Code of Alabama

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Section 45-37A-51.08 Retroactive Deferred Retirement Option Plan. (a) A member who retires
at least 90 days following the effective date of this section, who has then completed at least
26 years, but less than 30 years, of credited service, and who is otherwise entitled to retire
and receive a monthly retirement allowance under the supplemental pension system, shall have
the opportunity to elect a Back DROP plan. A member eligible for the Back DROP plan may elect,
in writing at his or her retirement to retroactively drop his or her credited service in excess
of 23 years, for a period of months not exceeding 36 months immediately preceding the date
of retirement, the Back DROP period. A member who is not actively employed may not make a
Back DROP election to be effective, a Back DROP election by a married member shall be approved
in writing by his or her spouse. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) and subsection (d) of
Section 45-37A-51.07 in effect as of the date of the member's... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-51.243 Supplemental benefit. (a) In addition to the benefits described herein
for normal retirement, ordinary disability, and extraordinary disability, every participant
retired from city service or receiving a disability benefit immediately following having been
in the city service, which participant did not have active city service after July 1, 1989,
did not retire after July 1, 1990, or did not otherwise become eligible for a benefit calculated
at 2.25 percent, per year after July 1, 1990, shall have received after three years of retirement
or disability under this system an increase in monthly benefit in the amount of one hundred
fifty dollars ($150). Present and future surviving spouses or the survivors of the retirees,
who are not entitled to the 2.25 percent of the final average salary, shall have received
a monthly benefit increase in the amount of the percent of the one hundred fifty dollars ($150)
the surviving spouse or the survivor would normally be entitled... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-281 Average salaries to match national average; funding; compliance. (a) The
average salary of Alabama teachers, including the State Minimum Salary Schedule, local salary
supplementals, state incentive pay such as National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
certification, and any other salary compensation paid to Alabama teachers, shall be increased
to the national average for teacher salaries as provided in this article. Beginning in the
fiscal year 2001-2002, and continuing each fiscal year thereafter until such time as the Alabama
teacher salary average has reached the national average for teacher salaries, there shall
be allocated 41.15 percent of the growth in the Education Trust Fund for teacher salaries.
The 41.15 percent of the growth shall not apply to any future new revenue source to the Education
Trust Fund, including any revenue generated from an increase in the rate or a substantial
change in the base of existing revenue sources. Provided, however, an... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35-80 Compensation - Circuit judges, district attorney. (a) Commencing on October
1, 1988, the Circuit Judges and District Attorney of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit shall
each receive a local salary supplement from the Houston County General Fund in the amount
of eight thousand dollars ($8,000) per annum, payable in equal monthly installments. Commencing
on October 1, 1988, the district judges in Houston County shall each receive a local salary
supplement payable in equal monthly installments calculated to preserve the ratio between
total compensation paid by the state to district judges and total compensation paid by the
state to circuit judges. Provided nonetheless, that if the Legislature shall enact a statewide
salary increase applicable to any judge or district attorney affected by this section at its
1988 or 1989 Regular Session, any local salary supplement payable to a judge or district attorney
under the terms of this section shall be diminished in the amount of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-123.100 Retirement benefits. (a) Superannuation retirement benefit. (1) ELIGIBILITY.
A member shall be eligible for a superannuation retirement benefit if: a. The member has 30
or more years of paid membership time, regardless of age; b. The member has 10 or more years
of paid membership time and has attained the age of 60; or c. The member has 30 years of service,
20 years of which are paid membership time, and has attained the age of 55. (2) CALCULATION
OF BENEFIT. If a member meets the foregoing eligibility criteria, then the member shall be
eligible to retire and receive a monthly benefit for the remainder of his or her life to be
determined by the following formula: a. Two and one-half percent multiplied by the basic average
salary multiplied by the number of years of paid membership time; plus b. Five-eights of one
percent multiplied by the basic average salary multiplied by the number of years of unpaid
membership time, if applicable. (3) SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-25-1 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter the following terms, unless a
different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following respective
meanings: (1) RETIREMENT SYSTEM. The Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama as defined in
Section 16-25-2. (2) PUBLIC SCHOOL. Any day school conducted within the state under the authority
and supervision of a duly elected or appointed county or city board of education and any educational
institution supported by and under the control of the state or any private nondenominational
school operated nonprofit for the education of children of school age residing within a district
where no public school is available for the children. (3) TEACHER. Any teacher, principal,
superintendent, supervisor, college professor, administrative officer, or clerk employed in
any public school or public college within the state or employed in any private nondenominational
school operated nonprofit for the education of children of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-51.07 Retirement allowance and survivor's allowance. (a)(1) The words, terms,
and phrases of this section shall have the meaning ascribed to them by Act 929, unless it
appears from the context that a different meaning is intended. As used in this section and
Section 45-37A-51.11, these words and terms have the meanings hereby accorded them: a. DEFERRED
or police officer under Act 929, the payment of which does not commence until the pension
granted to such firefighter or police officer under this subpart ceases. b. DISABLED CHILD.
A firefighter's or police officer's son or daughter regardless of age who becomes disabled
prior to attaining age 18 with a medically determinable physical or mental impairment or impairments,
by reason of which impairment, or impairments, the son or daughter has been unable, and continues
to be unable, to engage in any substantially gainful activity. c.... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-5A-9 Participation of eligible employees in Employees' Retirement System; creditable
service; formal leave accounting system; inclusion in health insurance plan. (a) Class specifications
and rates of compensation for employees covered by this chapter, juvenile probation officers,
juvenile probation professional staff, and clerical staff, hereafter called "eligible
employees," and any future employees occupying those positions shall be established by
the Administrative Director of Courts. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the compensation of
any employee shall not be diminished as a result of his or her inclusion in the state court
system personnel system. (b) Eligible employees included in the state court system personnel
system pursuant to this chapter shall, on October 1 of the year their county transitions,
be covered by the Employees' Retirement System. An employee who on that date is participating
in a local retirement plan other than a unit administered by the Employees'... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-28A-42.54 Management and control of retirement fund. (a) The board of trustees of
the policemen's and firemen's retirement fund is hereby declared to be the trustee of the
policemen's and firemen's retirement fund and shall have the exclusive management and control
thereof, and all matters legitimately connected therewith. The board of trustees shall have
the power to recommend such rules and regulations as may be necessary to enable it to effectively
and properly to carry into execution the purposes for which it was organized and created,
and to enable it properly to manage and conduct the business entrusted to it, provided such
rules and regulations shall in no way contravene this subpart; and provided further that such
rules and regulations so recommended shall not become effective until written notice of such
recommendations is posted in all police and fire stations of the city, and after 10 days'
notice thereof, an election is held in each of the departments, in which... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-51.04 Membership. (a) The following shall be members of the supplemental pension
system hereby created: Members of the fire department or police department of the city who
belong to the general retirement and relief system, created by Act 929 on whose account the
city makes no contribution or pays no tax, to the United States of America under the federal
Social Security Act. (b) As used in this subpart these terms have the meanings here given
them: (1) ACT 556 CREDITABLE SERVICE. A member's service with the city during the period while
the salary deductions of Section 45-37A-51.05 applied to him or her and also his or her service
with the city during any period while salary deductions did not apply to him or her, provided
he or she exercises the option subsection (d) or (e) accords him or her to have his or her
service during the last mentioned period counted as Act 556 creditable services. (2) BENEFIT.
A benefit payable under this subpart to a member or to any person... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

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