Code of Alabama

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Section 16-28-8 Reports required must be furnished. All school officers, including those in
private schools, or private tutors, but not those in church schools, in this state offering
instruction to pupils within the compulsory attendance ages, shall make and furnish all reports
that may be required by the State Superintendent of Education and by the county superintendent
of education or by the board of education of any city with reference to the workings of this
article. The principal teacher of each public school, private school, church school and each
private tutor shall keep an attendance register showing the enrollment of the school and every
absence of each enrolled child from school for a half day or more during each school day of
the year. (School Code 1927, §310; Code 1940, T. 52, §307; Acts 1982, No. 82-218, p. 260,
§6.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-30 Written educational policies, rules and regulations of local boards of education.
(a) Definitions. When used in this section, the following words shall have the following meanings:
(1) LOCAL BOARD OF EDUCATION or BOARD OF EDUCATION. Any city or county board of education;
the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind; the Alabama Youth Services
Board in its capacity as the Board of Education for the Youth Services Department District;
the Board of Directors of the Alabama School of Fine Arts; and the Board of Directors of the
Alabama High School of Mathematics and Science. (2) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. The superintendent
of any public county or public city school system; the President of the Alabama Institute
for Deaf and Blind; the Superintendent of the Department of Youth Services District; the Executive
Director of the Alabama School of Fine Arts; the Executive Director of the Alabama High School
of Mathematics and Science. (3) PROFESSIONAL... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-25-9 Certain school bus drivers, mechanics and maintenance workers - Generally.
(a) All fully budgeted school bus drivers (excluding students), mechanics and maintenance
workers not now covered by the Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama or Employees' Retirement
System of Alabama, who are employed by any county or city board of education or the governing
board of any public school in Alabama regardless of the source from which and the manner in
which their salaries are paid, may become members of the Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama;
provided, that such persons elect within six months after October 2, 1971, to accept the benefits
of this chapter. Such persons may signify their desire to become members of the Teachers'
Retirement System by enrolling through their employer and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Teachers'
Retirement System within said six months' period. Any person hereafter employed in these positions
shall be deemed to be a "teacher" within the meaning of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-32-150.02 Compensation. The compensation of each member of the commission shall
be twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) annually. Each commissioner who attends a racing
event or performs the duties required by this part, at the facility, shall receive an additional
fifty dollars ($50) per day. One member of the commission shall be required to be in attendance
at each racing event. Each member of the Greene County Racing Commission shall be paid at
the same rate as any other employee of the Greene County Commission for attending any out-of-town
meeting on official business of the Greene County Racing Commission. The above sums shall
be paid out of the funds in the county treasury deposited to the credit of the Greene County
Racing Commission and shall be paid to the commissioners in the same manner as the compensation
of other county officers is paid. (Acts 1975, No. 376, p. 926, §3; Act 82-838, p. 351, §2;
Act 83-334, p. 509, §1; Act 2004-434, p. 739, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-10-1 Definitions. The following definitions apply in this article only unless the
context otherwise requires: (1) FIREMAN. Any officer of a fire department, a member of a volunteer
fire department, or any other person vested by law with the duty to extinguish fires. (2)
GOVERNMENT. The state, county, municipality, or other political subdivision thereof, including
public county and city boards of education, the youth services department district, the Alabama
Institute for Deaf and Blind, and all educational institutions under the auspices of the State
Board of Education. (3) GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTION. Any activity which a public servant is legally
authorized to undertake on behalf of a government or the fire control activities of a member
of a volunteer fire department. (4) GOVERNMENTAL RECORD. Any record, paper, document, or thing
belonging to, or received or kept by, the government for information or record, or required
by law to be kept by others for information of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-28-121.03 Applicability. (a) This part shall apply to all officers and employees
in the service of the county except: (1) Elective officers. (2) Members of appointive boards,
commissions, and committees. (3) All employees and appointees of the county board of education,
or persons engaged in the profession of teaching or in supervising teaching in the public
schools. (4) Attorneys, who with the express or implied permission of any appointing authority
or the county, hold themselves out for employment by others in the same or like line of work
as that performed by them for such appointing authority. (5) Persons in the classified service
within the meaning of and subject to the State of Alabama Merit System under any present or
future law, and so long as such law remains effective. (6) Chief clerks, chief deputies, the
county engineer, the road foreman, the personnel director, the shop foreman, chief appraisers,
and/or any other declassified personnel as defined by the rules... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-11-10 Quadrennial census for city. The city board of education, subject to the provisions
of this title, shall cause to be taken under the direction of the city superintendent of schools
a quadrennial school census of the school children in the city between the ages of six and
19 years. The school census shall be taken in July of 1946, and every four years thereafter,
and the superintendent of schools, upon the direction at any time of the State Superintendent
of Education, shall cause the whole or any part of the school census in the city to be retaken.
The city superintendent of schools shall employ, with the approval of the city board of education,
a sufficient number of enumerators to take the census during the month of July, or at such
other time as the State Superintendent of Education shall cause the whole or any part of the
school census in said city to be retaken. The city board of education, upon the recommendation
of the city superintendent of schools, shall fix... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-6-30 Positions eligible for salary increase; restrictions and conditions; authority
to transfer funds to pay for salary increase. Beginning with the first payday on or after
October 1, 1994, all state employees who are listed in the classified and unclassified service
of the state as defined in Section 36-26-10, and all other state employees and hourly employees
of the state, except those set out in Section 36-6-31, and all legislative personnel, officers
and employees, including but not limited to Legislative Reference Service personnel, whether
subject to the state Merit System or not, and all circuit clerks and registers and state judges,
except as provided in Section 36-6-31, and all employees of the county health departments
who are employed subject to the state Merit System and whose compensation is paid out of a
budget provided and agreed upon by the state, county or other contributing agency under the
direction of the State Board of Health shall receive an eight... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-6-50 Persons eligible for salary increase; restrictions and conditions; authority
to transfer funds to pay for salary increase. Beginning with the first pay day on or after
October 1, 1998, all state employees who are listed in the classified and unclassified service
of the state as defined in Section 36-26-10, and all other state employees and hourly employees
of the state, except those set out in Section 36-6-51, and all legislative personnel, officers,
and employees, including, but not limited to, Legislative Reference Service personnel, whether
subject to the state Merit System or not, and all circuit clerks and state judges, except
as provided in Section 36-6-51, and all employees of the county health departments who are
employed subject to the state Merit System and whose compensation is paid out of a budget
provided and agreed upon by the state, county, or other contributing agency under the direction
of the State Board of Health, shall receive an eight percent salary... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-30-100 Compensation of employees incapacitated on the job. (a) This section shall
only apply to Franklin County. (b) When used in this section, the following terms shall have
the following meanings, respectively: (1) EDUCATIONAL AUTHORITY or EMPLOYER. The county school
system; any public city school system; any school, college, or institution under the control
of the State Board of Education located in Franklin County; any public college or university
located in Franklin County. (2) EMPLOYEE. Any teacher, counselor, advisor, librarian, coach,
educational coordinator, psychometrist, substitute teacher, aide, college teacher, including
professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor, principal, supervisor,
superintendent, administrative officer or assistant, ROTC employee, lunchroom or cafeteria
worker, adult bus driver, student bus driver, maid, janitor, custodian, maintenance worker,
secretary, clerk or clerical assistant, or any other employee, certified... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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