Code of Alabama

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Section 34-27B-11 Additional activities permitted under chapter. Nothing in this chapter shall
be construed as preventing or restricting the practice, services, or activities of any of
the following: (1) Any person who is licensed in Alabama or certified by an organization accredited
by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies and acceptable to the state from engaging
in the profession or occupation for which the person is licensed or certified. (2) Any person
employed by the United States government who provides respiratory therapy solely under the
direction or control of the United States government agency or organization. (3) Any person
receiving clinical training while pursuing a course of study leading to registry or certification
in a respiratory therapy educational program accredited by the Council on Allied Health Education
Programs in collaboration with the Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care or their
successor organizations. This person will be under direct... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-29-69 Powers of board. The board shall be a body corporate and shall have the power
to do all of the following: (1) Examine and determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants
for a license to practice veterinary medicine in the state. (2) Issue, renew, deny, suspend,
and revoke licenses, issue private reprimands and private informed admonitions to practitioners
who practice veterinary medicine in this state, or otherwise discipline or censure veterinary
professionals, irrespective of their licensure status, whether active, inactive, expired,
lapsed, surrendered, or disciplined, relative to acts, omissions, complaints, and investigations
which occurred during the licensure period consistent with this article. (3) Conduct investigations
for the purpose of discovering violations of this article or grounds for disciplining licensed
veterinary professionals or other non-licensed individuals pursuant to the administrative
code of the board and appoint individuals and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-18-20 Declaration of purpose. The Legislature hereby finds, determines and declares:
(a) That the tragic incidence of violent crime in our society is growing at an alarming rate,
and that these offenses often times are committed by repeat or habitual offenders against
our most innocent and defenseless citizens. (b) That there is a critical and urgent need to
provide law enforcement officers and agencies with the latest scientific technology available
for the purpose of identifying, apprehending, arresting, and convicting those violent offenders.
(c) That DNA testing, profiling, and analysis allows a more certain and rapid identification
of such offenders as well as the exoneration of those wrongfully suspected or accused. (d)
That genetic identification technology through DNA testing is generally accepted by the relevant
scientific community. (e) That the procedures and techniques employing the underlying theory
of DNA identification is capable of producing reliable results... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-13-20 Municipal option election for legalization of sale and distribution of alcoholic
beverages. (a)(1) The Legislature of Alabama is cognizant of "Opinion of the Justices
No. 376," issued April 9, 2002, which states that a local bill for Cherokee County "purporting
to allow by local law the creation of a traffic in alcohol that does not presently exist in
smaller municipalities in Cherokee County, does not fit within the ambit of the last paragraph
of Section 104 permitting the Legislature to pass local laws regulating or prohibiting such
traffic." The effect of this Opinion of the Justices is to greatly limit situations in
which local laws may be enacted regarding alcoholic beverages. This opinion was, in part,
based upon a determination that, "Generally, 'regulate' implies the exercise of control
over something that already exists." While respecting the constitutional authority granted
to the Alabama Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, this... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-2A-61 Created; commissioner and deputy commissioner generally; examiners; disclosure
of information by officers; seal of commissioner. (a) There is hereby created a Savings and
Loan Bureau which shall be a bureau of the State Banking Department. (b) The bureau shall
be set up, established and administered by the Savings and Loan Commissioner under the executive
direction and control of the State Banking Department, and the commissioner shall be the same
person as the Superintendent of Banks. The Deputy Superintendent of Banks shall be the deputy
commissioner. The salaries of the commissioner and the deputy commissioner shall be payable
out of the treasury, as the salaries of other state officials are paid, and the commissioner
and his deputy shall be allowed and paid for necessary travelling expenses while travelling
upon official business as provided in Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 36. (c) The deputy commissioner
shall serve as secretary at the meetings of the Savings and... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-20-8.01 Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall
have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1) AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS.
Organizations or boards deriving their powers, functions, funds, and property directly from
the parent organization, as defined in this section, or from its law-making body and does
not mean organizations or boards organized under or answerable to any state organization,
board, convention, or authority constituting a branch of the parent organization. (2) CHANGE
OF SOCIAL POLICIES. Any substantial and material change in or departure from the rules, social
creed, jurisdictional system, authoritative pronouncements, or other fraternal law relating
to the social standards, practices, or policies of the parent organization or its affiliated
institutions, as the same existed at the time of affiliation or merger of the local organization,
and which change is contrary to the way of life of the majority... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-99A-6 Powers of a district. Any district shall have the following powers, in addition
to those stated elsewhere in this chapter: (1) To have perpetual existence, subject to termination
as herein provided. (2) To have and use a corporate seal, but the use of a corporate seal
on any document shall not be required for the validity of a document or the due execution
and delivery thereof. (3) To sue and to be sued and to be a party to suits, actions, and proceedings,
but subject to the limitations on liability and the immunity granted in this chapter. (4)
To enter into contracts and agreements affecting the affairs of the district, including contracts
with the United States of America and any other public person. (5) To borrow money and to
incur indebtedness and to evidence the same by bonds, all without an election. (6) To acquire
and dispose of land, real property, personal property, and interests therein of any nature.
(7) To acquire, construct, install, and operate... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-9-41 Computation of incentive time deductions. (a) Each prisoner who shall hereafter
be convicted of any offense against the laws of the State of Alabama and is confined, in execution
of the judgment or sentence upon any conviction, in the penitentiary or at hard labor for
the county or in any municipal jail for a definite or indeterminate term, other than for life,
whose record of conduct shows that he or she has faithfully observed the rules for a period
of time to be specified by this article may be entitled to earn a deduction from the term
of his or her sentence as follows: (1) Seventy-five days for each 30 days actually served
while the prisoner is classified as a Class I prisoner. (2) Forty days for each 30 days actually
served while the prisoner is a Class II prisoner. (3) Twenty days for each 30 days actually
served while the prisoner is a Class III prisoner. (4) No good time shall accrue during the
period the prisoner is classified as a Class IV prisoner. (b)... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-37 Rulemaking authority. (a) The Board of Pardons and Paroles may adopt rules,
not inconsistent with the provisions of this article, touching upon all matters dealt with
in this article, including, among others, practice and procedure in matters pertaining to
paroles, pardons, and remission of fines and forfeitures; provided, however, that no rule
adopted by the board shall have the effect of denying to any person whose application for
parole or the revocation of whose parole is being considered by the board from having the
benefit of counsel or witnesses upon the hearing. (b) The Board of Pardons and Paroles shall
adopt rules to do the following: (1) Establish a program of limited supervision for parolees
who qualify addressing eligibility using validated risk and needs assessments, as defined
in Section 12-25-32, transfers among levels of supervision, to include guidelines for the
transfer of lower-risk individuals to an administrative form of parole, and reporting... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-44A-32 Powers and duties of board. In furtherance of the purposes of the trust,
the board of trustees shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Accept gifts, contributions,
donations of funds or land, bequests, grants, appropriations, membership fees, or other forms
of financial assistance for educational and other purposes in furtherance of this article,
from any federal entity, from the state, its agencies and various political subdivisions,
or any public or other entity, any and all of which are hereby authorized to grant any of
the foregoing forms of assistance, or from any private person, foundation, corporation, or
other agency, and to comply with any rules and regulations concerning grants by the federal
government or other grantors, which are not in contravention of the Constitution and laws
of this state or the United States. In fulfillment of its statewide civic educational mission,
the trust may enter into cooperative agreements with local, state, regional,... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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