Code of Alabama

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Section 16-13-309 Powers authorized. Any county may, with respect to the county board of education
within its jurisdiction and any city board of education within, in whole or in part, its jurisdiction,
and any municipality may, with respect to the city board of education (if any) within its
jurisdiction and with respect to the county board of education for each county within the
jurisdiction of which all or any part of such municipality is located, upon such terms and
with or without consideration, as it may determine: (1) Lend or donate money to, guarantee
all or any part of the indebtedness or operating expense of, or perform services for the benefit
of, such board. (2) Donate, sell, convey, transfer, lease, or grant to such board, without
the necessity of authorization at any election of qualified voters, any property of any kind,
including, without limitation, any project, any interest in any thereof, and any franchise.
(3) Do any and all things, whether or not specifically... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-3-190 Levy of tax; collection; disposition of proceeds by localities; enforcement
and administration; penalties; exclusive nature of tax. (a) Levy. In addition to the excise
tax levied by Article 5A of Chapter 3 of this title and the licenses provided for by Chapter
3A of this title and by Section 28-3-194, and any acts amendatory thereof, supplementary thereto
or substituted therefor, and municipal and county licenses, there is hereby levied a privilege
or excise tax on every person licensed under the provisions of Chapter 3A who sells, stores,
or receives for the purpose of distribution, to any person, firm, corporation, club, or association
within the State of Alabama any beer. The tax levied hereby shall be measured by and graduated
in accordance with the volume of sales by such person of beer, and shall be an amount equal
to one and six hundred twenty-five thousands cents (1.625 cents) for each four fluid ounces
or fractional part thereof. (b) Collection. The tax levied... - 43K - Match Info - Similar pages

dues. Each benevolent request application shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the board
of trustees. (m) The district formed under this section shall constitute a nonprofit public
corporation, which shall have the power to do any and all acts or things necessary and convenient
for carrying out the purposes for which it is created, including, but not limited to, the
following: (1) To have a seal and alter the seal at pleasure. (2) To acquire, hold, and dispose
of property, real and personal, tangible and intangible, or interest therein and pay
therefor in cash or on credit, and to secure and procure payment for all or any part of the
purchase price thereof on such terms and conditions as the board shall determine. (3) To negotiate
and enter into contract with residents, businesses, or churches in areas outside the district,
including areas outside the county, or with other districts to furnish fire or emergency medical
services, or both, and to charge fees for the service. (4)... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-301 Definitions. The following terms as used in this article shall have the following
meanings: (1) BOARD. Any county board of education and any city board of education. (2) COSTS.
When used with reference to or in connection with any public school facility or any portion
thereof, all or any part of the costs of acquiring, constructing, altering, enlarging, extending,
reconstructing, or remodeling such facility, including (i) the costs of all lands, structures,
real or personal property, rights, rights-of-way, franchises, easements, permits, licenses
and interests acquired or used for, in connection with or with respect to such public school
facility; (ii) the costs of demolishing or removing any buildings or structures on land so
acquired, including the costs of acquiring land to which such buildings or structures may
be moved; (iii) the costs of all machinery, equipment, furniture, furnishings, fixtures, and
tangible and intangible personal property acquired or used... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-121.01 Personnel board - Extent of authority. In and for each separate county
of the State of Alabama which has a population of 400,000 or more people according to the
last or any future federal census, there shall be a personnel board for the government and
control by rules and regulations and practices hereinafter set out or authorized of all employees
and appointees holding positions in the classified service of such counties and the municipalities
therein whose population according to the last federal census was 5,000 or more and the county
board of health, and such personnel board is vested with such power, authority, and jurisdiction.
Provided, however, that such board shall not govern any officers or appointees holding positions
in the unclassified service. The unclassified service shall include: All employees or appointees
of a city or county board of education, or a library board; persons engaged in the profession
of teaching in the public schools; officers... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-18-9 Lease by educational institutions of ancillary improvements. (a) Any one or
more educational institutions in the state, except those educational institutions to which
subsection (b) of this section applies, are hereby authorized at any time and from time to
time to enter into one or more lease agreements with the authority whereunder any one or more
ancillary improvements or part thereof shall be leased by the authority to such educational
institution for a term not exceeding 50 years; provided, that the rentals under such lease
agreement shall not be payable from any sources other than those specified in the lease agreement;
and provided, further, that the rentals shall not be payable by educational institutions out
of funds appropriated by the state to or for the benefit of such educational institutions.
(b) The State Board of Education and each city and county board of education (including each
public body having jurisdiction over schools in a municipality or county)... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-56-1 Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter,
shall, in the absence of clear implication otherwise, have the following respective meanings:
(1) CORPORATION OR THE CORPORATION. A corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of
this chapter. (2) BOARD. The board of directors of the corporation. (3) THE STATE. The State
of Alabama. (4) THE MUNICIPALITY. That incorporated city or town in the state which authorized
the organization of the corporation. (5) THE COUNTY. That county in which the certificate
of incorporation of the corporation shall be filed for record. (6) LOCAL SUBDIVISION. The
municipality or the county. (7) PUBLIC CORPORATION. a. Any public corporation (other than
a corporation organized under this chapter) now or hereafter organized or created in the state
pursuant to the authorization or determination by the municipality, by the municipality and
one or more other cities and towns in the state, by the county, by the county... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

commission and, with respect to a municipality, the council, commission or other governing
body of such municipality. (7) MUNICIPALITY. Any incorporated city or town in this state.
(8) INDENTURE. Any mortgage, indenture of mortgage, deed of trust, trust agreement or trust
indenture executed by an authority as security for its bonds. (9) PROJECT. a. Any land, any
interest in land, any building, structure, or improvement thereon, any machinery, equipment,
furniture, furnishings, facility or personal property, or any of them, which, in the
judgment of the board of an authority is suitable for use by the authority in carrying out
its powers and the functions authorized by this chapter, including, without limitation, ports,
docks, and all kinds of dock facilities, water and rail terminals and facilities, wharves,
piers, berths, quays, loading and unloading facilities and other related facilities, marinas,
boating facilities, facilities for aquatic entertainment and sports, facilities for... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-130 Definitions. For the purposes of this article, unless otherwise indicated,
the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
(1) AUTHORITY. A corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this article. (2) BOARD.
The board of directors of the authority. (3) BOND. Any bond issued under the provisions of
this article, including refunding bonds. (4) COUNTY. That county in which the certificate
of incorporation of the authority shall be filed for record. (5) COUPON. Any interest coupon
evidencing an installment of interest payable with respect to a bond. (6) FISCAL YEAR. A fiscal
year of the municipality. (7) GOVERNING BODY. The council, board of commissioners or other
like body in which the legislative functions of the municipality are vested by law. (8) INDENTURE.
A mortgage, an indenture of mortgage, deed of trust or trust indenture executed by the authority
as security for any bonds. (9) LEASE AGREEMENT. Any agreement of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-57-1 Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter,
shall have the following respective meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) AUTHORITY. A corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (2) BOARD.
The board of directors of the authority. (3) BOND. Any bond issued under the provisions of
this chapter, including refunding bonds. (4) COUNTY. That county in which the certificate
of incorporation of the authority shall be filed for record. (5) COUPON. Any interest coupon
evidencing an installment of interest payable with respect to a bond. (6) FISCAL YEAR. A fiscal
year of the municipality. (7) GOVERNING BODY. The council, board of commissioners, or other
like body in which the legislative functions of the municipality are vested by law. (8) INDENTURE.
A mortgage, an indenture of mortgage, deed of trust or trust indenture executed by the authority
as security for any bonds. (9) LEASE AGREEMENT. Any agreement... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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