Code of Alabama

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Section 22-11A-17 Testing of correctional facility inmates for sexually transmitted diseases;
treatment; discharge of infectious inmates; victim may request results of HIV testing. (a)
All persons sentenced to confinement or imprisonment in any city or county jail or any state
correctional facility for 30 or more consecutive days shall be tested for those sexually transmitted
diseases designated by the State Board of Health, upon entering the facility, and any inmate
so confined for more than 90 days shall be examined for those sexually transmitted diseases
30 days before release. The results of any positive or reactive tests shall be reported as
provided in Section 22-11A-14. Additionally, the results of any positive or negative test
for HIV of a sexual offender shall be provided to the State Health Officer or his or her designee
as provided in Section 22-11A-14. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to
require the testing of any person held in a city or county jail... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-2-157 Lease, grant, etc., of county, city, etc., property to authority. All counties,
cities, towns, and other political subdivisions and all public departments, agencies, and
commissions of the State of Alabama, notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, are hereby
authorized and empowered to lease, lend, grant, or convey to the authority at its request,
upon such terms and conditions as the proper authorities of such counties, cities, towns,
political subdivisions and departments, agencies, or commissions of the state may deem reasonable
and fair, and without the necessity for any advertisement, order of court or other action
or formality, other than the regular and formal action of the authorities concerned, any real
property which may be necessary or convenient to the effectuation of the authorized purposes
of the authority, which real property may include public roads and other real property already
devoted to public use. (Acts 1980, No. 80-691, p. 1377, ยง17.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-22-170 Board of Health fees. (a) The Board of Health of Cullman County may annually
fix a schedule of fees which shall cover the actual cost or a portion thereof involved in
the performance of services rendered, pursuant to the duties, functions, and programs required
by law or by regulation or of the county or State Board of Health. Any fee schedule fixed
pursuant to this section shall be effective upon approval of the county commission. (b) The
Cullman County Board of Health is hereby authorized to promulgate rules and regulations necessary
and proper for the administration of this section. Regulations shall include but not be limited
to the furnishing of services without charge to documented indigent residents or persons of
the county, and matters pertaining to payment of the fee for personal health services, permits,
and inspections. Services shall not be denied on the basis of inability to pay. (c) All fees
and receipts collected shall be paid over to the county health... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10-42 Leases, conveyances, etc., of real property by counties, cities, public departments,
etc. All counties, cities, towns and other political subdivisions and all public departments,
agencies and commissions of the State of Alabama, notwithstanding any contrary provision of
law, are hereby authorized and empowered to lease, lend, grant or convey to the corporation
at its request, upon such terms and conditions as the proper authorities of such counties,
cities, towns, political subdivisions and departments, agencies or commissions of the state
may deem reasonable and fair and without the necessity for any advertisement, order of court
or other action or formality other than the regular and formal action of the authorities concerned,
any real property which may be necessary or convenient to the effectuation of the authorized
purposes of the corporation, which real property may include public roads and other real property
already devoted to public use. (Acts 1955, No. 539, p.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-20-3 Neonatal testing for certain diseases; rules and regulations for treatment
thereof. (a) It shall be the duty of the administrative officer or other persons in charge
of each institution caring for infants 28 days or less of age, or the physician attending
a newborn child or the person attending a newborn child that was not attended by a physician
to cause to have administered to every such infant or child in his care a reliable test for
hypothyroidism and a reliable test for phenylketonuria (PKU), such as the Guthrie test, or
any other test considered equally reliable by the State Board of Health and a reliable test
for sickle cell anemia, sickle cell trait, and/or abnormal hemoglobin and such other tests
relating to mental retardation or other heritable diseases and conditions as are designated
by the Board of Health. Provided, however, that the Board of Health shall designate only conditions
that are detectable by mass screening of newborn infants. Initial mass... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-3-1 County boards of health - How constituted. The boards of censors of county medical
societies in affiliation with the Medical Association of the State of Alabama and organized
in accordance with the provisions of its constitution, as it now or may hereafter exist, are
constituted county boards of health of their respective counties, including all incorporated
municipalities therein, but shall be under the general supervision and control of the State
Board of Health. Whenever the name "county committee of public health" or other
name or expression referring to the county committee of public health, as such, occurs in
the Code of Alabama or any other statute law of the State of Alabama, or in the constitution
of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama or in the constitution of the medical society
of a county in the State of Alabama, said name or expression shall include and mean the county
board of health provided for in this section. The presiding officer of each... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-60 Legislative findings and declaration of necessity. It is hereby declared that
unsanitary or unsafe dwelling and public school accommodations exist in various counties of
the state and that such unsafe or unsanitary conditions arise from overcrowding and concentration
of population, the obsolete and poor condition of the buildings, improper planning, excessive
land coverage, lack of proper light, air and space, unsanitary design and arrangement, lack
of proper facilities, and the existence of conditions which endanger life or property by fire
and other causes; that in all such counties persons of low income are forced to reside in
unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations; that in various counties of the state there
is a lack of safe or sanitary dwelling and public school accommodations available to all the
inhabitants thereof and that consequently persons of low income are forced to occupy overcrowded
and congested dwelling accommodations; that these conditions cause... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Health Officer and the State Veterinarian, of rabies vaccine approved by the State Health Officer
and the State Veterinarian. The administration of rabies vaccine to species other than those
for which reliable immunization data is available shall be a violation of this chapter. (8)
IMPOUNDING OFFICER. An agent of a county or municipality vested with impounding authority
for animals covered under this chapter. (9) OWNER. Any person having a right of property in
a dog, cat, ferret, or other animal, or who keeps or harbors the animal, or
who has it in his or her care, or acts as its custodian, or who permits the animal
to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her. (10) PERSON. Individuals, firms,
partnerships, and associations. (11) QUARANTINE FOR RABIES OBSERVATION. Confinement under
the direct care, custody, control, and supervision of a licensed veterinarian for a period
of 10 days subsequent to the date of the exposure, or as otherwise directed by the appropriate... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-4-4 Information of deaths, incompetency, and convictions to be furnished to boards
of registrars; rulemaking authority. (a) In addition to all other duties now required by law,
the Office of Vital Statistics of the State Department of Public Health shall furnish to the
board of registrars of the county in which such district is located, once each month, a report
of the death of all persons over 18 years of age who resided in such registration district.
(b) In addition to all other duties now required by law, the judges of probate of the several
counties of this state shall furnish to the board of registrars of their respective counties,
once each month, a list of all residents of the county, 18 years of age or over, who have
been declared mentally incompetent. (c) In addition to all other duties required by law, the
clerks of the circuit and district courts of this state shall furnish to the board of registrars
of each county, once each month, a list of all residents of that... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-11A-2 Persons responsible to report diseases; contents of report; confidential information;
person making report immune from liability. Each physician, dentist, nurse, medical examiner,
hospital administrator, nursing home administrator, laboratory director, school principal,
and day care center director shall be responsible to report cases or suspected cases of notifiable
diseases and health conditions. The report shall contain such information, and be delivered
in such a manner, as may be provided for from time to time by the rules of the State Board
of Health. All medical and statistical information and reports required by this article shall
be confidential and shall not be subject to the inspection, subpoena, or admission into evidence
in any court, except proceedings brought under this article to compel the examination, testing,
commitment or quarantine of any person or upon the written consent of the patient, or if the
patient is a minor, his parent or legal guardian.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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