Code of Alabama

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Section 2-17-19 Condemnation proceedings generally; disposition of condemned animals or articles;
payment of costs, fees and expenses, etc. (a) Any carcass, part of a carcass, meat or meat
food product or poultry food product of any of the animals or birds subject to inspection
under this chapter or any such animal or bird that is dead, dying, disabled or diseased that
is being transported in intrastate commerce or is held for sale in this state after such transportation
and that is or has been prepared, sold, transported or otherwise distributed or offered or
received for distribution in violation of this chapter or is capable of use as human food
and is adulterated or misbranded or in any other way is in violation of this chapter shall
be liable to be proceeded against and seized and condemned at any time by writ of attachment
for condemnation in any proper court as provided in Section 2-17-30 within the jurisdiction
of which the article or animal is found. Such writ of attachment... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-1-20 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall
have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) ARTICLE. When referring to food or drugs, such term is used in the broad and comprehensive
sense and has reference to the food product or the drug product in question. (2) BABY FOOD.
A food which purports to be or is represented for special dietary use as a food for babies
by reason of its special formulation or its particular suitability for children under two
years of age. (3) BOARD. The State Board of Agriculture and Industries. (4) CLASS A FOODS.
Baby food, infant formula, and potentially hazardous food. (5) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner
of Agriculture and Industries. (6) DEALER. A manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, jobber, and
similar establishments, mobile or permanent, engaged in the sale of food for consumption on
premises. (7) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Agriculture and Industries. (8)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-1-6 Nonliability of good faith donors and distributors of canned or perishable food.
(a) When used in this section, the words and terms defined in this subsection shall have the
meanings herein ascribed to them, unless it clearly appears from the context that some other
meaning is indicated: (1) CANNED FOOD. Any food commercially processed and prepared for human
consumption; (2) PERISHABLE FOOD. Any food which may spoil or otherwise become unfit for human
consumption because of its nature, type, or physical condition. This term includes, but is
not limited to, fresh and processed meats, poultry, seafood, dairy products, bakery products,
eggs in the shell, fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods which have been packaged, refrigerated,
or frozen. (b) All laws to the contrary notwithstanding, a good faith donor of canned or perishable
food, which is apparently fit for human consumption at the time it is donated, to a bona fide
charitable or nonprofit organization for free... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6B-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases
shall have the following respective meanings: (1) FARM. The land, including ponds, buildings,
support facilities, machinery, equipment, tractors, implements, and other appurtenances used
by the owner or operator thereof in the production of farm products, with respect to which
there has been issued a farm serial number by the Farm Services Agency or which comports with
the definition of a farm under 7 C.F.R. ยง718.2, or any subsequent regulation of similar import.
(2) FARM OPERATION. Any condition existing on a farm or activity taking place on a farm pursuant
to the instigation or direction of the owner or operator of the farm including, in the latter
case, the owner's lessee, agent, or independent contractor, or of a supplier of goods or services,
which condition or activity occurs, exists, or is supplied on a farm in connection with the
production of farm products and includes, but is not... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-27-10 License to sell. (a) Before any person sells or offers for sale any restricted-use
pesticide in this state for use therein or before any person sells such restricted pesticide
for importation into this state where such sale is directly to the user, custom applicator,
aerial applicator, or pest-control operator, the person shall apply for and obtain from the
commissioner an annual license which authorizes the sale of restricted-use pesticides to persons
who have been issued certified pesticide-use permits as required by Section 2-27-11. The license
required by this section shall be posted in a conspicuous place in licensee's sales outlet.
Application forms for this purpose shall be furnished by the commissioner, which shall be
accompanied by a license fee established by the Board of Agriculture and Industries. All such
licenses shall expire December 31 of each year and shall be renewed annually as of January
1, upon payment of the required annual license fee. Any person... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-7-241 Levy of tax; disposition of funds; construction with state sales tax statutes.
(a) The following words, terms, and phrases as used in this section shall have the following
respective meanings except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) "Commissioner"
means the Commissioner of Revenue of the State. (2) "County" means Butler County
in the State of Alabama. (3) "Fiscal Year" means the period commencing on October
1 of each calendar year and ending on September 30 of the next succeeding calendar year. (4)
"Month" means a calendar month. (5) "Quarterly Period" means the period
of three months ending on the last of each March, June, September, and December. (6) "Registered
Seller" means the person registered with the State Department of Revenue pursuant to
the state use tax statutes or licenses under the state sales tax statutes. (7) "State"
means the State of Alabama. (8) "State Department of Revenue" means the Department
of Revenue of the State. (9)... - 20K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-41-244.51 Authorization of levy - sales tax. (a) The governing body of the county
is hereby authorized to levy and impose in the county, in addition to all other taxes of every
kind now imposed by law, and to collect as herein provided, a privilege or license tax on
account of the business activities and in the amount to be determined by the application of
rates against gross sales or gross receipts, as the case may be, as follows: (1) Upon every
person, firm, or corporation (including the State of Alabama, the University of Alabama, Auburn
University, and all other institutions of higher learning in the state, whether such institutions
be denominational, state, county, or municipal institutions, any association or other agency
or instrumentality of such institutions) engaged or continuing within the county in the business
of selling at retail any tangible personal property whatsoever, including merchandise and
commodities of every kind and character (not including, however,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-21-17 Definitions. When used in this chapter or in rules and regulations promulgated
thereunder, the following words and terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them, except
where the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) BRAND NAME. Any word, name, symbol or device,
or any combination thereof, identifying the commercial feed of a distributor or licensee and
distinguishing it from that of others. (2) COMMERCIAL FEED. Such term includes customer-formula
feed, as this term is used in this chapter, and means any material whether simple, mixed compound,
ground, unground, organic or inorganic, used as a feed for animals other than man or any material
including minerals, vitamins, antibiotics, anti-oxidants, medicines, drugs, chemicals and
other substances, materials or elements, or parts thereof intended for use or used as an ingredient
or component of a mixture of materials, used as a feed for animals other than man; provided,
that the commissioner, with approval of the board... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-1-243.01 Authorization of levy of sales tax. (a) The governing body of the county
is hereby authorized to levy and impose in the county, in addition to all other taxes of every
kind now imposed by law, and to collect as herein provided, a privilege or license tax on
account of the business activities and in the amount to be determined by the application of
rates against gross sales or gross receipts, as the case may be, as follows: (1) Upon every
person, firm, or corporation (including the State of Alabama, the University of Alabama, Auburn
University, and all other institutions of higher learning in the state, whether such institutions
be denominational, state, county, or municipal institutions, any association or other agency
or instrumentality of such institutions) engaged or continuing within the county in the business
of selling at retail any tangible personal property whatsoever, including merchandise and
commodities of every kind and character (not including, however,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-10-244.01 Authorization of levy of sales tax. (a) The governing body of the county
is hereby authorized to levy and impose in the county, in addition to all other taxes of every
kind now imposed by law, and to collect as herein provided, a privilege or license tax on
account of the business activities and in the amount to be determined by the application of
rates against gross sales or gross receipts, as the case may be, as follows: (1) Upon every
person, firm, or corporation, (including the State of Alabama, the University of Alabama,
Auburn University, and all other institutions of higher learning in the state, whether such
institutions be denominational, state, county, or municipal institutions, any association
or other agency or instrumentality of such institutions) engaged or continuing within the
county in the business of selling at retail any tangible personal property whatsoever, including
merchandise and commodities of every kind and character, (not including,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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