Code of Alabama

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Section 17-8-5 Political parties furnish lists from which appointments are made. Each political
party or organization having made nominations, by the chair of its state or county executive
committee or nominees for office, may furnish the appointing board a list of names of recommended
poll workers from qualified electors for each voting place not later than 45 days before the
election. From the lists provided, one inspector and at least three clerks shall be appointed
for each voting place from members of opposing political parties, if practicable. If there
are more than two lists filed, the appointments shall be made from the lists presented by
the two political parties having received the highest number of votes in the state in the
next preceding regular election, if each of the parties presents a list. If no lists are furnished,
the appointing board shall appoint an inspector and at least three clerks for each voting
place from the qualified electors of the precinct from members of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-3-54 Refusal of registration - Authorized; notice required. Any person making application
to the board of registrars for registration who fails to establish by evidence to the reasonable
satisfaction of the board of registrars that he or she is qualified to register, may be refused
registration. The board shall give written notice to each applicant deemed unqualified, within
10 days of its refusal to register, stating the specific reason for such refusal. (Code 1907,
§313; Acts 1920, No. 78, p. 124; Code 1923, §382; Code 1940, T. 17, §33; Code 1975, §17-4-10;
Acts 1978, No. 584, p. 667, §18; §17-4-123; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331,
§13.)... - 1011 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-3-4 Filling of vacancies. If one or more of the persons appointed on such board
of registrars shall refuse, neglect, or be unable to qualify to serve, or if a vacancy or
vacancies occur in the membership of the board of registrars, from any cause, the Governor,
Auditor, and Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, or a majority of them acting as a
state board of appointment, shall make other appointments to fill such vacancies. (Code 1896,
§1571; Code 1907, §302; Acts 1920, No. 78, p. 124; Code 1923, §372; Code 1940, T. 17, §23;
Code 1975, §17-4-42; Acts 1978, No. 584, p. 667, §8; §17-4-152; amended and renumbered
by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §7.)... - 1006 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-3-12 Per diem for board members; appointments to fill board vacancies. Each member
of the board of registrars shall receive sixty dollars ($60) per day, for each day's attendance
upon the special sessions of the board required under this article; but if such special session
is held on the same day a regular session is required to be held under the laws of this state,
registrars shall receive only one per diem allowed for performing their regular duties, it
being the intent and purpose of this article that registrars shall be entitled to receive
only one per diem allowance for one day's service. (Acts 1984, No. 84-389, p. 896, §9; Acts
1988, No. 88-659, p. 1056, §1; §17-4-188; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331,
§7.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-3-6 Oath of office; registrars designated as judicial officers. Before entering
upon the performance of the duties of office, each registrar shall take the same oath as required
by the judicial officers of the state, which oath may be administered by any person authorized
to administer oaths. The oath shall be in writing, subscribed by the registrar, and filed
in the office of the judge of probate of the county. Registrars are judicial officers and
shall act judicially in all matters pertaining to the registration of applicants. (Code 1907,
§304; Acts 1920, No. 78, p. 124; Code 1923, §374; Code 1940, T. 17, §25; Code 1975, §17-4-44;
Acts 1978, No. 584, p. 667, §10; §17-4-154; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331,
§7.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-179 Application for incorporation; certificate of incorporation; amendment; board
of directors; dissolution; funding; competitive bidding laws not applicable. (a) A public
corporation may be organized as a community punishment and corrections authority pursuant
to this article in any county or group of counties located in one or more judicial circuits.
In order to incorporate the public corporation, any number of natural persons, not less than
three, who are duly qualified electors of a proposed county or counties shall first file a
written application with the county commission or any two or more thereof. The application
shall contain all of the following: (1) The names of each county commission with which the
application is filed. (2) A statement that the applicants propose to incorporate an authority
pursuant to this article. (3) The proposed location of the principal office of the authority.
(4) A statement that each of the applicants is a duly qualified elector of... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-3-58 Voters in territory transferred to another county. Every qualified elector
of the State of Alabama whose domicile is in territory which has been detached from one county
and added to an adjoining county of the State of Alabama shall be entitled to have his or
her name added to the list of the qualified electors of the county to which the territory
that contains his or her domicile has been added. (Acts 1932, Ex. Sess., No. 172, p. 199;
Code 1940, T. 17, §39; Code 1975, §17-4-19; Acts 1978, No. 584, p. 667, §24; §17-4-128;
amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §13.)... - 924 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-14-5 County boards of education. Except as otherwise provided by local law, at the
general election of state and county officers in November 2006, and biennially thereafter,
a member or members of the county board of education shall be elected for a term of six years
to succeed those whose term or terms of office shall expire at that time. Each member shall
hold office until his or her successor has been elected and qualified. (Acts 1915, No. 220,
p. 281; Code 1923, §418; Code 1940, T. 17, §70; §17-2-5; amended and renumbered by Act
2006-570, p. 1331, §68.)... - 896 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-12-15 Time and manner of canvassing. On the second Friday next after the election,
at the hour of 12:00 noon, the sheriff, in person or by deputy, and the judge of probate and
the clerk of the circuit court shall assemble at the courthouse; and if there is no such judge
or clerk, or if either of them fails to attend, or if either of them is interested by reason
of having been a candidate at such election, his or her place must be supplied by a respectable
elector of the county, appointed by the board hereinbefore provided for the appointing of
the inspectors in the various voting places for the election, at the time of appointing the
election inspectors, and if the appointing board fails to provide for such member or members,
or if any member or members as herein provided should fail to attend at the time and place
herein mentioned, the sheriff shall supply such deficiency by a respectable elector of the
county; and if all such officers are of the same political party, then... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-3-3 Terms of office; removal from office. The registrars appointed under this article
may be removed for cause by the Secretary of State at any time before the end of their term
of office, upon submitting written reasons therefor to the registrar removed and to the members
of the state board of appointment. If not so removed, the registrar may hold office for four
years from the date of appointment and until a successor is appointed. (Code 1907, §301;
Acts 1920, No. 78, p. 124; Code 1923, §371; Code 1940, T. 17, §22; Code 1975, §17-4-41;
Acts 1978, No. 584, p. 667, §7; Act 2003-313, p. 733, §2; §17-4-151; amended and renumbered
by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §7.)... - 1017 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

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