Code of Alabama

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Section 20-2-211 Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have
the respective meanings ascribed by this section: (1) CERTIFYING BOARDS. Those boards designated
in subdivision (3) of Section 20-2-2. (2) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE. Any drug or medication defined
as a controlled substance within the meaning of subdivision (4) of Section 20-2-2. (3) DEPARTMENT.
The Alabama Department of Public Health. (4) LICENSING BOARD OR COMMISSION. The board, commission,
or other entity that is authorized to issue a professional license to a pharmacist or an authorized
practitioner. (5) PHARMACIST. Any person, as defined in subdivision (17) of Section 34-23-1,
licensed by the Alabama State Board of Pharmacy or otherwise permitted by Alabama or federal
law to practice the profession of pharmacy within this state. (6) PHARMACY. A retail establishment,
as defined in subdivision (18) of Section 34-23-1, licensed by the Alabama State Board of
Pharmacy. (7) PRACTITIONER or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-2-212 Controlled substances prescription database program; powers and duties of
department; trust fund; advisory committee; review committee. (a) The department may establish,
create, and maintain a controlled substances prescription database program. In order to carry
out its responsibilities under this article, the department is granted the following powers
and authority: (1) To adopt regulations, in accordance with the Alabama Administrative Procedure
Act, governing the establishment and operation of a controlled substances prescription database
program. (2) To receive and to expend for the purposes stated in this article funds in the
form of grants, donations, federal matching funds, interagency transfers, and appropriated
funds designated for the development, implementation, operation, and maintenance of the controlled
substances prescription database. The funds received pursuant to this subdivision shall be
deposited in a new fund that is established as a separate... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-2-190 Penalties; sale of ephedrine, etc.; Alabama Drug Abuse Task Force. (a) Any
person who manufactures, sells, transfers, receives, or possesses a listed precursor chemical
violates this article if the person: (1) Knowingly fails to comply with the reporting requirements
of this article; (2) Knowingly makes a false statement in a report or record required by this
article or the rules adopted thereunder; (3) Is required by this article to have a listed
precursor chemical license or permit, and is a person as defined by this article, and knowingly
or deliberately fails to obtain such a license or permit. An offense under this subsection
shall constitute a Class C felony. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 20-2-188,
a person who possesses, sells, transfers, or otherwise furnishes or attempts to solicit another
or conspires to possess, sell, transfer, or otherwise furnish a listed precursor chemical
or a product containing a precursor chemical or ephedrine or... - 25K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-360 Restrictions, etc., on license; grounds. The Medical Licensure Commission
shall have the power and duty to suspend, revoke, or restrict any license to practice medicine
or osteopathy in the State of Alabama or place on probation or fine any licensee whenever
the licensee shall be found guilty on the basis of substantial evidence of any of the following
acts or offenses: (1) Fraud in applying for or procuring a certificate of qualification to
practice medicine or osteopathy or a license to practice medicine or osteopathy in the State
of Alabama. (2) Unprofessional conduct as defined herein or in the rules and regulations promulgated
by the commission. (3) Practicing medicine or osteopathy in such a manner as to endanger the
health of the patients of the practitioner. (4) Conviction of a felony; a copy of the record
of conviction, certified to by the clerk of the court entering the conviction, shall be conclusive
evidence. (5) Conviction of any crime or offense which... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-25A-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) ACCREDITED FACILITY. A facility where prosthetic, orthotic, prosthetic and orthotic,
or pedorthic care is provided to patients needing such care and has met the requirements of
the board for such designation. The board shall require that all accredited facilities meet
the requirements of a national certifying board, recognized by the state board in prosthetics,
orthotics, and pedorthics accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)
in the discipline or disciplines for which the application is made and meet any other requirements
of the board. The requirements may include custom and non-custom items the board may determine
are necessary to perform quality care and are typical in the course of business. (2) ACCREDITED
PEDORTHIC FACILITY. A facility where pedorthic care may be provided that has met the requirements
of the board for such designation. An... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

of this chapter, shall be interpreted to amend, alter, or modify Section 34-23-11. (h) Only
a licensed pharmacist or registered intern may accept an oral prescription of any nature.
Upon so accepting such oral prescription, it must immediately be reduced to writing, and only
a licensed pharmacist or an intern supervised by a licensed pharmacist may prepare a copy
of a prescription or read a prescription to any person for purposes of providing reference
concerning treatment of the person or animal for whom the prescription was written;
and, when the copy is given, a notation shall be made upon the prescription that a copy has
been given, the date given, and to whom given. (i) If a prescription is refilled, a record
of the date upon which the prescription is refilled must appear on the prescription or in
a permanent prescription record book. On prescriptions which may be refilled, written or oral
authorization must be received before refilling unless the number of refills is indicated... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-9-18 Grounds for disciplinary action. (a) The board may invoke disciplinary action
as outlined in subsection (b) whenever it shall be established to the satisfaction of the
board, after a hearing as hereinafter provided, that any dentist or dental hygienist has been
guilty of the following: (1) Fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in obtaining any license,
license certificate, annual registration certificate, money, or other thing of value. (2)
Gross immorality. (3) Is a menace to the public health or to patients or others by reason
of a disease. (4) Is an habitual user of intoxicants or drugs rendering him or her unfit for
the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene. (5) Has been convicted for violation of federal
or state narcotics or barbiturate laws. (6) Is guilty of negligence or gross negligence. a.
For the purposes of this subdivision, negligence is defined as the failure to do what a reasonably
prudent dentist or dental hygienist would have done under the same or... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-12A-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) COMMISSIONER. The Alabama Commissioner of Insurance or his or her designee.
(2) DEPARTMENT. The Alabama Department of Insurance. (3) INSURANCE. As defined in Section
27-1-2, and specifically including any contract, arrangement, or agreement, in which one undertakes
to do any one of the following: a. Pay or indemnify another as to loss from certain contingencies
called risks. b. Pay or grant a specified amount or determinable benefit to another in connection
with ascertainable risk contingencies. c. Pay an annuity to another. d. Act as surety. For
the purposes of this chapter, insurance also includes any health benefit plan as defined in
Section 27-53-1. (4) INSURANCE PRODUCER or PRODUCER. As defined in Section 27-7-1. (5) INSURER.
A person entering into agreements, contracts of insurance, arrangements, or reinsurance, or
a health benefit plan, or a group health plan as... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-61-1 Surplus Lines Insurance Multi-State Compliance Compact. The Surplus Lines Insurance
Multi-State Compliance Compact Act is enacted into law and entered into with all jurisdictions
mutually adopting the compact in the form substantially as follows: PREAMBLE WHEREAS, with
regard to Non-Admitted Insurance policies with risk exposures located in multiple states,
the 111th United States Congress has stipulated in Title V, Subtitle B, the Non-Admitted and
Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010, of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act, hereafter, the NRRA, that: (A) The placement of Non-Admitted Insurance shall be subject
to the statutory and regulatory requirements solely of the insured's Home State, and (B) Any
law, regulation, provision, or action of any State that applies or purports to apply to Non-Admitted
Insurance sold to, solicited by, or negotiated with an insured whose Home State is another
State shall be preempted with respect to such application;... - 62K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-2-214 Limited access to database permitted for certain persons or entities. (a)
The following persons or entities shall be permitted access to the information in the controlled
substances database, subject to the limitations indicated below: (1) Authorized representatives
of the certifying boards; provided, however, that access shall be limited to information concerning
the licensees of the certifying board, however, authorized representatives from the Board
of Medical Examiners may access the database to inquire about certified registered nurse practitioners
(CRNPs), or certified nurse midwives (CNMs) that hold a Qualified Alabama Controlled Substances
Registration Certificate (QACSC). (2) A licensed practitioner approved by the department who
has authority to prescribe, dispense, or administer controlled substances. The licensed practitioner's
access shall be limited to information concerning himself or herself, registrants who possess
a Qualified Alabama Controlled... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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