Code of Alabama

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Section 33-5-10 Certificates of registration and numbers generally - By whom issued; issuance;
fees; disposition of funds. (a) The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will
issue annual certificates of registration directly and shall authorize all probate judges
in the state or any other official in the state who is presently authorized to issue automobile
license plates to issue annual certificates of registration and numbers in connection therewith.
In conformity with this article and any rules and regulations which may be validly issued
by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Department of Conservation and
Natural Resources shall assign to each issuing officer in the county a block of numbers and
certificates therefor which upon issue the issuing officer shall be allowed a fee of two dollars
($2) for each certificate issued by him or her. In counties where the probate judge or issuing
officer is on the fee system, the issuing fee shall be retained by... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-8-1 Authorization; provisions generally; legislative approval and ratification.
The Governor on behalf of this state is hereby authorized to execute a compact, in substantially
the following form, with the State of Mississippi; and the Legislature hereby signifies in
advance its approval and ratification of such compact, which compact is as follows: TOMBIGBEE-TENNESSEE
WATERWAY DEVELOPMENT COMPACT Article I. The purpose of this compact is to promote the development
of a navigable waterway connecting the Tennessee and Tombigbee Rivers by way of the east fork
of the Tombigbee River and Mackeys and Yellow Creeks so as to provide a nine-foot navigable
channel from the junction of the Tombigbee and Warrior rivers at Demopolis in the State of
Alabama to the junction of Yellow Creek with the Tennessee River at Pickwick Pool in the State
of Mississippi, and to establish a joint interstate authority to assist in these efforts.
Article II. This compact shall become effective... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-260 Definitions. The following terms, wherever used in this article, shall have
the following respective meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) AUTHORITY.
The public corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this article. (2) BOARD OF
DIRECTORS. The board of directors of the authority. (3) BONDS. When used with reference to
debt instruments issued by the authority, means bonds, notes and other forms of indebtedness.
(4) BUILDING COMMISSION. The Building Commission created by Act No. 128 adopted at the 1945
Regular Session of the Legislature of the state, and any successor agency thereto. (5) CHIEF
JUSTICE. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama. (6) GOVERNMENT SECURITIES.
Any bonds or other obligations which as to principal and interest constitute direct obligations
of, or are unconditionally guaranteed by, the United States of America, including obligations
of any federal agency to the extent such obligations are... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-28-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following
meanings: (1) COMMITTEE. The Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology.
(2) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Automated data processing, communications systems and services,
wide area and local area networks, the Internet, electronic information systems and related
information, databases, equipment, goods, and services. (3) OFFICE. The Office of Information
Technology. (4) SECRETARY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. The chief administrative and executive
officer of the Office of Information Technology. (5) STATE AGENCIES. All departments, agencies,
offices, boards, commissions, bureaus, and authorities of state government. The term shall
not include counties, municipalities, the Alabama State Port Authority, the State Department
of Education, the Retirement Systems of Alabama, or institutions of higher education governed
by a separate board of trustees, although these entities... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-5A-3 Juvenile Probation Services Fund. There is created in the State Treasury a
fund to be designated as the Juvenile Probation Services Fund. All funds now or hereafter
deposited to the credit of the Juvenile Probation Services Fund shall be expended for the
purposes of carrying out the provisions of this chapter which shall include, but not be limited
to, providing juvenile probation services for children alleged or adjudged to be delinquent
or in need of supervision, salaries and related costs for juvenile probation officers, salaries
and related costs for other professional and support staff for juvenile probation services,
training and education of juvenile probation officers and staff, research, equipment, printing,
supplies, state administrative office support staff, or any other purpose consistent with
the purposes of this chapter in counties having a population of 99,000 or less according to
the 1990 federal decennial census and for providing salary subsidies for... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-2-12 Bonds - Authorization. (a) For the purpose of providing funds for the acquisition
of sites, for the construction, reconstruction, alteration and improvement of facilities,
for the procurement and installation of equipment therefor and for payment of obligations
incurred and the principal of and interest on any temporary loans made for any of the said
purposes, the authority is hereby authorized, from time to time, to sell and issue, in addition
to all bonds heretofore authorized to be issued by the authority, its bonds in such aggregate
principal amounts as may be determined by the corporation to be necessary for the said purposes
but not to exceed $25,000,000, plus an additional seven million five hundred thousand dollars
($7,500,000) pursuant to Act 97-950, in aggregate principal amount. (b) In addition to the
authorization provided in subsection (a), the authority is hereby authorized, from time to
time, to sell and issue its bonds in amounts determined by the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-24C-7 Transfers and reassignments. (a) Except as otherwise specified, employees
may be transferred or reassigned at any time as the needs of the employer require to any position
for which they are qualified by skill, training, or experience by the president of a two-year
educational institution alone or upon the recommendation of the chief executive officer and
the approval of the governing board. (b) A chief executive officer may reassign a teacher
to any grade, position, or work location within the same school, campus, instructional facility,
or, for two-year institutions operated under the authority and control of the Department of
Postsecondary Education, to any teaching position or work location that is under the control
and jurisdiction of the institution, as the needs of the employer require. For a tenured teacher,
except as required by acts of God or disasters that are beyond the reasonable control of the
employer, written notice of the reassignment must be issued to... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-36-70 Adequate textbooks. (a) The Legislature finds that textbooks and other instructional
materials are among the basic tools of learning that must exist if Alabama students are to
succeed. (b) All students in the public schools shall be provided with adequate and current
textbooks and other necessary instructional supplies for use in their education. Textbooks
and other supporting materials shall be appropriate for their course work and shall be in
suitable condition. Where textbooks are issued pursuant to Section 16-36-69, every student
shall have his or her own copy of the issued textbook of the correct edition, which he or
she shall be permitted to take home each day for home study for the entire school year or
for the portion of the year when the book is issued. (c) It is the intent of the Legislature
that it is the student's responsibility, as well as the student's parent or guardian, to care
for the textbooks and instructional supplies provided by the state in a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-60-110 Definitions. (a) The Legislature finds and determines all of the following:
(1) That it is necessary to the welfare of the state that it provide workforce development
initiatives that are responsive to industry needs from highly specialized training programs
that help prepare entry level employees to meet growing demands. (2) That the needs of the
citizens, businesses, and industries of the state are best served by a unified system of institutions
and programs delivering excellence in academic education, adult education, and workforce development.
(3) That a unified system is best supported and supervised by a board of trustees devoted
solely to providing the best possible facilities, teaching, and instruction through the Alabama
Community College System. (4) That high quality, affordable, local educational opportunities
for students to obtain associate's degrees and to prepare for continuing their education at
four-year institutions have been a hallmark of Alabama's... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-23B-7 Purpose; issuing, selling and refunding of bonds. For the purpose of providing
funds for the authority to make loans to public bodies for a project or projects, or for the
payment of obligations incurred or temporary loans made for any of said purposes, the authority
is hereby authorized, from time to time, to issue and sell its bonds or other evidences of
indebtedness. Such bonds may be issued in one or more series; shall be in such form and denominations
and of such terms and maturities, not exceeding 30 years from the date of issue of each series;
shall bear such rate or rates of interest, payable and evidenced in such manner; may contain
such provisions for registration or for redemption prior to maturity; and may contain such
other provisions not inconsistent herewith, all as may be provided by the authorizing resolution.
As security for the payment of the principal of and interest on its bonds, the authority is
authorized to pledge, transfer and assign any... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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