Code of Alabama

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Section 16-36-62 Local textbook committee. (a) A local textbook committee or committees shall
be appointed by each separate local board of education. The number, size, and composition,
which shall include parents, of the committee or committees shall be determined by each local
board of education. A copy of local school board policies in regard to local textbook committees
shall be kept on file by each local superintendent. Names of each person serving on a local
textbook committee shall also be kept on file by each local superintendent. (b) In order to
qualify as a member of the committee, each member of the local textbook committee and its
secretary shall prepare an affidavit to be filed with the local board of education within
10 days after notice of the member's appointment stating each of the following: (1) The member
agrees to discharge faithfully all the duties imposed upon him or her as a member or as secretary
of the textbook committee. (2) The member has no interest, directly... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-36-60 State Textbook Committee. (a) The State Textbook Committee is created. The
committee shall consider the merit of textbooks offered for use in the public elementary and
high schools of the state and make recommendations for approval or rejection, or both, to
the State Board of Education as hereinafter provided. In making recommendations to the State
Board of Education, the State Textbook Committee shall also consider any recommendations made
by the State Courses of Study Committee or by the State Superintendent of Education. (b) The
State Textbook Committee shall be composed of 23 members. Four of the members shall be secondary
school classroom teachers and four elementary school classroom teachers. One of these eight
members shall be appointed from each of the seven United States Congressional Districts, as
such districts are constituted on July 1, 1998, and one shall be appointed statewide. Four
members shall be appointed from the state at large, and these four... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-36-64 Statewide textbook contracts. (a) No contract shall be made pursuant to this
article for the purchase of textbooks rejected by the State Board of Education. The only contracts
entered into by the State Board of Education pursuant to this article shall be for textbooks
considered by the State Textbook Committee and adopted by the State Board of Education as
provided for in this article. (b) In addition to all other laws which forbid the use of textbooks
in the public schools of the state by authors who are members of the Communist Party or members
of communist front organizations, all contracts with publishers for textbooks made pursuant
to this article shall stipulate that the author or authors of such book or books is not a
member of the Communist Party or known advocate of communism or Marxist socialism and is not
a member of a communist front organization. (c) The maximum price at which the State Board
of Education shall contract for local boards of education to pay... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-36-61 Adoptions. (a) Based upon the recommendations of the State Textbook Committee,
the State Board of Education shall adopt textbooks from which local boards of education may
adopt for use in their systems. Local boards of education shall not adopt textbooks nor expend
public funds for textbooks that have been rejected by the State Board of Education, except
for the length of an existing local contract approved by the state superintendent. Members
of any local board found doing so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not exceeding
five hundred dollars ($500) and also may be imprisoned or sentenced to hard labor for a term
not exceeding six months. (b) The State Board of Education shall divide the subjects of study
in the public schools so that all textbooks on a given subject for grades kindergarten through
12 shall be considered for adoption in one year. New adoptions made during any year shall
not be used in the public schools until the next ensuing scholastic... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-36-63 Bids for statewide textbook contracts. (a) Each year, before the organizational
meeting of the State Textbook Committee, the State Board of Education, through the State Superintendent
of Education, shall advertise in such manner and for such length of time and at such places
as considered advisable, that at a certain time and place determined by the State Board of
Education sealed bids or proposals shall be received from publishers for furnishing school
textbooks. Publishers and individuals may request an invitation to bid by writing the State
Superintendent of Education. The State Board of Education may include additional regulations
in the bid form that the State Board of Education deems best for the administration of this
article. Any regulations included in the bid forms and accepted by the publisher shall be
construed as a part of this article. The bids or proposals for each book shall be based upon
a contract period determined by the State Superintendent of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Commission may deem appropriate. The executive director shall serve as secretary to the Interstate
Commission, but shall not be a Member of the Interstate Commission. The executive director
shall hire and supervise such other persons as may be authorized by the Interstate Commission.
D. The Interstate Commission's executive director and its employees shall be immune from suit
and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for a claim for damage to
or loss of property or personal injury or other civil liability caused or arising
out of or relating to an actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred, or that
such person had a reasonable basis for believing occurred, within the scope of Interstate
Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities; provided, that such person shall not be
protected from suit or liability for damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by the
intentional or willful and wanton misconduct of such person. 1. The liability of... - 46K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-36-4 Local textbook selection committee - Appointment; filing of school board policies
and names of members with State Superintendent of Education; affidavit and terms of members.
Repealed by Act 98-320, §13 effective July 1, 1998. (Acts 1965, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 221, p.
288, §9.)... - 602 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-36-66 Required affidavits for the State Board of Education and local boards of education.
(a) The State Superintendent of Education, members of the State Board of Education, local
superintendents of education, and members of local boards of education shall not do any of
the following: (1) Possess an interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract that might
be made pursuant to this article for the purchase of textbooks by the state or local boards
of education. (2) Possess any interest as an author, an associate author, a publisher, a representative
or agent of an author or of a publisher of any textbook. (3) Possess any pecuniary interest,
directly or indirectly, in the business or profits of any person, firm or corporation engaged
in manufacturing, publishing, or selling of textbooks. (4) Accept any emolument, promise of
future reward or consideration of value of any kind from any publisher of textbooks or his
or her agent. (b) Each member of the State Board of Education... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-8.1 Classroom instructional support. (a) For purposes of this section, classroom
instructional support means all elements of classroom instructional support as provided in
the Foundation Program, with the exception of textbook funds, as specified in Sections 16-6B-10
and 16-13-231, including, but not limited to, library enhancement, student materials, professional
development, technology, common purchases, and other classroom instructional support approved
by the State Board of Education. All funds allocated in the Foundation Program for library
enhancement, student materials, technology, professional development, and common purchases
shall be spent only for the purpose for which they were allocated. Library media specialists
shall be consulted in budgeting all library enhancement funds. (b) The procedures for ordering,
and the regulations applying to, classroom instructional support shall be as follows: (1)
BUDGET COMMITTEE. Each school shall have a budget committee. The... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-26A-4 Board of directors generally. (a) There is hereby created a board of directors
for the school, sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "board." The board shall
be composed of 21 members as follows: (1) The State Department of Education assistant state
superintendent in charge of curriculum development, or his or her designee. (2) The Chancellor
of the University of Alabama System, or his or her designee. (3) The President of Auburn University,
or his or her designee. (4) The President of the University of South Alabama, or his or her
designee. (5) The President of Alabama A&M University, or his or her designee. (6) The
Chair of the Alabama High School of Mathematics and Science Foundation. (7) The Chair of the
House Standing Committee on Education, or his or her designee. (8) The Chair of the Senate
Standing Committee on Education, or his or her designee. (9) The Chair of the House Standing
Committee on Ways and Means Education, or his or her designee. (10) The Chair... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

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