Code of Alabama

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Section 41-10-397 Employment of a chief executive officer and staff. The authority may
employ a chief executive officer who shall serve at the pleasure of the board of directors
of the authority. The chief executive officer shall perform such duties as may be assigned
to him or her by the authority and such duties as are required of him or her by law. He or
she shall receive such compensation as may properly be fixed by the authority. In addition,
he or she shall be entitled to remuneration for his or her necessary traveling expenses consistent
with the general law. The qualifications of the chief executive officer shall be determined
by the authority. The chief executive officer may employ, with the approval of the authority,
such professional, technical and clerical persons as may be authorized by the authority; and
the authority, upon the recommendation of the chief executive officer, shall define the duties
and fix the compensation of such employees. Said employees shall serve at... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-21-82 Joint committee - Appointment, terms of office, office of chairperson,
and meetings. (a)(1) The physician members of the joint committee shall be appointed by the
State Board of Medical Examiners and shall serve three-year terms as set out below. (2) The
registered nurse members of the joint committee shall be appointed by the Board of Nursing
and shall serve three-year terms as set out below. (b)(1) In order to stagger the terms of
office, the Board of Nursing and the State Board of Medical Examiners will each appoint to
the initial joint committee one member for a term of one year, one member for a term of two
years, and one member for a term of three years. Should a vacancy occur on the committee,
a successor will be appointed to serve the unexpired term. The committee shall select one
of its members to serve as chairperson for a one-year term. (2) The office of chairperson
shall alternate between a physician member of the committee and a nurse member of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-4-110 Established; duties; contracts for stationery, printing, paper, and
fuel; use of approved credit cards for certain purchases; State Procurement Fund. (a) There
shall be in the Department of Finance the Division of Purchasing. The functions and duties
of the Division of Purchasing shall be as follows: (1) To purchase all personal property and
nonprofessional services, except alcoholic beverages, which shall be purchased by the Alcoholic
Beverage Control Board and except as otherwise provided by law, for the state and each department,
board, bureau, commission, agency, office, and institution thereof, except as provided in
subsection (e). (2) To make and supervise the execution of all contracts and leases for the
use or acquisition of any personal property and nonprofessional services unless otherwise
provided by law. (3) To fix standards of quality and quantity and to develop standard specifications
for all personal property and nonprofessional services acquired by the... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-46-100 Composition of board; districts. (a) The Board of Education of Marengo
County shall consist of five members. (b) The five members of the Board of Education of Marengo
County shall each represent a separate district as these districts were constituted on January
1, 1996. (c) At the annual meeting, the Board of Education of Marengo County shall elect one
of its members to serve as president. The president shall be the presiding officer of the
board, and shall have the same rights, privileges, powers, and authority and shall perform
the same duties, take the same oath, and receive the same compensation as the other members
of the board. In addition, the president shall have all the power and authority and perform
all of the duties now or hereafter required of the president of county boards of education
pursuant to the general laws of the state. (d) The members of the board representing District
1 and District 2 shall be elected at the general election in 1996 for terms... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-91A-7 Jurisdiction of board; funding; powers of board. The board shall have
full, complete, and exclusive jurisdiction over the program and shall allocate funds from
its treasury for the fulfillment and accomplishment of its duties and responsibilities in
a manner as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The
board shall have the general powers and authority granted under the laws of this state for
health insurers, and in addition thereto, the specific authority to do all of the following:
(a) Subject to compliance with Section 11-91A-8 where applicable, execute a contract
or contracts to provide for the administration of the program in accordance with this chapter.
The contract or contracts may be executed with one or more agencies or corporations licensed
to transact or administer group health care business in this state with similar plans of the
state for the joint performance of common administrative functions. (b) Establish, and... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

board of trustees may perform the following functions: (1) Accept donations, bequests, or
other forms of financial assistance for educational purposes from any public or private person
or agency and comply with rules and regulations governing grants from the federal government
or from any other person or agency, which are not in contravention of the constitution and
laws. (2) Purchase or lease real estate and equipment and make improvements to facilities
necessary for the use of the school, in accordance with applicable law. (3) Lease land or
other property belonging to the board of trustees or to the school. (4) Sell or exchange land
or other real property not needed for school purposes, but only when specifically authorized
by law and then only in accordance with the procedures provided for the sale of unused... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 20-2-90 State Board of Pharmacy, Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency, etc.,
to enforce chapter; drug inspectors to meet minimum standards. (a) The State Board of Pharmacy
and its drug investigators shall enforce this chapter. The agents and officers of the Alabama
State Law Enforcement Agency, the drug and narcotic agents and inspectors of the State Board
of Health, the investigators of the State Board of Medical Examiners, the investigators of
the Board of Dental Examiners, and all peace officers of the state and all prosecuting attorneys
are also charged with the enforcement of this chapter. The agents and officers of the Alabama
State Law Enforcement Agency, the drug investigators of the State Board of Pharmacy, the investigators
of the State Board of Medical Examiners, the investigators of the Board of Dental Examiners,
and the drug and narcotic agents and inspectors of the State Board of Health shall have the
powers of peace officers in the performance of their duties to:... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-50 Qualifications, Constable Regulatory Board of Mobile; suspensions.
(a) In Mobile County, no person shall hold the office of constable unless the person has successfully
completed the minimum standards and training for peace officers pursuant to Section
36-21-46. (b) All constables shall be required to obtain a minimum of 20 hours of training
per year, in addition to those requirements for constables set forth in subsection (a). (c)
Constables not acquiring the required amount of training hours may not perform the duties
of their office until the required training has been met. The Mobile County Constable Association
is established to approve and provide the training of constables as required in subsection
(b). (d) The Constable Regulatory Board of Mobile is created. The board shall have oversight
of the conduct of the constables in the county and shall resolve local complaints against
the office of constable. The board shall have the right to suspend any constable... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-41.1 School board governance improvement. (a) This section shall
be known and may be cited as the School Board Governance Improvement Act of 2012. (b) The
Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (1) That the purpose of this section
is to enhance the effectiveness of public education governance in Alabama through the establishment
of training requirements, boardsmanship standards, and accountability measures that are designed
to promote informed deliberations and decisions, to revise the qualifications for serving
as a member of a local board of education, to provide for a code of conduct for each member
of a local board of education in order to better ensure that any decision or action of a local
board of education is based on the interests of students or the system, and to foster the
development and implementation of organizational practices that are designed to promote broad
support of the public schools. (2) A local board of education is the legally... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-4-33 Computerized statewide voter registration list. (a) The State of Alabama
shall provide, through the Secretary of State, a nondiscriminatory, single, uniform, official,
centralized, interactive computerized statewide voter registration list defined, maintained,
and administered by the Secretary of State, with advice from the Voter Registration Advisory
Board and the President of the Alabama Probate Judges Association, which contains the name
and registration information of every legally registered voter in the state. The computerized
list shall comply with the following requirements: (1) It shall serve as the single system
for storing and managing the official list of registered voters throughout the state. (2)
It shall contain the name, address, and voting location, as well as other information deemed
necessary by the Voter Registration Advisory Board or the Secretary of State, of every legally
registered voter in the state. (3) A unique identifier shall be assigned to... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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