Code of Alabama

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Section 34-21-2 Board of Nursing generally. (a) There is created the Board of Nursing,
which shall be composed of 13 members to be appointed and have the duties and powers enumerated
in this section. The membership of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the racial,
gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. In order to insure continuity
of administration, the nine board members provided for by Section 3 of Act 427, Regular
Session 1975, shall continue to serve to the completion of the term for which they are serving.
The Governor, within 60 days of January 1, 1984, shall appoint a tenth member who shall be
a licensed practical nurse for a term of four years from a list of nominees furnished him
or her by the Alabama Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses, Incorporated, or its successor
organization. As the terms of all board members expire, their successors shall be appointed
for terms of four years each. Vacancies in unexpired terms shall be filled in... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-26B-26 Reduction of revenues; reimbursement computations; quality incentive
MAY 18, 2020. THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (a) No revenues resulting from the
privilege assessment established by this article and applied to increases in covered services
or reimbursement levels or other enhancements of the Medicaid program shall be subject to
reduction or elimination while the privilege assessment is in effect. (b) Every nursing facility
participating in the Medicaid program in the State of Alabama shall be reimbursed according
to the reimbursement methodology contained in Chapter 560-X-22 of the Alabama Medicaid Agency
Administrative Code (Supp. 12/31/95) on January 31, 1998, which methodology is incorporated
by reference herein, except that the following shall apply: (1) The ceiling for the operating
cost center described in Title 560-X-22-.06 (2)(a) of the Alabama Medicaid... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-10 Employment. (a) Subject to other provisions of this chapter, "employment"
means: (1) Any service performed prior to January 1, 1978, which was employment as defined
in this section prior to such date and, subject to the other provisions of this section,
services performed for remuneration after December 31, 1977, including service in interstate
commerce, by: a. Any officer of a corporation; or b. Any individual who, under the usual common
law rules applicable in determining the employer-employee relationship, has the status of
an employee; or c. Any individual other than an individual who is an employee under paragraphs
a. or b. of this subdivision (1) who performs services for remuneration for any person: 1.
As an agent-driver or commission-driver engaged in distributing meat products, bakery products,
beverages (other than milk) or laundry or dry cleaning services for a principal; 2. As a traveling
or city salesman engaged upon a full-time basis in the solicitation on... - 38K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-10 Flu and pneumonia vaccinations for long term care facility residents
and employees. (a) As used in this section, the following words have the following
meanings: (1) EMPLOYEE. An individual who is a part-time or full-time employee of the long
term care facility. (2) LONG TERM CARE FACILITY. The term includes a skilled nursing facility,
intermediate care facility, specialty care assisted living facility or dementia care facility,
or an assisted living facility licensed under this chapter. (b) Each long term care facility
in this state shall conduct an immunization program as provided in this section which
gives residents the opportunity to be immunized annually against the influenza virus and to
be immunized against pneumococcal disease and employees the opportunity to be immunized against
influenza virus. (c) A long term care facility shall notify the resident upon admission of
the immunization program provided by this section and shall request that the resident
agree... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-75.1 Certificate and limited license under Retired Senior Volunteer Program.
(a) The State Board of Medical Examiners may, at its discretion and subject to the rules and
regulations promulgated by the board, issue a certificate of qualification in behalf of physicians
meeting the requirements for participation in the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. The Retired
Senior Volunteer Program is created for the purpose of permitting doctors of medicine and
doctors of osteopathy who are fully retired from the active practice of medicine to obtain
a limited license without cost which would permit the provision of outpatient health care
services at established free clinics operated pursuant to the Volunteer Medical Professional
Act, Section 6-5-660, et seq. Physicians having certificates issued under this section
must perform no fewer than 100 hours of voluntary service annually and must limit their practice
to the confines of an established free medical clinic, as that term is... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-7-3 License to operate or conduct child-care facility - Requirements; recordkeeping;
parental notifications, etc.; affidavits; inspections and investigations. (a) No person, group
of persons, or corporation may operate or conduct any facility for child care, as defined
in this chapter, without being licensed or approved as provided in this chapter. (b)(1) Except
as provided in subdivision (2), the licensure requirements of this chapter do not apply to
a child-care facility that is operating as an integral part of a local church ministry or
a religious nonprofit school, and is so recognized in the church or school's documents, whether
operated separately or as a part of a religious nonprofit school unit, secondary school unit,
or institution of higher learning under the governing board or authority of the local church
or its convention, association, or regional body to which it may be subject. (2) A child-care
facility that receives state or federal funds or is operating for... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27B-11 Additional activities permitted under chapter. Nothing in this chapter
shall be construed as preventing or restricting the practice, services, or activities of any
of the following: (1) Any person who is licensed in Alabama or certified by an organization
accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies and acceptable to the state
from engaging in the profession or occupation for which the person is licensed or certified.
(2) Any person employed by the United States government who provides respiratory therapy solely
under the direction or control of the United States government agency or organization. (3)
Any person receiving clinical training while pursuing a course of study leading to registry
or certification in a respiratory therapy educational program accredited by the Council on
Allied Health Education Programs in collaboration with the Committee on Accreditation for
Respiratory Care or their successor organizations. This person will be under direct... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-23-74 Hospitals and related institutions; automated dispensing systems. (a)
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), every pharmacy located in a hospital, skilled
nursing home, or other related institution in this state shall be under the supervision of
a licensed pharmacist. In general hospitals, skilled nursing homes, and extended care facilities
not operating a pharmacy, the drug or medicine room shall be under the direct supervision
and direction of a consulting pharmacist or a member of the medical staff who shall be a licensed
practitioner of medicine. In nursing homes which are not classified by the State Board of
Health as skilled nursing homes, maternity homes, homes for the aged, domiciliary institutions,
and all related institutions except those operated by and in conjunction with a licensed hospital,
medicines or drugs bearing the wording on the label "caution, federal law prohibits dispensing
without prescription" or similar wording that causes the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-24 License - Fees; expiration and renewal; accreditation. The application
for a license to operate a hospital other than an assisted living facility or a specialty
care assisted living facility rising to the level of intermediate care shall be accompanied
by a standard fee of two hundred dollars ($200), plus a fee of five dollars ($5) per bed for
each bed over 10 beds to be licensed in accordance with regulations promulgated under Section
22-21-28. Increase in a hospital's bed capacity during the calendar year is assessed at the
standard fee of two hundred dollars ($200) plus five dollars ($5) each for the net gain in
beds. The initial licensure fee and subsequent annual licensure renewal fee for an assisted
living facility and for a specialty care assisted living facility rising to the level of intermediate
care shall be two hundred dollars ($200) plus fifteen dollars ($15) for each bed. A license
renewal application for any hospital, as defined by this article, which is... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-662 Definitions. For purposes of this article, the following words shall
have the following meanings: (1) ESTABLISHED FREE MEDICAL CLINIC. An organized community-based
program providing medical care, without charge to individuals unable to pay for it, and which
is limited to care that does not require the services of a licensed hospital or ambulatory
surgical center, and care that does not include the use of general anesthesia or require an
overnight stay in a health care facility. (2) MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. A person licensed by the
Alabama Medical Licensure Commission established under Section 34-24-310, or licensed
to practice the treatment of human ailments in any other state or territory of the United
States; or a person licensed by the Alabama Board of Nursing established under Section
34-21-2; or a person licensed by the Board of Chiropractic Examiners established under Section
34-24-140; or a person licensed by the Alabama Board of Optometry established under Section... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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