Code of Alabama

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Section 40-21-120 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words and phrases shall
have the following meanings respectively ascribed to them unless the context clearly indicates
otherwise: (1)a. CUSTOMER. The person or entity that contracts with the home service provider
for mobile telecommunications service or, for the purposes of determining the place of primary
use, if the end user of the mobile telecommunications service is not the contracting party,
the end user of the mobile telecommunications service. The term does not include a reseller
of mobile telecommunications service or a serving carrier under an arrangement to serve the
customer outside the home service provider's licensed service area. b. HOME SERVICE PROVIDER.
The facilities-based carrier or reseller with which the customer contracts for the provision
of mobile telecommunications service. c. LICENSED SERVICE AREA. The geographic area in which
the home service provider is authorized by law or contract to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-26A-4 Board of directors generally. (a) There is hereby created a board of directors
for the school, sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "board." The board shall
be composed of 21 members as follows: (1) The State Department of Education assistant state
superintendent in charge of curriculum development, or his or her designee. (2) The Chancellor
of the University of Alabama System, or his or her designee. (3) The President of Auburn University,
or his or her designee. (4) The President of the University of South Alabama, or his or her
designee. (5) The President of Alabama A&M University, or his or her designee. (6) The
Chair of the Alabama High School of Mathematics and Science Foundation. (7) The Chair of the
House Standing Committee on Education, or his or her designee. (8) The Chair of the Senate
Standing Committee on Education, or his or her designee. (9) The Chair of the House Standing
Committee on Ways and Means Education, or his or her designee. (10) The Chair... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-3-25 Penalties for violations. (a) Any person knowingly and willfully violating
any provision of this chapter or any rule, regulation, requirement or order thereunder or
any term or condition of any certificate, permit or license for which a penalty is not otherwise
herein provided shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $100.00 for the first
offense and not more than $500.00 for any subsequent offense. Each day of such violation shall
constitute a separate offense. (b) If any motor carrier or broker operates in violation of
any provision of this chapter (except as to the reasonableness of rates, fares or charges
and discriminatory character thereof), or any rule, regulation or requirement, or order thereunder,
or of any term or condition of any certificate or permit, the commission or its duly authorized
agency may apply to the circuit court of the State of Alabama for any county where such motor
carrier or broker operates for the enforcement of such... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89C-4 Powers of public corporation; requirements for development or adoption of
rules, procedures, ordinances, etc. (a) When expressly required to comply with storm water
laws, any public corporation created pursuant to this chapter shall have the following powers:
(1) To establish, maintain, and operate an organizational structure pursuant to this chapter,
its original or amended certification, and its bylaws or other rules of procedure, that will
enable it to implement the storm water laws for and on behalf of any governing body that exercises
the option to participate in or with a public corporation, provided that no new or greater
authorities or powers other than those specifically granted to the governing bodies are conferred
upon any public corporation formed pursuant to this chapter. Except for the authority provided
in subdivision (20), authority to enforce the storm water laws is retained wholly and exclusively
to the governing bodies and may not be further... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-9A-21 Disclosure of information from vital records. (a) To protect the integrity
of vital records, to insure their proper use, and to insure the efficient and proper administration
of the system of vital statistics, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection
of, or to disclose information contained in vital records, or to copy or issue a copy of all
or part of any record, except as authorized by this chapter and by rules of the board or by
order of a court of competent jurisdiction. (b) The State Registrar or other custodians of
vital records shall not permit inspection of, or disclose information contained in vital records,
or copy or issue a copy of all or part of any records unless he or she is satisfied that the
applicant is authorized to obtain a copy of the record. (1) The registrant, a member of his
or her immediate family, his or her guardian, and their respective legal representatives,
when acting on their behalf and for their benefit, may, in any... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-1 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) COMMISSIONER.
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama or his duly authorized
representative. (2) FIRM. Any partnership, association or other unincorporated business organization.
(3) MEAT BROKER. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of buying or selling
carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat or meat food products of cattle, sheep, swine, goats,
horses, mules or other equines or poultry on commission or otherwise negotiating purchases
or sales of such articles other than for his own account or as an employee of another person,
firm or corporation. (4) POULTRY. Any live or slaughtered domesticated bird. (5) RENDERER.
Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of rendering carcasses or parts or
products of the carcasses of cattle, sheep, swine, goats,... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-50-11 Department - Additional and cumulative powers. The Department of Mental Health
is given hereby the following additional and cumulative powers through its commissioner: (1)
It is authorized and directed to set up state plans for the purpose of controlling and treating
any and all forms of mental and emotional illness and any and all forms of mental retardation
and shall divide the state into regions, districts, areas or zones, which need not be geographic
areas, but shall be areas for the purpose of establishing priorities and programs and for
organizational and administrative purposes in accordance with these state plans. (2) It is
designated and authorized to supervise, coordinate, and establish standards for all operations
and activities of the state related to mental health and the providing of mental health services;
and it is authorized to receive and administer any funds available from any source for the
purpose of acquiring building sites for, constructing,... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-1A-7 Licenses - Required. (a) Effective January 1, 1998, it shall be unlawful for
any person or business entity to engage in a business regulated by this chapter in this state
without a current valid license or in violation of this chapter and applicable rules and regulations
of the board. (b) Effective January 1, 1998, it shall be unlawful for a person or business
entity not licensed under this chapter to advertise or hold out to the public that he or she
is a licensee of the board. (c) Any person or business entity who violates this chapter or
any order, rule, or regulation of the board shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor, and
for each offense for which he or she is convicted shall be punished as provided by law. (d)
Effective January 1, 1998, it shall constitute a Class A misdemeanor to willfully or intentionally
do any of the following: (1) Obliterate the serial number on an alarm system for the purpose
of falsifying service reports. (2) Knowingly and deliberately... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-19 Condemnation proceedings generally; disposition of condemned animals or articles;
payment of costs, fees and expenses, etc. (a) Any carcass, part of a carcass, meat or meat
food product or poultry food product of any of the animals or birds subject to inspection
under this chapter or any such animal or bird that is dead, dying, disabled or diseased that
is being transported in intrastate commerce or is held for sale in this state after such transportation
and that is or has been prepared, sold, transported or otherwise distributed or offered or
received for distribution in violation of this chapter or is capable of use as human food
and is adulterated or misbranded or in any other way is in violation of this chapter shall
be liable to be proceeded against and seized and condemned at any time by writ of attachment
for condemnation in any proper court as provided in Section 2-17-30 within the jurisdiction
of which the article or animal is found. Such writ of attachment... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 4-3-47 Powers of authority generally. The authority shall have the following powers,
together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate
form: (1) To have succession by its corporate name for the duration of time (which may be
in perpetuity) specified in its certificate of incorporation; (2) To sue and be sued in its
own name in civil actions, excepting actions in tort against the authority; (3) To adopt and
make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt and alter bylaws
for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To acquire, receive, take
and hold, whether by purchase, option to purchase, gift, lease, devise or otherwise, property
of every description, whether real, personal or mixed, whether in one or more counties and
whether within or without the corporate limits of any authorizing subdivision, and to manage
said property and to develop any property and to sell, exchange, lease or... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

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