Code of Alabama

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Section 34-23-1 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases
shall have the following meanings: (1) ASSOCIATION. The Alabama Pharmacy Association. (2)
BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT. Has the same meaning as the term as defined in 42 U.S.C. §262. (3) BOARD
or STATE BOARD. The Alabama State Board of Pharmacy. (4) CHEMICAL. Any substance of a medicinal
nature, whether simple or compound, obtained through the process of the science and art of
chemistry, whether of organic or inorganic origin. (5) DISPENSE. To sell, distribute, administer,
leave with, give away, dispose of, deliver, or supply a drug or medicine to the ultimate user
or his or her agent. (6) DRUGS. All medicinal substances, preparations, and devices recognized
by the United States Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary, or any revision thereof, and all
substances and preparations intended for external and internal use in the cure, diagnosis,
mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or animal... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-18 Detention of carcasses, meat food products, poultry food products, etc., believed
to be adulterated or misbranded, etc.; removal of official marks therefrom prior to release.
Whenever any carcass, part of a carcass, meat or meat food product of cattle, sheep, swine,
goats, horses, mules or other equines or carcass or part of a carcass of poultry or poultry
food product or any product exempted from the definition of a meat food product or any dead,
dying, disabled or diseased cattle, sheep, swine, goat or equine or poultry is found by any
authorized representative of the commissioner upon any premises where it is held for purposes
of or during or after distribution in intrastate commerce and there is reason to believe that
any such article is adulterated or misbranded and is capable of use as human food or that
it has not been inspected, in violation of the provisions of this chapter or of the federal
Meat Inspection Act or the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act or that... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-22 Promulgation of regulations as to storage and handling of carcasses, meats,
etc. The commissioner may by regulations prescribe conditions under which carcasses, parts
of carcasses, meat and meat food products and poultry and poultry food products capable of
use as human food shall be stored or otherwise handled by any person, firm or corporation
engaged in the business of buying, selling, freezing, storing or transporting, in or for intrastate
commerce such articles whenever the commissioner deems such action necessary to assure that
such articles will not be adulterated or misbranded when delivered to the consumer, and violation
of any such regulation is prohibited. (Acts 1969, No. 1049, p. 1939, §17.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-3 Cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, etc., to be inspected prior to slaughter; diseased
cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, etc., to be separately slaughtered; examination and inspection
of carcasses of slaughtered animals generally. (a) For the purpose of preventing the use in
intrastate commerce, as provided in this chapter, of meat and meat food products which are
adulterated, the commissioner shall cause to be made, by inspectors appointed for that purpose,
an examination and inspection of all cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules and other
equines before they shall be allowed into any slaughtering, packing, meat canning, rendering
or similar establishment in this state in which slaughtering and preparation of meat and meat
food products of such animals are conducted solely for intrastate commerce, and all cattle,
sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules and other equines found on such inspection to show symptoms
of disease shall be set apart and slaughtered separately from all... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-23 Classes of persons, firms, etc., required to maintain records; examination,
etc., of records, facilities and inventories. (a) The following classes of persons, firms
and corporations shall keep such records as willfully and correctly disclose all transactions
involved in their business: (1) Any persons, firms or corporations that engage for intrastate
commerce in the business of slaughtering any cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mules or
other equines or poultry or preparing, freezing, packaging or labeling any carcasses or parts
or products of carcasses of any such animals or birds for use as human food or animal food;
(2) Any persons, firms or corporations that engage in the business of buying or selling (as
meat brokers, wholesalers or otherwise) or transporting in intrastate commerce, or storing
in or for such commerce any carcasses, or parts or products of carcasses of any such animals
or birds; and (3) Any persons, firms or corporations that engage in business... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-1-27 Prohibited activities. No person shall engage in any of the following activities
within this state: (1) Manufacture for sale herein, have in his or her possession with intent
to sell, offer or expose for sale, sell, or deliver any article of food or drugs which is
adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of this division. (2) Sell or offer for sale
out-of-date Class A foods which include baby food, infant formula, and potentially hazardous
food. (3)a. Obscure, remove, or otherwise render illegible any information appearing on beverage
labels, packages, or containers related to production information, best before dates, or other
disclosure printed on, affixed to, or appearing on the labels, packages, or containers. b.
This subdivision shall not apply to any alteration of a beverage label, package, or container
made by, or at the direction of, either the owner of the trademark rights to the brand that
appears on the beverage label, package, or container or an... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-10 Labeling of cans, pots, etc., containing meat, meat food products, or poultry
food products; misbranding of products, or poultry food products; misbranding of carcasses,
etc.; establishment of definitions and standards; use of false or misleading names, labeling,
etc. (a) When any meat or meat food product or poultry food product prepared for intrastate
commerce which has been inspected as provided in this chapter and marked "Alabama inspected
and passed" shall be placed or packed in any can, pot, tin, canvas, or other receptacle
or covering in any establishment where inspection under this chapter is maintained, the person,
firm, or corporation preparing the product shall attach a label to the can, pot, tin, canvas,
or other receptacle or covering, which label shall state that the contents thereof have been
"Alabama inspected and passed" under this chapter, and no inspection and examination
of meat or meat food products or poultry food products deposited or enclosed in... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-20-5 Regulations for establishments handling food and providing public accommodations.
(a) The State Committee on Public Health shall, as conditions demand, adopt and promulgate
regulations for the construction, maintenance and operation of all establishments, and their
immediate surroundings, in which foods or beverages intended for sale for human consumption
are made, prepared, processed, displayed for sale in an unpackaged state or served and for
the construction, maintenance and operation of hotels, inns, taverns, motels, tourist courts,
tourist homes, trailer courts or any place where sleeping accommodations for transients, tourists
or vacationists are advertised for sale, as well as regulations for the construction, maintenance
and operation of exhibition-ground food concessions, poultry slaughterhouses and animal slaughterhouses,
and their surroundings; except, that the authority hereby vested shall not include the authority
to conduct meat and poultry slaughter and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-20A-4 Labeling requirements. Any labeling requirements as to farm-raised fish and
wild fish offered for direct retail sale for human consumption by a food service establishment
may comply with this article by stating the country of origin in lieu of the disclaimer or
notice; except, that the appropriate state name or USA or United States of America, including
a trade name or trademark, may be inserted in lieu thereof to accommodate similar products
produced in any of the states or a territory of the United States of America. (Act 2009-582,
p. 1715, §4.)... - 877 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-237 Sale and purchase of game birds and animals including the meat or other product
thereof. Any person, firm, or corporation who sells, offers, or exposes for sale, buys, purchases,
barters, or exchanges anything of value for any game bird or game animal or any part thereof
at any time shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a
fine of not less than $250.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense. Duly licensed catchers
of fur-bearing animals may sell to regularly licensed buyers or dealers only the furs, skins,
or pelts of fur-bearing animals which they lawfully take, capture, or kill. The licensed catcher
of fur-bearing animals may sell or offer for sale for food the dressed carcass of edible fur-bearing
animals named by law or regulations. However, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary,
it shall not be a violation of this section to sell, offer, or expose for sale, buy, purchase,
barter, or exchange anything of value for any... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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