Code of Alabama

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Section 16-47-79 Repayment of loans. (a) Scholarships extended under subdivisions (1) and (3)
of subsection (a) of Section 16-47-78 shall be repaid following graduation either in cash
as is provided under subsection (b) or under the terms of a contract to serve in a needy area
in Alabama for a term to be specified by the board as provided in subsection (c). Any moneys
received from recipients in repayment of a scholarship loan under subsections (b) and (c)
shall upon receipt thereof be retained by the Board of Scholarship Awards to be used for funding
of future scholarships. The board shall establish a separate fund for these purposes. (b)
Scholarship loans to be repaid under this subsection shall be repaid to the Board of Dental
Scholarship Awards in full at an interest rate of six percent per annum from the date of graduation
from dental school. Payments are to be made annually, the first of which is due one year after
the recipient enters the practice of dentistry or one year after... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-6F-9 Legal status and powers of public charter schools; employees. (a) Legal status
of a public charter school. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, to the
extent that any provision of this chapter is inconsistent with any other state or local law,
rule, or regulation, the provisions of this chapter shall govern and be controlling. (2) A
public charter school shall be subject to all federal laws and authorities enumerated herein
or arranged by charter contract with the school's authorizer, where such contracting is consistent
with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. (3) Except as provided in this chapter, a public
charter school shall not be subject to the state's education statutes or any state or local
rule, regulation, policy, or procedure relating to non-charter public schools within an applicable
local school system regardless of whether such rule, regulation, policy, or procedure is established
by the local school board, the State Board of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-23-11 Physicians, dentists, registered nurses, etc., exempt from chapter. (a) Nothing
contained in this chapter shall prevent any licensed practitioner of the healing arts from
personally compounding, dispensing, administering, or supplying to his or her patient drugs
and medicines for their use. This chapter shall not apply to the manufacture or sale at wholesale
or retail of patent or proprietary medicines as purchased from a manufacturer or wholesaler,
or to the manufacture or sale at wholesale or retail of packaged, bottled, or nonbulk chemicals,
medicines, medical and dental supplies, cosmetics, and dietary foods when identified by and
sold under a trademark, trade name, or other trade symbol, privately owned or registered in
the United States Patent Office, sold or offered to be sold to the general public, if the
article meets the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act other than prescription
legend drugs. (b) A registered nurse in the employment of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-166 Refusal, revocation, or suspension - Grounds; rules; disciplinary action.
(a) The State Board of Chiropractic Examiners may refuse to grant a license or permit to any
applicant who is not of good moral character and reputation or has a history of narcotic addiction
or has previously been convicted of a felony or any crime of moral turpitude or has previously
been diagnosed as having a psychopathic disorder. (b) The State Board of Chiropractic Examiners
may invoke disciplinary action as outlined in subsection (c) whenever the licensee or permit
holder shall be found guilty of any of the following: (1) Fraud in procuring a license or
permit, or any fraud in obtaining money or other thing of value. (2) Immoral conduct. (3)
Unprofessional conduct. (4) Habitual intoxication or addiction to the use of drugs. (5) Conviction
of a felony or any crime of moral turpitude. (6) Conviction for violation of any narcotic
or controlled substance statute. (7) Unlawful invasion of the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-43-170.03 Solid waste disposal - Definitions. As used in this article, the following
words shall have the following meanings respectively ascribed to them unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise: (1) BURNING. No garbage or rubbish containing garbage or other putrescible
materials or hazardous wastes shall be burned except in approved incinerators meeting the
regulations of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management requirements and air pollution
controls as now established or as may later be established. The open burning of rubbish shall
be permitted only under sharply controlled circumstances where sanitary landfill or landfill
is not feasible and not in proximity to sanitary landfill or landfill operations where spread
of fire to these operations may be a hazard in the opinion of the department. (2) DEPARTMENT.
Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (3) EXCEPTION. A person, household, business,
industry, or any property owner may store, haul, and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-1-16 Prescribing, dispensing, and administering auto-injectable epinephrine; liability;
reports; rulemaking authority. (a) As used in this section, the following words shall have
the following meanings: (1) ADMINISTER. The direct application of an epinephrine auto-injector
to the body of an individual. (2) AUTHORIZED ENTITY. Any entity or organization other than
a K-12 public school subject to Section 16-1-48, in connection with or at which allergens
capable of causing anaphylaxis may be present, including, but not limited to, recreation camps,
colleges and universities, day care facilities, youth sport leagues, amusement parks, restaurants,
places of employment, and sports arenas. (3) EPINEPHRINE AUTO-INJECTOR. A single-use device
used for the automatic injection of a premeasured dose of epinephrine into the human body.
(4) MEDICAL PRACTITIONER. A physician or other individual licensed under Title 34 authorized
to treat, use, or prescribe medicine and drugs for sick and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-35-6 Alabama Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Trust Fund Management Board
created; composition; powers and duties; compensation. (a) There is hereby created the Alabama
Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Trust Fund Management Board, hereinafter referred
to as the "management board," comprised of nine voting members: One member appointed
by the Governor for a three-year term, one member appointed by the Lieutenant Governor for
a three-year term, one member appointed by the Senate President Pro Tempore for a two-year
term, one member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives for a two-year term,
and one member appointed by the Speaker Pro Tempore for a one-year term, all of whom are from
a list of qualified individuals for each position provided by the governing body of the Petroleum
and Convenience Marketers of Alabama; and additionally, one member appointed by the Speaker
of the House of Representatives for a one-year term from a list of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-2A-78 Powers and duties of guardian of minor. (a) A guardian of a minor ward has
the powers and responsibilities of a parent regarding the ward's health, support, education,
or maintenance, but a guardian is not personally liable for the ward's expenses and is not
liable to third persons by reason of the relationship for acts of the ward. (b) In particular
and without qualifying the foregoing, a guardian shall: (1) Become or remain personally acquainted
with the ward and maintain sufficient contact with the ward to know of the ward's capacities,
limitations, needs, opportunities, and physical and mental health; (2) Take reasonable care
of the ward's personal effects and commence protective proceedings if necessary to protect
other property of the ward; (3) Apply any available money of the ward to the ward's current
needs for health, support, education, or maintenance; (4) Conserve any excess money of the
ward for the ward's future needs, but if a conservator has been... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-3A-23 Regulation of grant of licenses. (a) No license prescribed in this code shall
be issued or renewed until the provisions of this code have been complied with and the filing
and license fees other than those levied by a municipality are paid to the board. (b) Licenses
shall be granted and issued by the board only to reputable individuals, to associations whose
members are reputable individuals, or to reputable corporations organized under the laws of
the State of Alabama or duly qualified thereunder to do business in Alabama, or, in the case
of manufacturers, duly registered under the laws of Alabama, and then only when it appears
that all officers and directors of the corporation are reputable individuals. (c) Every license
issued under this code shall be constantly and conspicuously displayed on the licensed premises.
(d) Each retail liquor license application must be approved by the governing authority of
the municipality if the retailer is located in a municipality,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-2-1 Grounds; jurisdiction for proceedings; divorce judgment awarded to both parties.
(a) The circuit court has power to divorce persons from the bonds of matrimony, upon a complaint
filed by one of the parties, entitled "In re the marriage of _____ and _____," for
the causes following: (1) In favor of either party, when the other was, at the time of the
marriage physically and incurably incapacitated from entering into the marriage state. (2)
For adultery. (3) For voluntary abandonment from bed and board for one year next preceding
the filing of the complaint. (4) Imprisonment in the penitentiary of this or any other state
for two years, the sentence being for seven years or longer. (5) The commission of the crime
against nature, whether with mankind or beast, either before or after marriage. (6) For becoming
addicted after marriage to habitual drunkenness or to habitual use of opium, morphine, cocaine,
or other like drug. (7) Upon application of either the husband or wife,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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