Code of Alabama

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Section 40-23-4 Exemptions. (a) There are exempted from the provisions of this division and
from the computation of the amount of the tax levied, assessed, or payable under this division
the following: (1) The gross proceeds of the sales of lubricating oil and gasoline as defined
in Sections 40-17-30 and 40-17-170 and the gross proceeds from those sales of lubricating
oil destined for out-of-state use which are transacted in a manner whereby an out-of-state
purchaser takes delivery of such oil at a distributor's plant within this state and transports
it out-of-state, which are otherwise taxed. (2) The gross proceeds of the sale, or sales,
of fertilizer when used for agricultural purposes. The word "fertilizer" shall not
be construed to include cottonseed meal, when not in combination with other materials. (3)
The gross proceeds of the sale, or sales, of seeds for planting purposes and baby chicks and
poults. Nothing herein shall be construed to exempt or exclude from the computation of... - 34K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-25-1 Definitions. When used in this article, the following terms shall have the following
meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) PLANT PEST. Any
living stage of any insects, mites, nematodes, slugs, snails, protozoa, or other invertebrate
animals, bacteria, fungi, other parasitic plants or reproductive parts thereof, or viruses,
or any organisms similar to or allied with any of the foregoing, or any infectious substances
which can directly or indirectly injure or cause disease or damage in any plants or parts
thereof or any processed, manufactured, or other products of plants and which may be a serious
agricultural or horticultural threat in Alabama. Evidence of a plant pest shall be considered
a public nuisance. (2) NOXIOUS WEED. Any living stage, including, but not limited to, seeds
and productive parts of a parasitic or other plant of a kind, or subdivision of a kind, which
may be a serious agricultural threat in Alabama. Evidence of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-13-41 License requirements; operation of massage parlor; unlawful activities; violations.
(a) The provisions of this section shall apply to all counties having a population of not
less than 26,000 nor more than 26,800 inhabitants according to the 1970 or any subsequent
federal decennial census. (b) The following words and terms as used in this section shall,
unless the context requires a different meaning, have the meanings respectively ascribed to
them by this section: (1) The term "massage parlor" shall mean any establishment,
building, room, or place other than a regularly licensed hospital, medical clinic, nursing
home, or dispensary, the offices of a physician, a surgeon, or an osteopath, where non-medical,
non-surgical, non-osteopathic, and non-chiropractic manipulative exercises, massages, or procedures
are practiced upon the human body, or any part thereof, for other than cosmetic or beautifying
purposes, with or without the use of mechanical or other devices, by... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-20-5 Regulations for establishments handling food and providing public accommodations.
(a) The State Committee on Public Health shall, as conditions demand, adopt and promulgate
regulations for the construction, maintenance and operation of all establishments, and their
immediate surroundings, in which foods or beverages intended for sale for human consumption
are made, prepared, processed, displayed for sale in an unpackaged state or served and for
the construction, maintenance and operation of hotels, inns, taverns, motels, tourist courts,
tourist homes, trailer courts or any place where sleeping accommodations for transients, tourists
or vacationists are advertised for sale, as well as regulations for the construction, maintenance
and operation of exhibition-ground food concessions, poultry slaughterhouses and animal slaughterhouses,
and their surroundings; except, that the authority hereby vested shall not include the authority
to conduct meat and poultry slaughter and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-18-2 Duties generally; maintenance, inspection, and copying of reports of investigations
of Director of Forensic Sciences; police authority of Director of Forensic Sciences and assistants.
The duties of the director shall be to make such investigations, including any necessary autopsy,
to be performed by physicians licensed to practice medicine in Alabama and recognized and
trained in forensic medicine and pathology; provided, however, that the director may waive
this requirement temporarily whenever a medical examiner vacancy exists which he is seeking
to fill. Said investigations of unlawful, suspicious or unnatural deaths and crimes as are
ordered by the Governor, the Attorney General, any circuit judge, or any district attorney
in the State of Alabama, and the director and his staff shall cooperate with the coroners,
sheriffs and other police officers in Alabama in their investigations of crimes and deaths
from unlawful, suspicious or unnatural causes. The director shall... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-16-15 Rules and regulations; fees. (a) The Board of Agriculture and Industries shall
have the right and power to adopt and promulgate all reasonable and necessary rules and regulations
for the better enforcement of the provisions of law relative to weights and measures and the
sale of commodities, things, or service by weight or measure, and to establish a fee payable
annually by all individuals or entities subject to this section not to exceed one hundred
fifty dollars ($150) for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the enforcement of this section
which shall be deposited into the Agricultural Fund of the State Treasury. The annual inspection
fee for those individuals and entities utilizing measuring devices measuring 30 pounds or
less shall be based upon a sliding scale broken into 5 categories based upon the total dollar
volume of each individual or entity with the minimum rate not to exceed twenty-five dollars
($25) and the maximum not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-17-2 Legislative findings of fact and declaration of policy; purpose and construction
of chapter generally; adoption and promulgation of regulations promulgated under certain federal
acts. (a) Meat and meat food products are an important source of the nation's total supply
of food. It is essential to the public interest that the health and welfare of consumers be
protected by assuring that meat and meat food products distributed to them are wholesome,
not adulterated, and properly marked, labeled and packaged. Unwholesome, adulterated or misbranded
meat or meat food products are injurious to the public welfare, destroy markets for wholesome,
not adulterated and properly labeled and packaged meat and meat food products and result in
sundry losses to livestock producers and processors of meat and meat food products as well
as injury to consumers. The unwholesome, adulterated, misbranded or deceptively packaged articles
can be sold at lower prices and compete unfairly with the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-70 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words shall have the following
meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (1) AGRICULTURAL CENTER BOARD. The
board of that name established pursuant to Article 2 of this chapter. (2) AGRICULTURAL FUND.
The fund of that name created and administered pursuant to Article 1, Chapter 9, Title 2.
(3) BOARD OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRIES. The Alabama Board of Agriculture and Industries created
pursuant to Section 2-3-1. (4) BUILDING COMMISSION. The Building Commission created under
Article 6, Chapter 9, Title 41, and any successor agency thereto. (5) COLISEUM. The existing
Garrett Coliseum and the grounds and other buildings and structures associated therewith,
all owned by the Agricultural Center Board and located in the City of Montgomery, Alabama.
(6) CORPORATION. The public corporation authorized to be created by this article. (7) ELIGIBLE
INVESTMENTS. (i) Any time deposit with, or any certificate of deposit... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-12-11 Offenses; disposition of fines. Any person who shall perform any of the acts
which are declared unlawful by the provisions of this chapter or who fails to perform any
duty or requirement imposed by the provisions of this article relating to the sale or offering
for sale of eggs or who shall hinder or obstruct any authorized agent of the Commissioner
of Agriculture and Industries by refusing to allow entrance at any reasonable time into any
place of business for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this article, including the
review of books and records of egg sales, or who violates any rule or regulation duly promulgated
under this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as now prescribed by law
for such offenses. All amounts collected under this chapter as fines shall be deposited into
the State Treasury to the credit of the Egg Inspection Fund existing under the provisions
of Section 2-9-40. (Acts 1955, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 46, p. 152, ยง13; Acts... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-17-80 Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases, when used in this article,
shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly
indicates a different meaning: (1) AVIATION GASOLINE. Motor fuel designed for use in the operation
of aircraft other than jet aircraft, and sold or used for that purpose. (2) BIODIESEL FUEL.
Any motor fuel or mixture of motor fuels that is derived, in whole or in part, from agricultural
products or animal fats, or the wastes of such products or fats, and is advertised as, offered
for sale as, suitable for use as, or used as motor fuel in a diesel engine. (3) BLENDED FUEL.
A mixture composed of gasoline or diesel fuel and any other liquid that can be used as a motor
fuel in a highway vehicle. (4) BOARD. The Alabama Board of Agriculture and Industries. (5)
BRAND. The trade name or other designation under which a particular petroleum product is sold,
offered for sale, or otherwise identified. (6) BULK... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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