Code of Alabama

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Section 34-22-40 Creation; composition; terms of office; election of candidates; annual meeting.
(a) In order to accomplish the purposes and to provide for the enforcement of this chapter,
there is created the Alabama Board of Optometry. The board may implement and enforce this
chapter. On October 10, 1975, the State Board of Optometry as then constituted shall be abolished,
but the members thereof shall serve as members of the Alabama Board of Optometry created by
this section and shall continue to serve until their present terms of appointment expire,
as set out below. The membership of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender,
geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. Until October 1, 1992, the Alabama
Board of Optometry shall consist of five persons, no two of whom shall reside in the same
U.S. Congressional District. On October 1, 1993, two additional members shall be appointed
to the board. The board shall than be composed of seven members,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8A-71.04 Civil service board - Creation; membership. (a) There is created the Civil
Service Board of the City of Jacksonville, which shall be composed of five members appointed
by the state senator and state representative who represent the city in the Legislature from
a list of three nominees for each position on the board submitted by each of the following
groups of city employees: (1) Employees of the street and sanitation department. (2) Employees
of the police and fire department. (3) Employees of the gas, water, and sewer department.
(4) Employees of the offices of the mayor, the city council, the city clerk, the city library,
and the city recreation department. (b) At least 60 days prior to the expiration of the term
of a member of the civil service board, each of the aforementioned groups of city employees
shall hold a department meeting for the purpose of nominating three candidates for appointment
to each board position with an expiring term of office. The head of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-47-91 Physicians Advisory Board. There is hereby created and established a board
to be known as the Physicians Advisory Board, consisting of five physicians who shall be members
in good standing of the State Medical Association of Alabama and shall reside in different
sections of the State of Alabama. The duties of the members of said board shall be to meet
with the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, or with three or more members of
said board of trustees, at such times and places as may be mutually agreed upon, due notice
of said meetings to be given by the board of trustees, for the purpose of giving information
and advice to the trustees as to the proper maintenance and operation of the medical school.
The first five members of the Physicians Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Governor,
one for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, one
for a term of four years and one for a term of five years; and thereafter all... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-11D-5 Establishment of council; composition; meetings. (a) There is established
the Statewide Trauma and Health Care Center Advisory Council to assist in developing regulations
and standards necessary to implement this chapter and to serve as consultants to the board
on matters related to the statewide trauma system and other health care centers. (b) The council
shall consist of 11 members and be constituted in the following manner: (1) Four representatives
of hospitals, who shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Hospital Association.
Two of the appointees shall be from hospitals located in urban areas and two shall be from
hospitals located in rural areas of the state. At least two of the appointees shall be from
hospitals that will be designated as trauma centers after the statewide trauma system is established.
(2) Four representatives who shall be licensed physicians, appointed by the Medical Association
of the State of Alabama. (3) One representative... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-6-3 Advisory board. (a) The advisory board of the commission shall be composed of
nine advisory only members, each of whom shall have been a resident of Alabama for at least
five years prior to appointment. (b) Six of the members shall be appointed by the Governor,
subject to Senate confirmation, as follows: (1) From a list of nine nominees submitted by
the Alabama Manufactured Housing Association (AMHA), the Governor shall appoint three members
who shall be from the Alabama manufactured housing industry and of those three members, two
members shall represent the manufacturers and one member shall represent the retailers. No
employee of AMHA shall serve on the commission. The terms of office of the initial appointees
shall be one for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. (2) There shall be
three consumer representatives appointed as follows: The Governor shall appoint from the general
public three members who shall serve as consumer representatives and whose... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-140 Board of Chiropractic Examiners - Creation; composition; powers and duties.
(a) There is created and established a State Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The board shall
be composed of nine members. Eight members of the board shall be active licensed chiropractors
elected as provided in this section. Seven of the elected members shall be elected one from
each congressional district in this state except as otherwise provided in Section 34-24-141.
Any candidate for or member of the board shall be a resident of the appropriate congressional
district except one candidate for the board shall be elected from the state at large. One
elected member of the board shall be elected from the state at-large and shall be an African-American.
Each elected member of or candidate for the board shall meet the following qualifications:
A citizen and resident of Alabama who has resided in this state for at least five years; a
graduate of a chartered chiropractic school or college, which... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-850 Creation of board known as Alabama Men's Hall of Fame; members; meetings;
quorum; terms of office; chairman; secretary. There shall be created and established as herein
provided a board to be designated and known as the Alabama Men's Hall of Fame. The board shall
be composed of 19 members: Five of whom shall be members of the Women's Committee of 100 for
Birmingham; two members shall be appointed by the Governor from each of the United States
Congressional Districts, except District Number 6, as such districts are presently established,
for a total of 12 members appointed from said districts; and the Governor and the Director
of the Department of Archives and History who shall serve as voting members of the board.
The initial members of the board of directors of the hall shall be appointed by the Governor
of the State of Alabama. The board shall meet semiannually and at such other times as its
rules and bylaws may prescribe. A quorum for all meetings shall be a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

board of trustees for the school. The board of trustees shall be composed of the following
members: (1) An assistant state superintendent in charge of curriculum development with the
department, or his or her designee. (2) The President of Auburn University, or his or her
designee. (3) The President of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, or his or her designee.
(4) The President of Alabama A&M University, or his or her designee. (5) The President
of Tuskegee University, or his or her designee. (6) The President of the University of South
Alabama, or his or her designee. (7) The President of the University of Alabama, or his or
her designee. (8) The Chair of the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering Foundation.
(9) The Chair of the House Ways and Means Education Committee, or his or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-8A-4 Board of Examiners in Counseling - Creation; membership; Sunset provision.
(a) There is created an Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling, to consist of seven members
who shall be citizens of this state and appointed by the Governor pursuant to the requirements
of this section. (b) Within 30 days from July 18, 1979, the Executive Committee of the Alabama
Counseling Association, or its successor organization, shall submit to the Governor a list
of qualified candidates for the board. The list shall contain names of at least four citizens
from the general public, four qualified counselor educators, and six qualified practicing
counselors from which the Governor, within 60 days, shall select the board. The board shall
consist of two citizens from the general public, two counselor educators, and three counselors
in private practice. (c) The initial appointments to the board shall be for the following
terms: The term of two members is one year, the term of two members is... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-26B-4 Board of trustees - Members. (a) There is created a board of trustees for
the school, which shall serve as the local educational agency for the school. The school board
shall be composed of no fewer than 17 citizens of good standing who have been supporters and
exponents of the cultural and educational advancement of the youth of the state. The 15 members
of the board of the previously existing Alabama School of Fine Arts shall be members of the
school board created by this chapter and shall continue to serve until the expiration of their
terms. The additional members shall be appointed in the manner prescribed in subsection (b)
for one and two year terms, respectively. Thereafter, the term of all members shall be four
years. (b) As terms of members of the school board expire, the school board shall recommend
to the state superintendent and the state board qualified persons for appointment or re-appointment
to the school board. Three names for each vacancy shall be... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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