Code of Alabama

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Section 11-92A-12 Powers of authority. An authority shall have the following powers, which
it may exercise in any county within such authority's authorized operational area: (1) To
have succession by its corporate name until dissolved as provided in this chapter; (2) To
institute and defend legal proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction and proper venue;
provided, however, that an authority may not be sued in any trial court other than the courts
of a county within the authorized operational area of the authority; provided, further, that
the officers, directors, agents, and employees of an authority may not be sued for their actions
in behalf of the authority except for actions that are known by such person to be unlawful
or are performed with reckless disregard for the lawfulness of such actions; (3) To have and
to use a corporate seal and to alter the seal at its pleasure; (4) To establish a fiscal year;
(5) To anticipate by the issuance of its bonds the receipt of any... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-44-1 Governor authorized to enter into compact; form of compact. The Governor of
the State of Alabama is hereby authorized to enter into the compact for education in the form
substantially as follows: COMPACT FOR EDUCATION Article I. Purpose and Policy. A. It is the
purpose of this compact to: 1. Establish and maintain close cooperation and understanding
among executive, legislative, professional education and lay leadership on a nationwide basis
at the state and local levels. 2. Provide a forum for the discussion, development, crystallization
and recommendation of public policy alternatives in the field of education. 3. Provide a clearinghouse
of information on matters relating to educational problems and how they are being met in different
places throughout the nation. 4. Facilitate the improvement of state and local educational
systems. B. It is the policy of this compact to encourage and promote local and state initiative
in the development, maintenance, improvement and... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-35-2 Security freeze on credit report. (a) A consumer may place a security freeze
on the consumer's credit report by making a request in writing by certified mail to a consumer
credit reporting agency. No later than August 31, 2012, a consumer credit reporting agency
shall make available to consumers an Internet based method of requesting a security freeze
and a toll-free telephone number for consumers to use to place a security freeze, temporarily
lift a security freeze, or completely remove a security freeze. A security freeze shall prohibit,
subject to exceptions in subsection (m), the consumer credit reporting agency from releasing
the consumer's credit report or credit score without the prior express authorization of the
consumer as provided in subsection (d) or (e). Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a
consumer credit reporting agency from advising a third party that a security freeze is in
effect with respect to the consumer's credit report. (b) A consumer credit... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-18-50 Enactment and text of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate
Compact. The Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact is hereby enacted
into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in form substantially
as follows: SECTION 1. PURPOSE In order to protect the public through verification of competency
and ensure accountability for patient care related activities all states license emergency
medical services (EMS) personnel, such as emergency medical technicians (EMTs), advanced EMTs
and paramedics. This Compact is intended to facilitate the day to day movement of EMS personnel
across state boundaries in the performance of their EMS duties as assigned by an appropriate
authority and authorize state EMS offices to afford immediate legal recognition to EMS personnel
licensed in a member state. This Compact recognizes that states have a vested interest in
protecting the public's health and safety... - 41K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-18-1 Text. Article I. Findings and Purposes. (a) The party states find that the
South has a sense of community based on common social, cultural and economic needs and fostered
by a regional tradition. There are vast potentialities for mutual improvement of each state
in the region by cooperative planning for the development, conservation and efficient utilization
of human and natural resources in a geographic area large enough to afford a high degree of
flexibility in identifying and taking maximum advantage of opportunities for healthy and beneficial
growth. The independence of each state and the special needs of subregions are recognized
and are to be safeguarded. Accordingly, the cooperation resulting from this agreement is intended
to assist the states in meeting their own problems by enhancing their abilities to recognize
and analyze regional opportunities and take account of regional influences in planning and
implementing their public policies. (b) The purposes of... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-60-2 Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact. The State of Alabama hereby
agrees to the following interstate compact known as the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation
Compact: ARTICLE I. PURPOSES. The purposes of this compact are, through means of joint and
cooperative action among the compacting states: 1. To promote and protect the interest of
consumers of individual and group annuity, life insurance, disability income, and long-term
care insurance products; 2. To develop uniform standards for insurance products covered under
the compact; 3. To establish a central clearinghouse to receive and provide prompt review
of insurance products covered under the compact and, in certain cases, advertisements related
thereto, submitted by insurers authorized to do business in one or more compacting states;
4. To give appropriate regulatory approval to those product filings and advertisements satisfying
the applicable uniform standard; 5. To improve coordination of... - 45K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 44-2-10 Text of compact. The Interstate Compact for Juveniles is enacted into law and
entered into with all jurisdictions mutually adopting the compact in the form substantially
as follows: THE INTERSTATE COMPACT FOR JUVENILES Article I. Purpose. The compacting states
to this interstate compact recognize that each state is responsible for the proper supervision
or return of juveniles, delinquents and status offenders who are on probation or parole and
who have absconded, escaped or run away from supervision and control and in so doing have
endangered their own safety and the safety of others. The compacting states also recognize
that each state is responsible for the safe return of juveniles who have run away from home
and in doing so have left their state of residence. The compacting states also recognize that
Congress, by enacting the Crime Control Act, 4 U.S.C. Section 112 (1965), has authorized and
encouraged compacts for cooperative efforts and mutual assistance in the... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-6-3 Enumerated powers. A cooperative shall have the power: (1) To sue and be sued
in its corporate name. (2) To adopt a corporate seal and alter the same at its pleasure. (3)
To generate, manufacture, purchase, acquire and transmit electric energy and to distribute,
sell, supply and dispose of electric energy to its members, to governmental agencies and political
subdivisions and to other persons; provided, however, that should a cooperative acquire any
electric facilities dedicated or devoted to the public use, it may continue to serve the persons
served directly from such facilities at the time of such acquisition without requiring that
such persons become members, and, provided further, that such nonmembers shall have the right
to become members upon nondiscriminatory terms. Cooperatives may not condition membership
or provision of service on compliance by the member with requirements not directly related
to the electric or other service to be provided by the cooperative.... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-44B-1 Compact. ARTICLE I PURPOSE It is the purpose of this compact to remove barriers
to education success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and
deployment of their parents by: A. Facilitating the timely enrollment of children of military
families and ensuring that they are not placed at a disadvantage due to difficulty in the
transfer of education records from the previous school district(s) or variations in entrance/age
requirements. B. Facilitating the student placement process through which children of military
families are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling, sequencing,
grading, course content or assessment. C. Facilitating the qualification and eligibility for
enrollment, educational programs, and participation in extracurricular academic, athletic,
and social activities. D. Facilitating the on-time graduation of children of military families.
E. Providing for the promulgation and enforcement of... - 46K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-1-201 General definitions. (a) [Reserved]. (b) Subject to additional definitions
contained in the subsequent articles of this title which are applicable to specific articles
or parts thereof, and unless the context otherwise requires, in this title: (1) "Action,"
in the sense of a judicial proceeding, includes recoupment, counterclaim, set-off, suit in
equity, and any other proceeding in which rights are determined. (2) "Aggrieved party"
means a party entitled to pursue a remedy. (3) "Agreement," as distinguished from
"contract," means the bargain of the parties in fact, as found in their language
or inferred from other circumstances, including course of performance, course of dealing,
or usage of trade as provided in Section 7-1-303. (4) "Bank" means a person engaged
in the business of banking and includes a savings bank, savings and loan association, credit
union, and trust company. (5) "Bearer" means a person in possession of a negotiable
instrument, document of title, or... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

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