of Houston County, for general fund purposes and uses, five percent of the total amount
of the taxes collected in the county under this subpart. The amount shall be in lieu of any
payment to Houston County for collecting the special tax and may be deducted each month from
the gross revenues from the special tax before distribution of the balance of the tax as herein
provided. The charge for collecting such taxes may be deducted each month from the gross revenues
from the taxes before Houston County or its designee issues the county's checks or warrants
each month payable as hereinafter specified in an amount equal to the amount so collected
less the collection fee paid to Houston County. (b) If the designee of the Houston County
Commission is the State Department of Revenue, in that event only, the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-54-88 Additional powers as to pollution control facilities. (a)(1) In addition to
all other powers at any time conferred on them by law, each industrial development board shall
have the following powers: a. To acquire, whether by construction, purchase, exchange, gift,
lease, or otherwise and to enlarge, improve, replace, equip, and maintain one or more pollution
control facilities, including all real and personal properties deemed necessary or desirable
in connection therewith, including the sale and issuance of bonds for any of the said purposes;
b. To lease to others and otherwise dispose of all or any portion of any pollution control
facility; and c. To exercise with respect to any pollution control facility and each part
thereof any and all powers that are conferred on industrial development boards by other provisions
of this division. Each pollution control facility so acquired by any industrial development
board may be a part of another project or may constitute a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17-242.06 Disposition of funds for hospital purposes. The proceeds of the tax authorized
by this part, if imposed, less the cost of collection as provided herein, shall be paid into
the county treasury, and all revenues arising therefrom shall be appropriated by the county
governing body for the use of any public corporation which may be organized in the county
for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, equipping, enlarging, improving, operating, and
maintaining a hospital in the county. Such public corporation may pledge any portion of such
revenues as security for the payment of the principal of and the interest on any bonds, securities,
or other notes or evidences of indebtedness heretofore, or which hereafter may be, issued
by such corporation for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, equipping, enlarging, and
improving a hospital in the county; and any portion of the proceeds of the tax not so pledged
shall be used for the support, maintenance, and operation of such... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-249.08 Disposition of funds. (a) The proceeds of the taxes authorized herein
collected each month by the county, after any deductions for cost of collection, shall be
distributed at such times as shall be directed by the county commission in the priority and
respective amounts set forth below: (1) First, for so long as any refunding school warrants
are outstanding and are not defeased or otherwise fully paid, so much of the proceeds received
during a fiscal year of the county as may be necessary to satisfy the county's obligations
with respect to the refunding school warrants, including payment of the principal of, premium,
if any, and interest on the refunding school warrants due during such fiscal year of the county,
any ongoing expenses of administration of the refunding school warrants, amounts required
to be deposited in any debt service reserve fund for the refunding school warrants, and amounts
necessary to provide for payment of rebate, if any, or other amounts... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-42-243.30 Financing construction of public buildings. (a) In order to provide funds
for financing the cost of public buildings, the Limestone County Commission is hereby authorized
by resolution to levy and provide for the assessment and collection of sales and use taxes,
which shall be in addition to any and all other county taxes heretofore or hereafter authorized
by law in such county. The sales or use tax levied pursuant to this section shall parallel,
except for the rate of tax, the sales and use taxes imposed by the state under Title 40. Any
sales or use tax levied pursuant to this section on any automotive vehicle, truck trailer,
trailer, semi-trailer, or travel trailer required to be registered or licensed with the license
commissioner, where not collected by a licensed Alabama dealer at time of sale, shall be collected
and the collection fees shall be paid in accordance with Sections 40-23-104 and 40-23-107.
(b)(1) In order to provide funds for financing the cost of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-81-160 Definitions. When used in this article, the following words and phrases shall
have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) BORROWER. A county or incorporated municipality, as the case may be, exercising the powers
conferred by this article. (2) GOVERNING BODY. In the case of a county, the county commission
exercising the legislative functions of the county and, in the case of a municipality, the
board of commissioners, the mayor and council or other similar body exercising the legislative
functions of the municipality. (3) WATERWORKS SYSTEM. Facilities for the gathering, collecting,
impounding, treatment, transmission and distribution, or any of them, of water for domestic
use or for industrial use or both, together with all appurtenances to any such facilities.
(4) SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. Facilities for the collection, transmission, treatment and disposal
of sewage, together with all appurtenances to any such... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-91A-2 Local Government Health Insurance Board; governance and administration of
program. (a) The Local Government Health Insurance Board shall govern and administer the Local
Government Health Insurance Program currently governed and administered by the State Employees'
Insurance Board (SEIB) pursuant to Chapter 29 of Title 36. The transfer of the governance
and administration to the board shall take effect at 12:01 a.m. on January 1, 2015, and thereafter
the board shall take all control and responsibility for the program under procedures and authority
set out in this chapter. (b) The program governed and administered by the board shall provide
a reasonable relationship between the health care benefits to be included and the expected
health care expenses to be incurred by affected employees, retirees, and their dependents.
The board may establish a fully insured or self-insured health care plan for employees and
retirees as defined in this chapter and may adopt rules for the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-300 Legislative intent; construction. (a) It is the intention of the Legislature
by the adoption of this article to authorize each county board of education and each city
board of education in the State of Alabama to issue and sell, at public or private sale, upon
the prior written approval of the State Superintendent of Education, warrants payable from,
and secured by a pledge of, revenues of such board which are lawfully available and are designated
by the board therefor, for educational and public school purposes, including, without limitation,
payment of the costs of public school facilities and the refunding of valid indebtedness of
such board, regardless of whether such indebtedness was incurred under this article or under
other provisions of law and regardless of whether such indebtedness is a direct or indirect
obligation of such board and to authorize counties and municipalities to provide financial
and other assistance to boards of education within the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-175 Powers. The corporation shall have the following powers: (1) To have succession
by its corporate name without time limit; (2) To maintain actions and have actions maintained
against it and to prosecute and defend in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter
and of the parties; (3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure;
(4) To construct, reconstruct and relocate, or to cause to be constructed, reconstructed and
relocated, public roads and bridges, including work incidental or related thereto in the State
of Alabama; (5) To receive, take and hold by sale, gift, lease, devise or otherwise real and
personal estate of every description and to manage the same; (6) To acquire by purchase, gift
or the exercise of the power of eminent domain or any other lawful means and to convey, or
cause to be conveyed, to the State of Alabama any real, personal or mixed property necessary
or convenient in connection with the construction of public... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-90.07 Collection of fees and charges. (a) The Legislature hereby makes the following
findings: (1) Amendment 280 to the Constitution of Alabama 1901, provides that no tax levied
by the state or any municipality or county of the state shall apply to the authority, unless
such tax applies to the county and to the city where the authority is incorporated. (2) The
authority engages in various transactions at its facilities that would give rise to taxes
that would be levied by the state or any municipality or county of the state with respect
to such transactions if Amendment 280 did not exempt the authority from such taxes, such taxes
being herein referred to as transaction-related taxes. These transaction-related taxes may
include, but shall not be limited to, leasing or rental taxes, sales taxes, lodging taxes,
and taxes on the sale of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products. The Legislature intends
that the authority shall be allowed to collect a fee or charge in lieu of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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