Code of Alabama

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Section 2-15-150 Definitions. When used in this article, the following terms shall have the
following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) DEPARTMENT.
The Department of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama. (2) COMMISSIONER. The
Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama. (3)
DISEASE or DISEASE OF ANIMALS. Contagious, communicable or infectious diseases of animals.
(4) MATERIALS. Infected barns or other infected structures or parts thereof and farm products,
clothing, straw, hay or other feed for animals and other articles stored or contained in or
adjacent to such barns or other structures. (5) LIVESTOCK. Any animal maintained in captivity
for any reason. (Acts 1947, No. 694, p. 528, §1; Acts 1994, No. 94-322, p. 562, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-17-80 Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases, when used in this article,
shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly
indicates a different meaning: (1) AVIATION GASOLINE. Motor fuel designed for use in the operation
of aircraft other than jet aircraft, and sold or used for that purpose. (2) BIODIESEL FUEL.
Any motor fuel or mixture of motor fuels that is derived, in whole or in part, from agricultural
products or animal fats, or the wastes of such products or fats, and is advertised as, offered
for sale as, suitable for use as, or used as motor fuel in a diesel engine. (3) BLENDED FUEL.
A mixture composed of gasoline or diesel fuel and any other liquid that can be used as a motor
fuel in a highway vehicle. (4) BOARD. The Alabama Board of Agriculture and Industries. (5)
BRAND. The trade name or other designation under which a particular petroleum product is sold,
offered for sale, or otherwise identified. (6) BULK... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-1 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) COMMISSIONER.
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama or his duly authorized
representative. (2) FIRM. Any partnership, association or other unincorporated business organization.
(3) MEAT BROKER. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of buying or selling
carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat or meat food products of cattle, sheep, swine, goats,
horses, mules or other equines or poultry on commission or otherwise negotiating purchases
or sales of such articles other than for his own account or as an employee of another person,
firm or corporation. (4) POULTRY. Any live or slaughtered domesticated bird. (5) RENDERER.
Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of rendering carcasses or parts or
products of the carcasses of cattle, sheep, swine, goats,... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-1-130 Definitions generally. For the purpose of this article, the following words
and phrases shall have the meanings indicated, unless the context clearly indicates a different
meaning: (1) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries of the State of
Alabama. (2) PERSON. Any individual, partnership, corporation, or association, whether or
not incorporated. (3) FOOD FATS. Edible, natural fats derived from vegetable or animal sources
or a combination thereof, including only such milk fat as is normally contained in products
enumerated in subdivision (4) of this section. Food fats as defined in this subdivision may
contain harmless optional ingredients in an amount not exceeding .005 percent of the weight
of the fat used to prevent fat oxidation. (4) MILK SOLIDS NOT FAT. Any skim milk, concentrated
(evaporated or condensed) skim milk, superheated condensed skim milk, sweetened condensed
skim milk, nonfat dry milk solids, edible dry whey, cheese whey, sweet... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-15-131 Definitions. When used in this article, the following terms shall have the
following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) BOARD.
The Board of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama. (2) COMMISSIONER. The Commissioner
of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama. (3) DEALER. Any person engaged in the
business of buying livestock in the State of Alabama for resale, exchange or slaughter and
meat packing purposes, either on his or her own account or as agent for others on a commission
basis or otherwise. (4) DEPARTMENT. The Department of Agriculture and Industries of the State
of Alabama. (5) LIVESTOCK. Cattle, swine, sheep, goats, equidae, ratites, poultry, and catfish.
(6) LIVESTOCK MARKET. A place, concentration, or collection point or other public or private
place where a person assembles livestock for either public or private sale by himself or herself
and the service or the cost or expense thereof is... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-15-20 Definitions. When used in this article, the following terms shall have the
following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) BOARD.
The State Board of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama. (2) BRAND. Any recorded
identification mark applied to any position on the hide of livestock by means of heat, acid,
or a chemical, except numbers used to keep production records or record of age. The word "brand"
shall also mean and include tattoo marks on the hide or in the ear of livestock. (3) COMMISSIONER.
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama. (4) DEPARTMENT. The
Department of Agriculture and Industries of the State of Alabama. (5) LIVESTOCK. Cattle, swine,
sheep, goats, equine or equidae, ratites, and poultry. (6) LIVESTOCK HIDE DEALER. Any dealer
who buys hides of livestock. (7) LIVESTOCK MARKET. A place where a person assembles livestock
for public sale, if the person is required to procure a... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-19-121 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words shall have the meaning
stated below, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) BOLL WEEVIL. Anthonomus grandis Boheman
in any stage of development. (2) CERTIFICATE. A document issued or authorized by the commissioner
indicating that a regulated article is not contaminated with boll weevils. (3) COMMISSIONER.
The Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries or his designated representative. (4) COTTON.
Any cotton plant or cotton plant product upon which the boll weevil is dependent for completion
of any portion of its life cycle. (5) HOST. Any plant or plant product upon which the boll
weevil is dependent for completion of any portion of its life cycle. (6) INFESTED. Actually
infested with a boll weevil or so exposed to infestation that it would be reasonable to believe
that an infestation exists. (7) PERMIT. A document issued or authorized by the commissioner
to provide for the movement of regulated articles to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-70 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words shall have the following
meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (1) AGRICULTURAL CENTER BOARD. The
board of that name established pursuant to Article 2 of this chapter. (2) AGRICULTURAL FUND.
The fund of that name created and administered pursuant to Article 1, Chapter 9, Title 2.
(3) BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES. The Alabama Board of Agriculture and Industries created
pursuant to Section 2-3-1. (4) BUILDING COMMISSION. The Building Commission created under
Article 6, Chapter 9, Title 41, and any successor agency thereto. (5) COLISEUM. The existing
Garrett Coliseum and the grounds and other buildings and structures associated therewith,
all owned by the Agricultural Center Board and located in the City of Montgomery, Alabama.
(6) CORPORATION. The public corporation authorized to be created by this article. (7) ELIGIBLE
INVESTMENTS. (i) Any time deposit with, or any certificate of deposit... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

(6) TRANSPORT. To carry or move from one location to another by way of public or private roads,
whether personally or by and through a contractor. (7) VEHICLE. Every form of conveyance except
those which by their very nature can have no application in, on, upon, or by which any person
or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human
power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks, provided, however, that for the
purposes of this article, a bicycle or a ridden animal shall be deemed a vehicle. (8)
VIRGIN COOKING GREASE. Grease, fat, or oil, whether derived from plant or animal or any combination
thereof, intended for use in cooking or preparation of food for animal or human consumption
that has not been previously used. (9) WASTE COOKING GREASE. Grease, fat, or oil, whether
derived from plant or animal or any combination thereof, previously used in the cooking or
preparation of food for animal or human consumption and is no longer... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-11-152 Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) ANIMAL. Every living creature, domestic or wild, with the exception
of man and animals used for illegal gaming purposes. (2) ANIMAL OR CROP FACILITY. Any facility
engaging in scientific research, education, or agricultural production of or involving the
use of animals or crops including any organization with the primary purpose of representing
livestock or crop production or processing; any organization with a primary purpose of promoting
or marketing livestock or crops; any organization with a primary purpose of promoting or marketing
livestock or crop products or materials; any person licensed to practice veterinary medicine;
any person licensed to apply chemical applications not limited to pesticides, insecticides,
rodenticides, or herbicides; any organization with a primary purpose of representing any of
the above; the owner, operator, and employees of any animal or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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