Code of Alabama

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Section 45-8-243 Levy of tax; failure to add tax or refund or absorption of tax; disposition
of funds; affixing of tax stamps; rules and regulations; construction and application. (a)
The Calhoun County Commission is hereby authorized to impose upon every person, firm, corporation,
club, association, partnership, or other legal entity who or which sells, stores, delivers,
uses, or otherwise consumes tobacco or certain tobacco products in Calhoun County a county
privilege, license, or excise tax in the following amounts: (1) Three cents ($0.03) for each
package of cigarettes, made of tobacco or any substitute therefor. (2) Three cents ($0.03)
for each sack, can, package, or other container of smoking tobacco, including granulated,
plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other kinds and forms of tobacco which are prepared
in such manner as to be suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette. (3) Three cents ($0.03)
for each sack, plug, package, or other container of chewing tobacco, which... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10B-22 Implementation of use restriction alternatives; conditions, limitations, or
restrictions on certificate of use. (a) Upon the designation of any area of the state as a
capacity stress area where the commission specifically finds the implementation of a use restriction
alternative is necessary because the aggregate existing or reasonably foreseeable uses of
the waters of the state in such an area exceed or will exceed the availability of such waters
and is required to protect the availability of the waters of the state within such area, the
commission shall immediately initiate rule-making procedures to consider appropriate conditions
or limitations applicable to all certificates of use within such area; provided, however,
that the commission shall not adopt or promulgate any rule or regulation with respect to any
capacity stress area without the concurrence of 13 of the members of the commission. Any such
conditions or limitations shall be confined to matters necessary... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-23-31 Definitions. When used in this article and except where the context prohibits,
the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: (1) FEDERAL ACT. The Federal
Safe Drinking Water Act, being Public Law 93-523. (2) ADMINISTRATOR. The Administrator of
the United States Environmental Protection Agency. (3) NATIONAL PRIMARY DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS.
Primary drinking water regulations promulgated by the administrator pursuant to the federal
act. (4) FEDERAL AGENCY. Any department, agency or instrumentality of the government of the
United States, the regulation of which has been delegated to the State of Alabama pursuant
to the federal act. (5) BOARD. The Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (6) HEALTH
OFFICER. The Director of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (7) LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL
UNIT. Any community, town, city, county, board, authority, nonprofit corporation or other
unit of government created by the Legislature. (8) PERSON.... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-40A-14 Scrap tire environmental fee. (a) A scrap tire environmental fee shall be
collected at the point of sale from the consumer on replacement tires, whether or not the
tires are mounted on a rim or wheel, in the amount of one dollar ($1) per tire, and shall
be remitted to the Department of Revenue on a monthly basis. Out-of-state tires, such as fleet
tires, not purchased in the State of Alabama must be returned to the point of origin for disposal
or the scrap tire environmental fee shall be imposed for each tire brought into the state
and must be remitted to the Department of Revenue. In addition, the scrap tire environmental
fee shall be collected on a retreaded casing replacement tire when sold to a consumer. (b)
The fees imposed by subsection (a) shall be paid monthly to the Department of Revenue by the
20th day of the following month, accompanied by forms as prescribed by the Department of Revenue.
The forms shall contain a printed declaration that the information is... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-1A-120 Liability for refusal to accept acknowledged power of attorney. (a) Except
as otherwise provided in subsection (b): (1) a person shall either effect a requested transaction
in reliance upon an acknowledged power of attorney or request a certification, a translation,
or an opinion of counsel under Section 26-1A-119(d) within a reasonable time after presentation
of the power of attorney and a request to effect the transaction; (2) if a person requests
a certification, a translation, or an opinion of counsel under Section 26-1A-119(d), the person
shall effect the transaction in reliance upon the power of attorney within a reasonable time
after receipt of the certification, translation, or opinion of counsel; and (3) a person may
not require an additional or different form of power of attorney for authority granted in
the power of attorney presented. (b) A person is not required to effect a transaction in reliance
upon an acknowledged power of attorney: (1) if the person... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-1-12 Sovereign immunity. (a) For the purposes of this section, "education employee"
means a certified or noncertified employee of the State Board of Education or any local board
of education and an employee of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, the Alabama School
of Fine Arts, the Department of Youth Services, or the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science.
(b) An officer, employee, or agent of the state, including, but not limited to, an education
employee, acting in his or her official capacity is immune from civil liability in any suit
pursuant to Article I, Section 14, of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901. (c) An officer,
employee, or agent of the state, including, but not limited to, an education employee, is
immune from civil liability in his or her personal capacity when the conduct made the basis
of the claim is based upon the agent's doing any of the following: (1) Formulating plans,
policies, or designs. (2) Exercising his or her judgment in the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-239 Property rights not to be affected by article; sections imposing licensing
requirements, taxes, etc., are void if such requirements not otherwise imposed. It is the
intent of this article that it shall not restrict or impair the real, personal or mixed property
in which any individual person, industry, business, utility, industrial development board
or similar board or authority, public or private corporation or the Alabama State Port Authority
has any legal, equitable, absolute or conditional right, title or interest, whether by fee
simple, leasehold, easement, possession, contract, license, permit or any other form of ownership
or other rights thereto whatsoever or any existing or future rights of way required by the
State of Alabama Department of Transportation for the construction of Interstate Route I-210
and the construction of the new Cochrane Bridge and its roadway approaches and any future
connections to or between these two highway facilities. In the event... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-13-10 Powers of State Forestry Commission employees as to enforcement of laws, prevention
and suppression of forest fires, etc. All employees of the State Forestry Commission appointed
as forest law enforcement officers by the State Forester are hereby constituted peace officers
of the State of Alabama with full police power and may exercise such powers anywhere within
the state. They are hereby authorized to carry firearms or other weapons when they are actually
in the discharge of their duties as such officers as provided by law. They shall be clothed
with the power to arrest with or without warrant any person who shall violate any of the laws
of the State of Alabama or any rule or regulation of the Alabama Forestry Commission and take
him before a proper court for trial. All employees of the State Forestry Commission and all
duly appointed officers of the United States whose duty it is to prevent and suppress forest
fires are empowered to enter any lands and to construct... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-2-9 Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources - Powers and duties as to
state parks, etc., generally. The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources, acting
through the Division of Parks, shall have the following powers and authorities: (1) To acquire
in the name of the State of Alabama by purchase, lease, agreement, license, condemnation or
otherwise land deemed necessary or desirable to be preserved, improved, protected and maintained
as a part of the state park system and to accept in his discretion, in fee or otherwise, land
donated, entrusted, conveyed or devised to the state for like purposes and with like discretion
to accept gifts, contributions or bequests of money or other personal property of value to
be used or expended for the benefit of the state park system; (2) To contract and make cooperative
agreements with the federal government and with states, counties, municipalities, corporations,
associations or individuals for the purpose of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43-210 Reserve law enforcement officers; appointment by city or town; qualifications;
powers. (a) The appointing authority of any city or town in the State of Alabama may appoint,
with or without compensation, one or more reserve law enforcement officers to assist or aid
full-time or part-time certified law enforcement officers as defined by this section. Reserve
law enforcement officers appointed pursuant to this section shall serve at the pleasure of
the municipal appointing authority. (b) Any person desiring appointment as a reserve law enforcement
officer after April 12, 1990, shall submit a written application to the municipal appointing
authority certifying that the applicant is 19 years of age or older, of good moral character
and reputation, and that he or she has never been convicted of a felony or of a misdemeanor
involving force, violence, or moral turpitude. The applicant must also consent in writing
to a fingerprint and background search. (c) For the purposes of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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