Code of Alabama

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Section 11-56-10 Bonds - Authority for issuance; security for payment of principal and interest
generally; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale, redemption, etc. The corporation is authorized
at any time and from time to time to issue its interest-bearing revenue bonds for the purpose
of acquiring, constructing, improving, enlarging, completing and equipping one or more projects.
The principal of and the interest on any such bonds shall be payable solely out of the revenues
derived from the project with respect to which such bonds are issued. None of the bonds of
the corporation shall ever constitute an obligation or debt of the state, the county or the
municipality or a charge against the credit or taxing powers of the state, the county or the
municipality. Bonds of the corporation may be issued at any time and from time to time, may
be in such form and denominations, may be of such tenor, may be payable in such installments
and at such time or times, not exceeding 40 years from... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-313 Price of bonds; competitive bidding; notice of sale; expenses of sale. Bonds
of the authority may be sold at such price or prices and at such time or times as the board
of directors of the authority may consider advantageous, at public or private sale. If bonds
are to be sold by competitive bid on sealed bids or at public auction, the bonds may be sold
only to the bidder whose bid reflects the lowest effective borrowing cost to the authority
for the bonds being sold; provided, that if no bid acceptable to the authority is received,
it may reject all bids. Notice of each such sale by competitive bids shall be given by publication
in either a financial journal or a financial newspaper published in the City of New York,
New York, and also by publication in a newspaper published in the State of Alabama, each of
which notices must be published at least one time not less than 10 days before the date fixed
for such sale. The board of directors may fix the terms and... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-117 Disposition of refunding bond proceeds. (a) The proceeds of refunding bonds
shall be applied, together with any other moneys legally available, to the payment of the
expenses authorized by this article and to the payment of the principal of, premium, if any,
and interest due and to become due on any outstanding bonds to be refunded. The expenses authorized
by this article shall include, in addition to other expenses authorized by this article, all
expenses that the board of directors may deem necessary or advantageous in connection with
the sale and issuance of refunding bonds, including, without limitation, the expenses of selling
and issuing such refunding bonds, including any discount reflected in the purchase price paid
to the corporation, fees and disbursements of attorneys, accountants, fiscal agents, financial
advisors, and other consultants, fees and disbursements of trustees, escrow agents, registrars,
paying agents, transfer agents, depositories for... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-3A-11 Sale of bonds. Bonds of the authority (including refunding bonds) may be sold
at such price(s) and at such time(s) as the directors may consider advantageous, either at
public sale through competitive bidding or by private sale through negotiation with the prospective
purchaser. The authority may fix the terms and conditions under which each sale of bonds may
be held. The authority may pay out of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds all expenses,
including, but not limited to, fees, premiums, discounts, insurance premiums and commissions
and letters of credit or other credit enhancement fees, as the directors may deem necessary
or advantageous. Neither a public hearing nor consent by the State Department of Finance or
any other department or agency shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of any of the bonds.
All bonds issued by the authority shall contain a recital that they are issued pursuant to
the provisions of this chapter, which recital shall be conclusive... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-34-8 Sale of bonds. The bonds and other evidences of indebtedness of the authority
may be sold at such time or times as the board of directors may deem advantageous. The bonds
may be sold at private or public sale. Bonds sold at public sale shall be awarded to the bidder
whose bid reflects the lowest net interest cost to the authority for the bonds being sold,
computed to their respective absolute maturities; provided, that if no bid acceptable to the
authority is received, it may reject all bids and readvertise. Notice of any public sale shall
be given by such publication or by such distribution of notices of sale or both, as the board
of directors may determine subject to state law. The authority may pay from the proceeds of
the sale of its bonds all expenses, including publication and printing charges, attorney's
fees, financial advisory fees, and other expenses which the board of directors may deem necessary
or advantageous in connection with the authorization,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-2-26 Kilby property - Sale or lease by authority. (a) The authority shall have the
power to sell, convey and lease all or any part of the Kilby property and, as an aid to such
sale or lease, to cause to be prepared by competent real estate experts a land use map and
plan. No such sale or lease shall be made, however, except at public offering, on sealed bids
or at auction, and upon such published notice as the authority shall determine to be necessary
or desirable in order to attract the greatest interest from prospective bidders. Notice of
any public sale or lease shall, in any event, be given by publication in at least three newspapers
of general circulation published in the state at least three times, the first notice to be
published not less than 60 days before the date of such public offering, the second notice
to be published not less than 30 days nor more than 40 days before such public offering and
the third notice to be published not less than 10 days nor more than... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-78 Disposition of proceeds from sale of securities. All proceeds derived from the
sale of any securities of the corporation, other than refunding securities, shall be deposited
in the State Treasury and carried in a special account or accounts, and may be withdrawn solely
for the purposes and in the amounts set out below: (1) No more than 60 percent of the said
proceeds shall be used for the acquisition, construction and installation of a market facility
by the Board of Agriculture and Industries. Withdrawals for such purpose shall be upon requisition
by or pursuant to authority of the Board of Agriculture and Industries addressed and presented
to the State Comptroller and paid out by the warrant of the Comptroller upon the State Treasury,
to be used only to pay the following: a. The cost of materials, supplies and labor used in
the construction of the market facility; b. The cost of acquisition and installation of equipment
for the market facility; c. The cost of acquiring... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-88-7.1 Additional powers. (a) Any authority organized or operating pursuant to Chapter
88 of Title 11 shall, in addition to all other powers now or hereafter granted by law, have
the following powers and rights: (1) To borrow money for temporary use for any of its corporate
purposes and, in evidence of such borrowing, to issue from time to time revenue bonds or notes
maturing not later than 36 months from the date of issuance. Any such temporary borrowing
may be made in anticipation of the sale and issuance of long-term revenue bonds, and in such
event, the principal proceeds from the sale of such long-term revenue bonds shall, to the
extent necessary, be used for payment of the principal of and the interest on the temporary
revenue bonds or notes issued in anticipation of the sale and issuance of such long-term revenue
bonds. Any such temporary borrowing may also be made with respect to a project simultaneously
with or after the sale and issuance of long-term revenue bonds... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-2-16 Bonds - Sale. Bonds of the authority may be sold at such price or prices and
at such time or times as the board of directors of the authority may consider advantageous,
either at public sale or private sale. Bonds of the authority sold by competitive bid must
be sold, whether on sealed bids or at public auction, to the bidder whose bid reflects the
lowest effective borrowing cost to the authority for the bonds being sold; provided, that
if no bid acceptable to the authority is received, it may reject all bids. Notice of each
such sale by competitive bids shall be given by publication in either a financial journal
or a financial newspaper published in the City of New York, New York, and also by publication
in a newspaper published in the State of Alabama, each of which notices must be published
at least one time not less than 10 days before the date for the sale. The board of directors
may fix the terms and conditions under which such sale may be held; provided, that... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-114 Form and contents of bonds; redemption. (a) Any bonds of the corporation may
be executed and delivered by it at any time and from time to time, shall be in such form and
denominations and of such tenor and maturities, shall bear such rate or rates of interest,
payable and evidenced in such manner, may contain provisions for redemption prior to maturity,
and may contain other provisions not inconsistent herewith, all as may be provided by the
resolution of the board of directors whereunder such bonds are authorized to be issued; provided,
that no bond of the corporation shall have a specified maturity date later than 30 years after
its date. Each bond of the corporation may be made subject to redemption at the option of
the corporation under such terms and conditions and at such premiums, if any, as may be provided
in the resolution under which the bond is authorized to be issued. The corporation may pay
out of the proceeds of the sale of its bonds all expenses,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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