Code of Alabama

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Section 34-13-1 Definitions. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) ACCREDITED SCHOOL or COLLEGE OF MORTUARY SCIENCE. A school or
college approved by the Alabama Board of Funeral Service and which maintains a course of instruction
of not less than 48 calendar weeks or four academic quarters or college terms and which gives
a course of instruction in the fundamental subjects including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Mortuary management and administration. b. Legal medicine and toxicology as it pertains
to funeral directing. c. Public health, hygiene, and sanitary science. d. Mortuary science,
to include embalming technique, in all its aspects; chemistry of embalming, color harmony;
discoloration, its causes, effects, and treatment; treatment of special cases; restorative
art; funeral management; and professional ethics. e. Anatomy and physiology. f. Chemistry,
organic and inorganic. g. Pathology. h. Bacteriology. i. Sanitation... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-36 Application of net commission revenues. All commission horse wagering fees,
commission greyhound wagering fees, and other fees, commissions, and moneys, including fines
and forfeitures, to which a commission shall be entitled under the provisions of this chapter
shall be paid to the treasurer of such commission and shall be deposited by said treasurer
to the account of such commission. Except for the gross profits of any commission racing day
and the commission greyhound wagering fee referable to greyhound racing on such day that may
be set aside for specific public entities or charitable organizations pursuant to Section
11-65-30.1(c), all such moneys to which a commission shall be entitled that remain after (i)
the payment of all expenses incurred in the administration of this chapter, including (without
limitation thereto) the payment of the salaries and expenses of the members and employees
of such commission, and (ii) the deposit into the breeding fund of all... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-15-4 Value for which state property to be insured; annual certification; gap coverage
and gap plus coverage; survey of public property; sale or salvage of insured items. (a) All
covered property, unless otherwise provided in this section, shall be insured for no more
than its replacement cost and shall be insured for no less than 80 percent of its actual cash
value. Replacement cost coverage may be provided with an amount of insurance as agreed upon
by the proper insuring authority and the risk manager based upon a written statement of values.
Replacement cost shall be the cost to repair or replace property with comparable materials
of like kind and quality by generally accepted construction methods or technology to serve
the same function as the lost or damaged property. No payment for a loss shall exceed the
limit of the policy. (b) The officer or person having charge by law of insuring any public
building, contents, machinery, and equipment shall annually certify to the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-23-213 Grant program; rulemaking authority; Alabama Broadband Accessibility Fund.
(a) The Director of ADECA may establish and administer the broadband accessibility grant program
for the purpose of promoting the deployment and adoption of broadband Internet access services
to unserved areas. By June 26, 2018, the director shall adopt rules and policies to administer
the program and begin to accept applications for grants, and shall adopt such rules as may
be necessary to meet the future needs of the grant program. (b) The program shall be administered
pursuant to policies developed by ADECA in compliance with this article. The policies shall
provide for the awarding of grants to non-governmental entities that are cooperatives, corporations,
limited liability companies, partnerships, or other private business entities that provide
broadband services. Nothing in this article shall expand the authority under state law of
any entity to provide broadband service. (c) There is... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-4-130 Appointment; powers and duties; bond. (a) The Bibb County Commission, or any
succeeding county governing body performing the functions of the county governing body in
the county, shall employ a county engineer, who shall be a thoroughly qualified and competent
civil engineer, possessing all of the qualifications as specified for county engineers under
the general laws of the State of Alabama. The engineer shall devote his or her entire time
and attention to the maintenance and construction of the Bibb County public roads, highways,
bridges, and ferries. (b) The county engineer shall be appointed by the county commission
from a nomination made by the State Director of Transportation. If the nomination is not acceptable
to the county commission, the State Director of Transportation shall be requested to make
additional nominations. Should the State Director of Transportation refuse, or fail to make
nominations, the county commission may fill the position of county... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-20-5 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption,
etc.; applicability of usury, etc., laws. All bonds issued by a county under authority of
this article shall be limited obligations of the county, the principal of and interest on
which shall be payable solely out of the revenues derived from the leasing of the project
to finance which the bonds are issued. Bonds and interest coupons issued under authority of
this article shall never constitute an indebtedness of the county within the meaning of any
state constitutional provision or statutory limitation and shall never constitute nor give
rise to a pecuniary liability of the county or a charge against its general credit or taxing
powers, and such fact shall be plainly stated on the face of each such bond. Such bonds may
be executed and delivered at any time and from time to time, may be in such form and denominations,
may be of such tenor, may be in registered or bearer form either as to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-54-54 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption,
etc. All bonds issued by a municipality under authority of this article shall be limited obligations
of the municipality, the principal of and interest on which shall be payable solely out of
the revenues derived from the leasing of the project to finance which the bonds are issued.
Bonds and interest coupons issued under the authority of this article shall never constitute
an indebtedness of the municipality within the meaning of any state constitutional provision
or statutory limitation and shall never constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability
of the municipality or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers, and such fact
shall be plainly stated in the face of each such bond. Such bonds may be executed and delivered
at any time and from time to time, may be in such form and denominations, may be of such tenor,
may be in registered or bearer form either as to principal... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-304 Terms and conditions; sale; use of proceeds. (a)(1) Warrants issued pursuant
to this article may be in the denomination or denominations; shall have a maturity or maturities
not exceeding 30 years from their date; may bear interest from their date at the rate or rates
payable in the manner and at the times; may be payable at the place or places within or without
the State of Alabama; may be sold for such price and in the manner as provided in this article;
and may contain the terms not in conflict with the provisions of this article; all as the
board may provide in the proceedings pursuant to which the warrants are authorized to be issued.
(2)(i) The board may provide that the warrants shall bear interest at a rate or rates fixed
at the time of the issuance thereof. (ii) With the prior, specific approval of the State Superintendent,
given as provided in this article, the board may provide that the warrants shall bear interest
at rates which may be changed from time to... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-47-210.1 Legislative findings and declarations. The Legislature finds and declares
all of the following: (1) Through this article, the Legislature has (i) granted to each municipality
in the state, acting either individually or in cooperation with one or more other municipalities,
the power to acquire, operate, manage, and control parks, playgrounds, and other recreational
or athletic facilities and to authorize the organization of an authority, as a public corporation,
to act on behalf of the municipality or municipalities in providing for the ownership and
management of parks, playgrounds, and other recreational or athletic facilities, (ii) provided
for the organization of the authorities, and (iii) specified certain powers to be enjoyed
by such an authority. (2) In order to facilitate the accomplishment of the legislative objectives
reflected in this article and to provide for a greater degree of mutual cooperation among
separate political subdivisions, it is necessary,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

and of the parties thereto; (2) To adopt and alter a corporate seal; (3) To make and alter
at pleasure all needful bylaws, rules, and regulations for the transaction of its business
and the control of its property and affairs; (4) To have the same right of eminent domain
through condemnation conferred by Section 10-5-1, or any subsequent statute of similar import;
provided that nothing herein shall be construed to grant to the authority the power to acquire
by condemnation any real or personal property or right-of-way of any utility as the
term "utility" is defined in Section 37-4-1(7)a.; (5) To acquire in its own name
by purchase on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper, or by exercise
of the power of eminent domain, or by gift, grant, lease, or otherwise, real property or rights
and easements therein and franchises and personal property necessary or convenient
for its corporate purposes; and to insure its property against any and all risks with... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

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