Code of Alabama

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Section 34-15C-5 Powers and duties of board. The board shall perform the following duties,
subject to the other provisions of this chapter: (1) Administer fully this chapter and any
rules promulgated by the board pursuant to this chapter. (2) Prescribe, make, adopt, and amend
such rules pursuant to the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act as the board deems necessary
to carry out the provisions of this chapter. (3) For the purpose of enforcing this chapter,
conduct investigations and hearings concerning charges against registered interior designers,
at any time or place within the state, administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses,
and receive evidence in the course of any such hearings. (4) Issue, in conjunction with the
Secretary of State, any documentation necessary to prove that a registered interior designer
is practicing in accordance with and abiding by the requirements of this chapter, for which
an annual fee, in an amount determined by the board, shall be assessed and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-26-8 Director of personnel - Executive head of department; powers and duties generally;
agreements with political subdivisions of state; cooperation with other governmental agencies.
(a) The director, as executive head of the department, shall direct and supervise all its
administrative and technical activities. (b) It shall be the duty of the director to: (1)
Attend all meetings of the board, act as its secretary, and record its official actions. (2)
Appoint, with the approval of the board, such employees of the department and such experts
and special assistants as necessary to carry out effectively this article. (3) Prepare and
recommend rules and regulations for the administration of this article. (4) Recommend and,
on its adoption, establish, administer, and execute a classification plan for the state service.
(5) Submit to the Governor, after its approval by the board, a pay plan for all positions
in the state service. (6) Conduct tests, formulate employment registers,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-40-9 Instruction for avoiding child sexual abuse. (a)(1) The Legislature recognizes
that Erin Merryn was raped and molested for six and a half years by a neighbor and a family
member. She began a crusade her senior year of high school in 2004 to end the silence and
shame around sexual abuse. Erin's Law has been adopted in a number of states to help address
the problem of child sexual abuse. (2) The intent of Erin's Law is to shatter the silence
and stigma around child sexual abuse, and to educate children and empower them to recognize
and to report abuse. (3) The Legislature finds that without a specific initiative like Erin's
Law, schools generally fail to give young students adequate awareness and a voice in this
issue. (b) The Governor's Task Force on Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children created under
subsection (c) shall adopt guidelines for a child sexual abuse prevention instructional program.
The guidelines shall: (1) Educate children in grades pre-kindergarten... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-68-5 (Effective July 1, 2020) Annual report. (a) By September 1 of each year, the
board of trustees of each public institution of higher education shall prepare and disseminate
a report for the prior 12-month period ending July 31, that includes all of the following:
(1) The date and description of each violation of the policy adopted pursuant to this chapter.
(2) A description of the administrative handling and discipline relating to each violation
described. (3) A description of substantial difficulties, controversies, or successes in maintaining
a posture of administrative and institutional neutrality. (4) Any assessments, criticism,
commendations, or recommendations the board of trustees sees fit to include. (b) Each board
of trustees shall cause the report to be published in a prominent location on its institution's
website. In addition, each board of trustees shall submit a copy of the report to the Alabama
Commission on Higher Education, which shall publish the report... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-9A-5 State Support Council. (a) The State Support Council is created and shall be
comprised of not more than 15 consumer and family members. Of these, there will be three representatives
appointed by each regional support council. These shall include a regional council officer,
one other regional council member, and a community council member. Additionally, the following
individuals or their designees shall serve as nonvoting advisory members: The Chair of the
Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, the Commissioner of the Department of Human Resources,
the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health, the State Superintendent of Education,
the Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Services, and the State Health Officer of
the Department of Public Health. The State Support Council shall provide a forum for the development
of a state plan for an individual and family support system reflecting the experiences and
needs of each region which shall be updated at... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-25-33 Powers and duties of commission. To achieve the goals recognized by the Legislature
in Chapter 25 and Section 12-25-31, the commission shall: (1) Develop, maintain, and modify
as necessary a system of statewide voluntary sentencing standards for use in felony cases
which shall take into account historical sentencing data, concerning time actually served
for various felony offenses, sentences imposed for various felony offenses, and such other
factors as appear historically relevant to determining both the duration and disposition of
sentences in felony cases. The standards shall recognize a continuum of punishments in recommending
the disposition of sentences. (2) Educate judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, victim's
service officers, community corrections officials, probation officers, and other personnel,
where appropriate, in the use of the voluntary sentencing standards and worksheets. (3) Develop,
distribute, and periodically update sentencing worksheets for... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-33C-4.1 Composition of PACT board. (a) The PACT board shall consist of 15 members
as follows: (1) The Director of Finance. (2) The State Treasurer. (3) Two persons appointed
by the Governor. (4) Two persons appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
one of whom shall be a PACT contract holder. (5) One person appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
(6) One person appointed by the Senate President Pro Tempore. (7) The President of the Council
of College and University Presidents or his or her designee. (8) The Chancellor of the Postsecondary
Education Department or his or her designee. (9) The Executive Director of the Alabama Commission
on Higher Education. (10) One member of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker
of the House of Representatives. (11) One member of the Senate appointed by the Lieutenant
Governor. (12) The Chief Executive Officer of the Retirement Systems of Alabama or his or
her designee. (13) The President of the Alabama... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-22-60 Establishment; composition. (a) There is established the Board of Optometric
Scholarship Awards which shall establish scholarships to provide for and further optometric
training in pursuance of an optometric degree, of qualified applicants for admission to the
University of Alabama School of Optometry. (b) The Board of Optometric Scholarship Awards
shall be composed of all of the following members: (1) One optometrist from six components
of the component societies of Alabama Optometric Association whose terms of office shall be
staggered, two optometrists being elected for a term of two years; two optometrists being
elected for a term of three years; and two optometrists being elected for a term of four years,
with each successor being elected for a term of four years. (2) The secretary of the Alabama
Optometric Association, or his or her designee, who shall serve as chair of the board. (3)
The Dean of the University of Alabama School of Optometry, or his or her... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-21-3 Definitions; diversity requirement on board. For the purposes of this chapter,
the following terms have the following meanings: (1) Board means the Alabama Board for Aquatic
Plant Management and shall include the following members: a. The Commissioner of the Department
of Conservation and Natural Resources or his or her designee. b. The Commissioner of the Department
of Agriculture and Industries or his or her designee. c. The Director of the Department of
Environmental Management or his or her designee. d. The Director of the Department of Economic
and Community Affairs or his or her designee; e. The department head of the Auburn University
College of Agriculture School of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures or his or her designee.
f. A representative of the United States Corps of Engineers designated by the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers. g. A member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. h. A member
appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-23A-9 Functions of Administrative Office of Courts. (a) The Administrative Office
of Courts, hereinafter AOC, shall assist in the planning, implementation, and development
of drug courts statewide. AOC shall make recommendations to the Alabama Supreme Court and
the Chief Justice concerning the legal, policy, and procedural issues confronting the drug
courts in the state. Nothing in this section shall impede the constitutional authority of
the district attorney. (b) AOC shall provide state-level coordination and support for drug
court judges and their programs and operate as a liaison between drug court judges and other
state-level agencies providing services to or benefitting from drug court programs. (c) The
Administrative Director of Courts shall make recommendations to the Chief Justice of the Alabama
Supreme Court concerning criteria for eligibility, the promulgation of procedural rules, the
establishment of guidelines for operation, and adoption of standards and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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