Code of Alabama

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Section 2-22-8 Licensing and labeling requirements for sale of soil conditioners and soil amendments.
Every person who sells or offers for sale in or for importation into this state any soil conditioner
or soil amendment for which label or labeling claims are made that such a product contains
plant nutrients shall be subject to all of the requirements of this article for the sale of
commercial fertilizer including the license and inspection fee requirement. If any label or
labeling claims are made for the release of plant nutrients in the soil or of any bacterial
action causing the release of plant nutrients in the soil in connection with the sale of any
soil conditioner or soil amendment, a license authorizing the sale of the product shall be
obtained from the commissioner. The commissioner may issue such a license in accordance with
regulations promulgated by the board. (Acts 1969, No. 434, p. 840, ยง7.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-22-2 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER.
Any substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrients which is used for its plant
nutrient content and which is designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting plant
growth, except unmanipulated animal and vegetable manures, marl, lime, limestone, basic
slag, gypsum and other materials or products regulated under Chapter 23 of this title. Such
term shall include fertilizer material as defined in subdivision (2) of this section, and
the provisions and requirements of this chapter applicable to commercial fertilizer shall
also apply to fertilizer material. (2) FERTILIZER MATERIAL. A commercial fertilizer containing
one or more of the recognized plant nutrients, which is used primarily for its plant nutrient
content and which either: a. Contains important quantities of no more... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-27-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this article, unless otherwise indicated, the
following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1)
PESTICIDE. a. Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying,
repelling, attracting or mitigating any insects, rodents, nematodes, fungi, weeds or other
forms of plant or animal life and/or bacteria and viruses, except bacteria or viruses
on or in living man or other animals, which the commissioner shall declare to be a pest; and
b. Any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant
or desiccant. (2) INSECTICIDE. Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing,
destroying, repelling or mitigating any insects which may be present in any environment whatsoever.
(3) FUNGICIDE. Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying,
repelling or mitigating any fungi, except those living on or in man or other... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

labeling, sale, distribution, transportation, storage, or application of fertilizers. The entire
subject matter of the foregoing shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of
Agriculture and Industries. (b) For purposes of this section, the term fertilizer means any
substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrients which is used for its plant nutrient
content and which is designed for use or claimed to have value in promoting plant growth,
except unmanipulated animal and vegetable manures, marl, lime, limestone, wood ashes,
boiler ashes produced by the pulp and paper or the electric utility industry, and similar
products exempted by regulation of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries. (c) This
section shall not affect, supersede, or override any zoning ordinance or business license
enacted by a county or municipal government, except to the extent the zoning ordinance or
business license purports to regulate fertilizer as prohibited by this... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-27-9 Registration, application, and fees; registration powers of commissioner; appeal
and review. (a) Every pesticide or device which is distributed, sold, or offered for sale
within this state or delivered for transportation or transported in intrastate commerce or
between points within this state through any point outside this state shall be registered
with the commissioner upon application forms prescribed and furnished by the commissioner,
and such registration or registrations shall be renewed during the registrant's renewal year,
due January 1 of the renewal year. The applicant shall pay a biennial registration fee established
by the Board of Agriculture and Industries not to exceed six hundred dollars ($600). The fee
shall be paid according to the schedule in subsection (i). The fee shall accompany the application
for registration and be deposited to the credit of the Agricultural Fund of the State Treasury
for the exclusive benefit of the Pesticide Management Division... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-1 Definitions; transactions considered or not considered sales. (a) For the purpose
of this division, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed by this
section: (1) PERSON or COMPANY. Used interchangeably, includes any individual, firm, copartnership,
association, corporation, receiver, trustee, or any other group or combination acting as a
unit and the plural as well as the singular number, unless the intention to give a more limited
meaning is disclosed by the context. (2) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Revenue of the State
of Alabama. (3) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Alabama. (4) TAX
YEAR or TAXABLE YEAR. The calendar year. (5) SALE or SALES. Installment and credit sales and
the exchange of properties as well as the sale thereof for money, every closed transaction
constituting a sale. Provided, however, a transaction shall not be closed or a sale completed
until the time and place when and where title is transferred by... - 20K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-7 Uniform revenue procedures. (a) Maintenance of records; audit and subpoena
authority; authority to issue regulations. (1) In addition to all other recordkeeping requirements
otherwise set out in this title, taxpayers shall keep and maintain an accurate and complete
set of records, books, and other information sufficient to allow the department to determine
the correct amount of value or correct amount of any tax, license, permit, or fee administered
by the department, or other records or information as may be necessary for the proper administration
of any matters under the jurisdiction of the department. The books, records, and other information
shall be open and available for inspection by the department upon request at a reasonable
time and location. (2) The department may examine and audit the records, books, or other relevant
information maintained by any taxpayer or other person for the purpose of computing and determining
the correct amount of value or correct... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-21-19 Licensing. (a) No person shall manufacture or sell a commercial feed in this
state, unless he or she has filed with the commissioner on forms provided by the commissioner,
his or her name, place of business, and location of each manufacturing facility from which
feed may be shipped within or into this state. (b) The person shall apply for and obtain from
the commissioner a license authorizing the sale and distribution of commercial feed. The application
for a license shall be accompanied by the fee hereinafter required and shall be on forms furnished
by the commissioner which shall contain such information as is necessary for the issuance
of the license. All licensing shall expire on December 31 of each year and shall be renewed
annually as of January 1 upon the filing of an application and payment of the required license
fee. The license fee shall be based upon the number of tons of commercial feed sold or distributed
in this state during the preceding 12-month period... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-395 License - Supplemental licenses; off-site sales. (a) A person licensed under
this article shall obtain a supplemental license for each additional place of business, in
a manner as prescribed by the commissioner and upon payment of an additional application fee
of five dollars ($5) for each additional location. The signage and other requirements of Section
40-12-392 shall apply to each additional place of business. Only one licensed dealer shall
operate at the same place of business. (b) Notwithstanding the requirement that sales of new
and used motor vehicles shall be made only from the permanent location of the new or used
motor vehicle dealer, such dealers may conduct sales of new and used motor vehicles from locations
off-site of their permanent locations on the following conditions: (1) The off-site sales
events shall not exceed three per dealer per license year with each sale not to exceed 10
consecutive calendar days in duration. Off-site sales of new motor... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-243.02 Levy of tax. (a) As used in this section, the following terms have the
meanings here given them: (1) COUNTY. Any county now or hereafter subject to this subpart.
(2) COUNTY GOVERNING BODY. The county board of revenue, the county commission, or other like
body of the county. (3) DIRECTOR OF COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. The director of the county
department of revenue, the license commissioner, or judge of probate of the county, or any
other public officer performing like duties in the county. (4) SECTION 3 AS AMENDED IN 1979.
Section 3 as amended by the 1979 amendment. (5) STATE ORIGINAL UNBROKEN PACKAGE POLICY. The
state policy in effect when the original Section 3 of Act 388 of the 1965 Regular Session
was approved in August 1965, prohibiting licensees from selling or keeping for sale liquor
or wine except in an original unbroken package. (6) THE 1979 AMENDMENT. The act the Legislature
of Alabama adopted during its Regular Session of 1979 amending the original... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

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