Code of Alabama

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Section 16-44A-51 Designation and dedication. THIS SECTION WAS ASSIGNED BY THE CODE COMMISSIONER
IN THE 2008 REGULAR SESSION, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2008. Section 16-44A-35(b) previously
designated the American Village administered by the Citizenship Trust, herein the Trust, as
a Veterans Living Legacy, and it is hereby redesignated and rededicated as the Alabama Veterans
Living Legacy. (Act 2008-551, ยง2.)... - 718 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-9-24 Regular and emergency appropriations; state grants to political subdivisions.
(a) The funds appropriated by the Legislature in the general appropriation act for the support
and maintenance of this article shall be expended solely for the purposes designated in the
appropriation act and shall be limited to the amounts provided therein and shall be disbursed,
in the same manner as all other state funds are disbursed, by warrant of the Comptroller authorized
by the Director of the Emergency Management Agency and approved by the Governor, subject to
the terms, conditions, provisions, and limitations of Article 4 of Chapter 4 of Title 41.
In addition to any other appropriation, there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in
the State Treasury the sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the expenses
incident to the operation and enforcement of the provisions of this article during an emergency
as described in Section 31-9-8 hereof and the expenditure... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-6-15 Reimbursement of educational institutions providing benefits to veterans and
dependents. The benefits provided in this chapter shall be paid from an annual appropriation
from the Education Trust Fund to reimburse every Alabama state institution of higher learning,
college, university, or Alabama community or technical college in which benefits are given
to veterans, their wives, widows, or children under this chapter. Such reimbursement shall
be made timely at the end of each academic quarter or semester for all tuition reimbursements
for the certified invoices submitted by such institution or school to the State Department
of Veterans' Affairs, and shall be supported by names of the students receiving such benefits,
together with the amounts claimed for each student. Any amount of in-state tuition, books,
or fees not paid by the combination of federal, state, and third party funds may be billed
to students receiving such benefits or waived by the institution or school.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-16A-7 Additional findings; bonds authorized; procedures. (a) The Legislature finds
that the number of students attending the several school systems located in those areas of
North Alabama that will be directly impacted by the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions
will collectively increase by an estimated 9,000 students. As a result, there will be a need
for the construction of additional school facilities as well as the renovation of existing
school facilities. The Legislature also finds that the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions
will have a positive impact on future receipts to the Education Trust Fund, as the significant
population growth in North Alabama will increase sales, income, and other tax collections.
Thus, it is an efficient use of state funds to allow such revenue growth to help pay for capital
improvement costs associated with BRAC-related school construction. (b) The Alabama Public
School and College Authority is hereby authorized to sell and issue its... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-10-3 Tuition reimbursement authorized for eligible members of National Guard. Subject
to the annual appropriation in the annual Education Trust Fund Appropriation Act, provided
such annual appropriations shall not exceed $10,000,000, the Alabama Commission on Higher
Education is hereby authorized to pay or reimburse the qualifying tuition for any active member
of the Alabama National Guard who is enrolled in a program leading to the associate, baccalaureate,
masters, or doctorate degree in an accredited institution of higher learning, community or
technical college within the State of Alabama. Such payments or reimbursements shall be made
timely at the end of each academic quarter or semester for all tuition reimbursements, and
shall be made on the basis of certified invoices submitted by such institution or school to
the Alabama Commission on Higher Education, and shall be supported by names of the students
receiving such benefits, together with the amounts claimed for each... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-5A-3 Authorization to receive federal aid, private gifts, etc.; authorization to
expend funds. The State Department of Veterans' Affairs is designated as the agency of this
state to receive federal aid under Title 38, U.S.C., Sections 641 and 642, as amended. The
department is authorized and directed to receive federal aid from the United States Veterans
Administration or any other agency of the United States government authorized to pay federal
aid to states for soldiers' homes under Title 38, U.S.C., Sections 641 and 642, as amended,
and from any other federal law or act of Congress providing for the payment of funds to states
for the care of or support of disabled soldiers and sailors in the state homes. The department
is authorized to receive from any source gifts, contributions, bequests, and individual reimbursements,
the receipt of which does not exclude any other source of revenue. All funds received by the
department shall be deposited in the State Treasury in the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-44A-32 Powers and duties of board. In furtherance of the purposes of the trust,
the board of trustees shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Accept gifts, contributions,
donations of funds or land, bequests, grants, appropriations, membership fees, or other forms
of financial assistance for educational and other purposes in furtherance of this article,
from any federal entity, from the state, its agencies and various political subdivisions,
or any public or other entity, any and all of which are hereby authorized to grant any of
the foregoing forms of assistance, or from any private person, foundation, corporation, or
other agency, and to comply with any rules and regulations concerning grants by the federal
government or other grantors, which are not in contravention of the Constitution and laws
of this state or the United States. In fulfillment of its statewide civic educational mission,
the trust may enter into cooperative agreements with local, state, regional,... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-23-194 Awarding of funds; goals. (a) Activities funded by the trust fund shall be
selected through a competitive process pursuant to rules adopted by the department with input
from the advisory committee. In establishing criteria for the awarding of funds, the department
shall address the transportation needs of the disabled, the elderly, and rural populations,
consistent with the input of the advisory committee and the statewide public transportation
needs assessment, and work toward the following goals: (1) Increase safe and affordable public
transportation options across the State of Alabama. (2) Maintain and repair the existing fleet
of public transportation options across Alabama, while acquiring new vehicles, as needed.
(3) Serve individuals and families living near urban fixed route public transportation systems,
expand such routes, and improve service along the routes. (4) Serve individuals and families
living in rural Alabama and connect them to the goods and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-15C-1 Creation; funding and distribution. (a) There is hereby created the Alabama
Senior Services Trust Fund as a separate fund in the State Treasury. The trust fund shall
be administered by the Secretary/Treasurer of the Retirement Systems of Alabama, which shall
be entitled to a reasonable fee for the administration. All investments shall be made pursuant
to the same authority and restrictions that apply to the investment of funds of the Retirement
Systems of Alabama. (b) Funding to the Alabama Senior Services Trust Fund shall be from the
distribution of tobacco settlement proceeds as enacted in Division 1 of Article 17 of Chapter
10 of this title. Distributions to the trust fund shall be made each fiscal year that the
state receives proceeds from the tobacco settlement. (c) Earnings in the trust fund shall
not be subject to appropriation until the Legislature includes an appropriation in the general
appropriations act from the trust fund to the Department of Senior... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-5A-191.2 Administration and disposition of funds in Alabama Head and Spinal Cord
Injury Trust Fund. (a) Beginning October 1, 1994, moneys in the Alabama Head and Spinal Cord
Injury Trust Fund shall be distributed to the Division of Rehabilitation Services in the State
Department of Education for the following purposes: (1) As a payer of last resort for the
costs of care provided in this state for citizens of this state who have survived neuro-trauma
with head or spinal cord injuries. Expenditures for spinal cord injury and head injury care
shall be made by the Division of Rehabilitation Services according to criteria established
by the Alabama Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board. Expenditures may include
but need not be limited to, post acute medical care, rehabilitation therapies, medication,
attendant care, home accessibility modification, and equipment necessary for activities of
daily living. (2) Public information, prevention education, and research... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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