Code of Alabama

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Section 16-3-28 Authority of board and trustees of institutions to borrow from federal agencies
or others; issuance of bonds, notes and other securities. (a) The State Board of Education,
acting for the respective educational institutions under its supervision, and each public
corporation that conducts one or more state educational institutions under its supervision,
acting through its board of trustees or other governing body, are hereby separately authorized
to exercise and perform any or all of the following powers: (1) To borrow money from the United
States of America or any department or agency thereof, or from any person, firm, corporation
or other lending agency for the purchase, construction, enlargement or alteration of any buildings
or other improvements, including dormitories, dining halls, classrooms, laboratories, libraries,
stadiums, administration buildings and any other buildings and appurtenances thereto suitable
for use by the institution with respect to which the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-60-111.11 Additional powers of board. (a) The board may exercise all of the following
powers: (1) To borrow money from the United States of America or any department or agency
thereof, or from any person, firm, corporation, or other lending agency for the purchase,
construction, enlargement, or alteration of any buildings or other improvements, including
dormitories, dining halls, classrooms, laboratories, libraries, stadiums, administration buildings,
and any other buildings and appurtenances thereto suitable for use by the institution or institutions
with respect to which the borrowing is made, or for the benefit of the Alabama Community College
System or one or more of its programs, the acquisition of furniture and equipment for any
thereof, the purchase of land, the beautification of grounds, and the construction of swimming
pools, tennis courts, athletic fields, and other facilities for physical education, all for
use by such institution or institutions, and for the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92B-12 Bonds of the authority. (a) Bonds of an authority shall be signed by the
chair or vice chair and attested to by the secretary or assistant secretary. The seal of an
authority shall be affixed thereto. A facsimile of the signature of the officers may be printed
or otherwise reproduced on any such bonds in lieu of being manually subscribed thereon, and
a facsimile of the seal of an authority may be printed or otherwise produced on any such bonds
in lieu of being manually affixed thereto, provided that the bonds have been manually authenticated
by a transfer agent of the bonds issued. Delivery of the bonds so executed shall be valid
notwithstanding any subsequent changes in officers or in the seal of an authority. (b) Bonds
may be executed and delivered by an authority at any time. The bonds shall be in such form
and denominations and of such tenor and maturities, shall bear such rate or rates of interest
or no interest, shall be payable at such times, and shall be... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-86A-14 Execution of bonds and interest coupons; form, terms, denominations, etc.,
of bonds; validation of bonds; sale; refunding bonds. (a) Bonds of an authority shall be signed
by the chair and attested by the secretary, the seal of the authority shall be affixed thereto,
and any interest coupons applicable to the bonds shall be signed by the chair; provided that
a facsimile of the signature of the officers may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any
bonds in lieu of being manually subscribed. A facsimile of the seal of the authority may be
printed or otherwise produced on any bonds in lieu of being manually affixed thereto, and
a facsimile of the chair's signature may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any interest
coupons in lieu of being manually subscribed, provided, that the bonds have been manually
authenticated by a transfer agent of the bond issue. Delivery of the bonds executed shall
be valid notwithstanding any changes in officers or in the seal of the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-547 Bonds of the authority. (a) The authority is authorized from time to time
to sell and issue its bonds for the purpose of financing project costs pertaining to one or
more projects or for the purpose of providing funds to pay training facility management fees,
or any combination of the foregoing including, without limitation, in the case of authority
obligations issued for the purpose of providing funds to pay training facility management
fees, costs, expenses, and other items of the type described in paragraphs g., h., i., and
j. of the definition of project costs in Section 41-10-541 or to enter into guaranty agreements
wherein the authority guarantees payment, in whole or in part, of debt service referable to
obligations issued by development agencies for the purpose of financing project costs pertaining
to one or more projects; provided, however, that the principal amount of authority obligations
shall not exceed three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000). For... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-97-10 Security for payment of bonds; contracts and agreements to secure. (a) Bonds
issued by any corporation may, as its board may deem advisable, be either general obligations
of such corporation or limited obligations payable only out of certain specified revenues
or assets of such corporation; provided, that any corporation may enter into contracts with
the holders of any of its bonds preventing such corporation from thereafter issuing general
obligation bonds or limiting the amount of such bonds that may thereafter be issued. To the
extent permitted by any contracts with the holders of outstanding bonds and any other contractual
obligations or requirements, any corporation may pledge any of its revenues or mortgage or
assign any of its assets, whether real or personal and whether tangible or intangible, to
secure the payment of any of its bonds. (b) As security for payment of the principal of and
the interest and premium, if any, on any bonds issued or assumed by it, any... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-90.06 Civic Center Authority - Revenue bonds. (a) Subject to the conditions,
qualifications, and restrictions set forth in subsection (e), the authority shall have the
power to borrow money and to issue revenue bonds as evidence of money so borrowed, which bonds
shall be payable solely from taxes made payable to the authority by any act of the Legislature
heretofore or hereafter adopted and from the revenues of the authority derived from the activities,
operations, and enterprises in which the authority is hereby authorized to engage. As security
for any money so borrowed, together with interest thereon, and any obligations incurred or
assumed, the authority, in its discretion, may mortgage, pledge, or otherwise transfer and
convey its real, personal, and mixed property, or any part or parts thereof, whether then
owned or thereafter acquired, including any franchises then owned or thereafter acquired,
and all or any part of the taxes payable to the authority under any act... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-39A-11.05 Civic Center Authority - Revenue bonds. (a) Subject to the conditions,
qualifications, and restrictions set forth in subsection (e), the authority shall have the
power to borrow money and to issue revenue bonds as evidence of money so borrowed, which bonds
shall be payable solely from taxes made payable to the authority by an act of the Legislature
heretofore or hereafter adopted and from the revenues of the authority derived from the activities,
operations, and enterprises in which the authority is hereby authorized to engage. As security
for any money so borrowed, together with interest thereon, and any obligations incurred or
assumed, the authority, in its discretion, may mortgage, pledge, or otherwise transfer and
convey its real, personal, and mixed property, or any part or parts thereof, whether then
owned or thereafter acquired, including any franchises then owned or thereafter acquired,
and all or any part of the taxes payable to the authority under any act... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-28-2 Plan for exchange of stock, etc., between domestic stock insurer and holding
company - Procedure for exchange. A plan of exchange shall be adopted and become effective
in the following manner: (1) APPROVAL OF THE BOARDS OF DIRECTORS. - The boards of directors
of each corporate party to the plan of exchange by resolution shall adopt the plan of exchange
which shall set forth the terms and conditions of the exchange and the mode of carrying the
same into effect and such other provisions with respect to the exchange as may be deemed necessary
or desirable. (2) APPROVAL OF COMMISSIONER. - Every plan of exchange, before being submitted
to vote of the stockholders pursuant to subdivision (3) of this section, shall be submitted
for approval to the commissioner in accordance with the following procedure: a. After the
approval required by subdivision (1) of this section is obtained, the domestic company shall
submit to the commissioner three copies of the plan of exchange and... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-7 Uniform revenue procedures. (a) Maintenance of records; audit and subpoena
authority; authority to issue regulations. (1) In addition to all other recordkeeping requirements
otherwise set out in this title, taxpayers shall keep and maintain an accurate and complete
set of records, books, and other information sufficient to allow the department to determine
the correct amount of value or correct amount of any tax, license, permit, or fee administered
by the department, or other records or information as may be necessary for the proper administration
of any matters under the jurisdiction of the department. The books, records, and other information
shall be open and available for inspection by the department upon request at a reasonable
time and location. (2) The department may examine and audit the records, books, or other relevant
information maintained by any taxpayer or other person for the purpose of computing and determining
the correct amount of value or correct... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

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