Code of Alabama

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Section 23-2-147 Bonds; issuance; forms; procedures, etc. (a) The authority is hereby authorized
to provide by resolution for the issuance of bonds of the authority for any of its corporate
purposes, including the refunding of its bonds. The principal of and the interest on any issue
of such bonds shall be payable solely from, and be secured by a pledge of, tolls and other
revenues of all or any part of the toll road, bridge, or tunnel project financed in whole
or in part with the proceeds of such issue or with the proceeds of bonds refunded or to be
refunded by such issue. The proceeds of any such bonds may be used or pledged for the payment
or security of the principal or of the interest on bonds, and for the establishment of any
or all reserves for such payment or security, or for other corporate purposes as the authority
may authorize in the resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds or in the trust agreement
securing the same. (b) The bonds of each issue shall be dated; shall... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-19 Pledge of revenues. All or any part of the gross or net revenues derived
from any particular project or projects, whether or not such revenues were produced by a particular
project for which bonds have been issued, and any income and earnings otherwise received by
the authority from whatever source, and any other funds of the authority, may be pledged by
the authority to the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds as may be provided
in any resolution authorizing the issuance of any bonds or in any trust agreement or indenture
pertaining to those bonds. The funds so pledged may include funds received from one or more
or all sources and may be set aside at regular intervals into sinking funds for which provision
may be made in any resolution, trust agreement or indenture pertaining to the bonds. These
sinking funds may be pledged to and charged with the payment of (i) the interest on the bonds
as it shall become due, (ii) the principal of the bonds as they... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10-36 Issuance of bonds; issuance of notes and renewal notes; redemption of notes
or bonds; liability on notes or bonds; disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds; issuance
of interim receipts, etc. (a) Any such corporation is hereby authorized to provide by resolution
for the issuance of bonds of the corporation for any of its corporate purposes, including
the refunding of its bonds. The principal of and the interest on any issue of such bonds shall
be payable solely from, and may be secured by a pledge of, tolls, rentals, sales receipts
and other revenues of all or any part of the project or projects financed in whole or in part
with the proceeds of such bond issue or with the proceeds of bonds refunded or to be refunded
by such issue. The proceeds of any such bonds may be used or pledged for the payment or security
of the principal or of the interest on bonds and for the establishment of any or all reserves
for such payment or security or for other corporate purposes as... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-61A-13 Bonds. (a) The authority may issue and sell its interest-bearing revenue
bonds for any corporate purpose at any time or times. The principal of and the interest on
the bonds shall be payable solely from, and may be secured by a pledge of, the revenues derived
by the authority from the operation of any or all of its parking facilities and other property,
or by mortgage of any property of the authority. The bonds issued or contracts entered by
the authority shall not constitute or create an obligation, debt, or charge against the credit
or taxing power of the state, any county, or municipality within the state. (b) The board
may provide for each of the following regarding the bonds: (1) Issuance time or times. (2)
Form and denominations. (3) Tenor. (4) Payment installments, which shall be at a time or times
not exceeding 40 years from their date. (5) Place or places of payment, whether within or
without the state. (6) Interest rate or rates payable and evidenced in a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-81-181 Pledge of revenues from systems for payment of principal and interest on
bonds; disposition of gross revenues from operation of system generally. (a) In the authorizing
proceedings the borrower shall pledge for payment of the principal and interest on bonds issued
under this article the revenues derived from operation of a system or systems of the borrower
out of which such bonds are made payable; provided, that the borrower may reserve the privilege
of using for any lawful purpose surplus revenues from such system or systems remaining after
compliance with the provisions of this section and any additional requirements contained,
as provided for in this article, in the authorizing proceedings or in a trust indenture. (b)
In the authorizing proceedings or in a trust indenture provided for therein, the borrower
shall agree to deposit the gross revenues from such system or systems daily, as received by
the borrower, into a "gross revenue account" and to apply the gross... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-13-11 Bonds of authority - Generally. Each authority shall have the power and is
hereby authorized at any time and from time to time to issue and sell its revenue bonds for
any of its corporate purposes. The principal of and the interest on all such bonds shall be
payable solely from, and may be secured by a pledge of, the revenues derived by the authority
from the operation, leasing or sale of any or all of its railroad properties and facilities,
and other property. No bonds issued or contracts entered into by the authority shall ever
constitute or create an obligation or debt of the state, or of any county, city or town within
the state, or a charge against the credit or taxing powers of the state, or of any county,
city or town within the state. Bonds of the authority may be issued by any time and from time
to time, may be in such form, either in bearer form with appurtenant coupons (and subject
to registration as to principal or interest, or both, all as the board may... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-323 Source of payment; security. (a) Securities issued by an authority shall
not be general obligations of the authority but shall be payable solely out of the revenues
from any health care facilities or other properties or assets (including, without limitation,
proceeds from such securities, investment income and insurance and condemnation proceeds)
owned or operated by it and the proceeds of any hospital tax appropriated, apportioned or
allocated to it or for its benefit, or any portion of either thereof, all as may be provided
or specified in the resolution of the board authorizing such securities or the indenture under
which issued. The principal of and interest (and premium, if any) on any securities issued
by the authority shall be secured by a pledge of the revenues or taxes (or both) out of which
the same are payable and may be secured by a trust indenture evidencing such pledge or by
a foreclosable mortgage, mortgage indenture or mortgage and trust indenture... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-61A-15 Issuance of bonds. (a) The authority may issue bonds under and secured by
an indenture between the authority and a trustee. The trustee may be a private person or corporation,
including, but not limited to, any trust company or bank having trust powers, whether the
bank or trust company is located within or without the state. (b) In any indenture or resolution
providing for the issuance of bonds, the authority may pledge, for payment of the principal
of and the interest on the bonds, any of its revenues to which its right then exists or may
subsequently come into existence and may assign, as security for the payment, any of its leases,
franchises, permits, and contracts. In any such indenture the authority may mortgage any of
its properties, including any properties subsequently acquired by it. Any pledge of revenues
shall be valid and binding from the time it is made, and the revenues pledged and subsequently
received by the authority, and any property of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 4-3-14 Issuance and sale of bonds by authority; form, denominations, terms, etc., of
bonds. The authority shall have the power and is hereby authorized at any time and from time
to time to issue and sell its interest-bearing revenue bonds for any of its corporate purposes.
The principal of and the interest on all such bonds shall be payable solely from, and may
be secured by a pledge of, the revenues derived by the authority from the operation of any
or all of its airports, heliports, facilities and other property. None of the bonds issued
or contracts entered into by the authority shall ever constitute or create an obligation or
debt of the state or of any county, city or town within the state, or a charge against the
credit or taxing powers of the state or of any county, city or town within the state. Bonds
of the authority may be issued at any time and from time to time, may be in such form and
denominations, may be of such tenor, may be payable in such installments and at... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 4-3-51 Bonds - Issuance and sale generally; payment of principal and interest generally;
form, denominations, terms, etc. The authority shall have the power and is hereby authorized
at any time and from time to time to issue and sell its interest-bearing revenue bonds for
any of its corporate purposes. The principal of and the interest on all such bonds shall be
payable solely from, and may be secured by a pledge of, the revenues derived by the authority
from the operation of any or all of its airports, heliports, facilities and other property.
None of the bonds issued or contracts entered into by the authority shall ever constitute
or create an obligation or debt of the state or of any county or municipality within the state,
or a charge against the credit or taxing powers of the state or of any county or municipality
within the state. Bonds of the authority may be issued at any time and from time to time,
may be in such form and denominations, may be of such tenor, may be... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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