Code of Alabama

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Section 45-49-140.02 Petition for elections. (a) Upon a petition being filed in the office
of the judge of probate of the county, the judge of probate shall order an election to be
held in the proposed district on the question, or questions, on which the petition requests
an election. (b) The petition shall be signed by at least 100 qualified property owners within
the boundaries of the proposed district. (c) The petition shall contain a description of the
area proposed to be established as a district and shall request the judge of probate to call
an election on the following question: Shall there be created for the area a district for
fighting fires? (d) The petition shall state the name of the proposed district. The board
of trustees of a district may change the name of the district by filing in the office of the
judge of probate a copy of a resolution changing the name thereof, which copy shall be certified
by the president of the board of trustees. (e) The petition for election on... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-5A-1 Procedure for incorporation - Application for permit. (a) The proposed incorporators
of a bank shall execute and acknowledge an application for a permit in writing in the form
prescribed by the superintendent and shall file the same in the office of the State Banking
Department, which application shall be signed by all of the incorporators requesting a certificate
authorizing the proposed bank to transact business at the place, time and under the name stated
in said application. (b) At the time of filing said application, the applicant shall pay to
the superintendent a filing fee. (c) The application shall name at a minimum five directors,
and a majority of all directors shall be outside directors unless a written waiver is obtained
from the superintendent. A director shall be deemed to be an outside director if the director
will not serve as an officer, other than the chair, or an employee of the bank. (d) The application
shall name a chair, chief executive officer, a... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-2-1.20 Filing instruments. REPEALED IN THE 2019 REGULAR SESSION BY ACT 2019-94
under this chapter must satisfy the requirements of Article 4 of Chapter 1, and must be signed:
(1) By the chair of the board of directors of the domestic or foreign business corporation,
by its president, or by another of its officers; (2) If directors have not been selected or
the corporation has not been formed, by an incorporator; or (3) If the corporation is in the
hands of a receiver, trustee, or other court-appointed fiduciary, by that fiduciary. (b) The
person executing the instrument shall sign it and state beneath or opposite his or her signature
in English letters, his or her name, and the capacity in which he or she signs. The instrument
may but need not contain: (1) the corporate seal, (2) an attestation by the secretary or an
assistant secretary, or (3) an acknowledgement, verification, or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-56-5 Certificate of incorporation - Execution, acknowledgment, filing, and recordation.
The certificate of incorporation shall be signed and acknowledged by the incorporators before
an officer authorized by the laws of the state to take acknowledgments of deeds and shall
have attached thereto a certified copy of the resolution provided for in Section 11-56-4 and
a certificate by the Secretary of State that the name proposed for the corporation is not
identical with that of any other corporation in the state or so nearly similar thereto as
to lead to confusion and uncertainty. The certificate of incorporation, together with the
documents required by the preceding sentence to be attached thereto, shall be filed in the
office of the judge of probate of any county in which any portion of the municipality is located,
who shall forthwith receive and record the same. When such certificate of incorporation and
attached documents have been so filed, the corporation referred to... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-61A-5 Attachments to certificate. (a) The certificate of incorporation of the authority
shall be signed and acknowledged by the incorporators before an officer authorized by the
laws of the state to take acknowledgments to deeds. (b) The certificate shall have each of
the following attached: (1) A certified copy of the resolution required in Section 11-61A-3.
(2) A certificate by the Secretary of State that the name proposed for the authority is not
identical to that of any other corporation organized under the laws of the state or so nearly
similar as to lead to confusion and uncertainty. (c) The incorporators shall file the certificate
of incorporation of the authority, together with the attachments in the office of the judge
of probate of the county in which the principal office of the authority is located. The judge
of probate shall immediately receive and record the certificate and attachments. (d) When
the certificate of incorporation and attachments have been filed,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-13-43 Maintenance of general direct and reverse indexes of instruments filed for
record; liability of probate judge for failure to comply with provisions of section. The probate
judge of each county in this state shall keep in his office four well-bound books of suitable
size and grade of paper in which to make a general direct and a general reverse index of each
instrument filed for record in his office, and two of said books shall be used for conveyances
of real property and two for conveyances of personal property and all other instruments entitled
to record in his office. In the general direct indexes he shall enter, in regular alphabetical
order, under appropriate title, the name of each maker of the instrument, the name of each
person to whom made, the date and character of such instrument and the date filed for record;
and, in the general reverse indexes, in like alphabetical order, under its appropriate title,
he shall enter the name of each person to whom the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-21-17 When return to be made; form and contents of return. (a) After due service
thereof, the person to whom a writ of habeas corpus is directed must make his return on the
day therein specified if practicable; and, if no day is specified therein and the place to
which the return is to be made is not more than 30 miles from the place where the party is
imprisoned or detained, the return must be made within two days after service, but if more
than 30 and less than 100 miles, within five days, and if over 100 miles, within eight days
after service. (b) The return must be signed by the person making it and be verified by his
oath, unless he is a sworn public officer and makes the return in his official capacity, and
it must state, plainly and unequivocally whether or not he has the party in his custody or
power or under his restraint and, if so, by what authority and the cause thereof, setting
out the same fully, together with a copy of the writ, warrant or other written... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-13-52 Certificate of nomination by convention, mass meeting, etc. The certificate
of nomination by any caucus, convention, mass meeting, or other assembly of any political
party or faction in this state not conducting a primary election at the expense of the state
shall be filed on or before 5:00 P.M. of the primary election day to certify their nominees
with the judge of probate, in the case of nominations for county office, and with the Secretary
of State, in the case of all other offices. Each such certificate must have attached thereto
a separate sworn statement from the nominee, signed by the nominee, stating that he or she
accepts the nomination. (Acts 1975, No. 1196, p. 2349, §43; §17-16-46; amended and renumbered
by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §61.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-16-47 Statement of grounds of contest. When any elector chooses to contest the election
of any person declared to be elected to the office of senator or representative in the Legislature,
judge of the circuit court or district court, any office which is filled by the vote of a
single county, or constable, he or she must make a statement in writing setting forth specifically:
(1) The name of the party contesting and that he or she was a qualified voter when the election
was held. (2) The office which the election was held to fill and the time of holding the same.
(3) The particular grounds of the contest. This statement must be verified by the affidavit
of such contesting party to the effect that the same is believed to be true. If the reception
of illegal votes is alleged as a cause of contest, it is a sufficient statement of cause to
allege that illegal votes were given to the person whose election is contested, which, if
taken from that person, will reduce the number of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-16-70 Commission has power to punish for contempt. If any witness, being summoned,
fails to attend, or being summoned with a subpoena duces tecum, fails and refuses to produce
the paper or document required to be produced by the subpoena, the commission shall have the
right and authority to punish the witness for contempt by a fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars ($500), or by imprisonment in any county jail in the state for a period not to exceed
30 days, one or both, and in case any witness shall fail to appear or produce any book or
document before any judge, clerk of court, or other person having a warrant from the commission,
the judge, clerk of court, or other person, must certify the fact to the commission, which
may thereupon punish such witness for contempt, as provided in this section. (Code 1896, §1679;
Code 1907, §485; Code 1923, §575; Code 1940, T. 17, §261; §17-15-57; amended and renumbered
by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §83.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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