Code of Alabama

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Section 11-52-80 Board of adjustment - Creation; composition; qualifications, appointment,
terms of office and removal of members; vacancies; adoption of rules of procedure; meetings;
record of proceedings; procedure for appeals to board from decisions of administrative officials;
powers of board as to appeals. (a) In availing itself of the powers conferred by this article,
the legislative body of any incorporated city or town may provide for the appointment of a
board of adjustment and, in the regulations and restrictions adopted pursuant to the authority
of this article, may provide that the said board of adjustment shall in appropriate cases
and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards make special exceptions to the terms
of the ordinance in harmony with its general purposes and interests and in accordance with
general or specific rules therein contained. The board of adjustment shall consist of five
members, each to be appointed for a term of three years, except that in the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-6-2 Qualifications. The person appointed as county engineer, or chief engineer of
the division of public roads within the meaning of this article, shall be a registered professional
engineer in the State of Alabama in good standing and, in addition, he shall have had not
less than three years' experience in the maintenance and construction of highways and bridges.
The county engineer need not be qualified as a land surveyor in order for the State Department
of Transportation to participate in the payment of a portion of said county engineer's salary
as provided in Section 11-6-4. (Acts 1971, No. 1945, p. 3143, §3; Acts 1976, No. 338, p.
368; Acts 1977, No. 463, p. 603; Acts 1977, No. 470, p. 612; Acts 1977, No. 797, p. 1376;
Acts 1978, No. 18, p. 84; Acts 1978, No. 382, p. 346; Acts 1979; No. 79-273, p. 412; Acts
1979, No. 79-571, p. 1020; Acts 1980, No. 80-111, p. 163; Acts 1981, No 81-707, p. 1188; Acts
1986, No. 86-395, p. 582, §2.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-13-83 Manner of commencing contest of nomination to office other than county office.
Any qualified elector of a party participating in any primary election held under the provisions
of this chapter may, if the elector participated in the primary, contest a nomination declared
by his or her party to any office, other than a county office, by filing with the chair of
the state executive committee a statement of contest and grounds thereof, as required by this
article, for contest before a committee, verified and with averments the same as therein provided
and by giving security as provided in this article. The person whose nomination is contested
shall at once be notified by such chair in writing of such fact, and such contestee shall
have five days after the receipt of such notice of such contest within which to file with
the chair of the state executive committee his or her objections and answers to the statement
of contest. (Acts 1931, No. 56, p. 73; Code 1940, T. 17,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-502 Licensure. (a) License requirement. No person shall engage in the practice
of medicine or osteopathy across state lines in this state, hold himself or herself out as
qualified to do the same, or use any title, word, or abbreviation to indicate to or induce
others to believe that he or she is licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy across state
lines in this state unless he or she has been issued a special purpose license to practice
medicine or osteopathy across state lines in accordance with the provisions of this article;
provided however, that no person who holds a full, unrestricted, and current license issued
under Sections 34-24-310 to 34-24-343, inclusive, shall be required to obtain a special purpose
license to practice medicine or osteopathy across state lines. (b) Issuance of license. The
Medical Licensure Commission shall issue a special purpose license to practice medicine or
osteopathy across state lines upon presentation by an applicant of a... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-140.14 Abolition of district. (a) Any district created hereunder may be abolished
in the manner provided for in this section; provided, however, that no district shall be abolished
when it has any indebtedness. (1) Upon the petition for abolition of a district, conforming
to the requirements set forth below, being filed with the judge of probate, he or she shall
order an election on abolition of the district to be held in the district with the time provided
for by Section 45-37-140.04 unless the petition is submitted less than one year before the
next scheduled primary, primary runoff, or a general election in which case the election shall
be held at the next scheduled primary, primary runoff, or a general election, at which qualified
electors residing within the district shall be entitled to vote. The number of qualified electors
residing in the district signing the petition shall not be less than the smaller of these
two numbers: 500, or a number equal to 10 percent of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-242 Levy of tax; advisory referendum; collection of tax; disposition of funds.
(a) This section shall only apply to Calhoun County. (b) As used in this section, state sales
and use tax means the tax imposed by the state sales and use tax statutes, including, but
not limited to, Sections 40-23-1, 40-23-2, 40-23-4, 40-23-60, 40-23-61, 40-23-62, and 40-23-63.
(c)(1) The County Commission of Calhoun County may levy in the police jurisdictions of the
incorporated municipalities in the county and in the unincorporated areas of the county, in
addition to all other taxes a sales and use tax, parallel to the state sales and use tax,
of up to two percent of the gross sales, gross receipts, or the fair and reasonable market
value of tangible personal property, as appropriate, except where a different rate is provided
herein. Notwithstanding any other part or provision of this section, no additional tax levied
by this section shall be levied or collected on the sale, storage, use, or... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-44B-46 Establishment of personnel board; composition; terms; meetings; compensation;
records. (a) Upon election by ordinance of a city to participate in the personnel system provided
for in this article, there shall be established a personnel board composed of five members
designated, respectively, as place number 1, place number 2, place number 3, place number
4, and place number 5. Each member shall be of recognized good character and ability and a
resident and qualified elector of the city. No person shall be eligible for membership on
the board who holds any civil office of profit under the city, county, or state. No board
member shall be a member of any local committee of a political party, or an official of a
local partisan political club, or a candidate for nomination or election to any public office,
nor shall he or she take any part in the management or affairs of any local political party
or in any city political campaign, except to exercise his or her right as a... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-3-59 Electors temporarily out of the county may register. The following persons
shall be entitled to register to vote by mail if they possess the qualifications of an elector
and are not disqualified from voting under the Constitution and laws of Alabama: Members of
the Armed Forces of the United States, persons employed outside the United States, persons
absent because of attendance at institutions of higher learning and the spouses and children
of such persons. Such persons shall be entitled to register by mail only in the counties where
they were residents prior to entering the status which makes them eligible for such registration.
An application for absentee registration shall be in writing and shall be filed with the board
of registrars of the county in which the elector resides. The board shall furnish the applicant
a written application in the same form as that provided other applicants and any additional
application deemed necessary to determine eligibility to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-107 Housing commissioners - Appointment, term of office and removal; filling of
vacancies; certificate; powers and duties generally; quorum; chairman and other officers.
The governing body of each county included in a regional housing authority shall appoint one
person as a commissioner of such authority, and each such commissioner to be first appointed
by the governing body of a county may be appointed at or after the time of the adoption of
the resolution declaring the need for such regional housing authority or declaring the need
for the inclusion of such county in the area of operation of such regional housing authority.
When the area of operation of a regional housing authority is increased to include an additional
county or counties as provided in this article, the governing body of each such county shall
thereupon appoint one additional person as a commissioner of the regional housing authority.
The governing body of each county shall appoint the successor of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-20-150.02 Bingo games - Permits. (a) No qualified organization may conduct a bingo
session unless the sheriff of the county issues a permit to the organization authorizing it
to do so. The permit described in this article is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any
other business licenses which may be required by law, and no bingo session may be conducted
until all required licenses have been obtained. A permit holder may hold only one permit and
that permit is valid for only one location. A permit is not assignable nor transferable. (b)
Any qualified organization desiring to obtain a permit to operate bingo sessions in a calendar
year shall apply to the sheriff, on forms provided by that office, and shall pay an annual
fee of one hundred dollars ($100). Renewal applications shall also be filed with the sheriff.
The sheriff shall refuse to grant a bingo permit to any applicant who fails to fully provide
the information required by this subsection. Each applicant for a permit... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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