Code of Alabama

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Section 10A-20-1.02 Proceedings to incorporate. To become a corporation sole, the bishop shall
present to the Secretary of State of Alabama an application signed by the bishop which shall
set forth: (1) The name, official designation, and place of residence of the applicant, the
name of the church of which the individual is a bishop, a copy in English of the commission,
instrument, or document, if any, evidencing the right to the office, the date and place of
the consecration and induction into office and that the bishop desires to become a corporation
sole under this article; (2) The name and territorial limits of the diocese, the date of its
creation, a brief designation of the authority by which the diocese was created, that by which
it may be modified and that by which its bishopric is filled, the terms of its bishop's office
and the instrument or document, if any, by which the bishop's right to the office is evidenced,
and the place where, and the official by whom, the original... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-17-212 Qualifications for supernumerary status - Twelve years service and total
disability; 25 years continuous service; 20 years service as judge and district attorney,
etc. Any district attorney or other like prosecuting officer by whatever name designated of
this state who has served continuously for as much as 12 years and who has become permanently
and totally disabled, proof of such disability being made by certificate of three reputable
physicians, or who has served continuously for as much as 25 years, and any person holding
office as a judge of a county law and equity court on January 1, 1960, who has served continuously
as a district attorney or other like prosecuting officer by whatever name designated for 20
years or more, may elect to become a supernumerary district attorney of the State of Alabama
by filing, while in service as such prosecuting officer or judge, a written declaration to
that effect with the Governor, which written declaration shall set forth... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-9-38 Right of arrestee to be informed; application for writ of habeas corpus; penalty
for violation of section. (a) No person arrested upon a warrant of arrest issued under this
division shall be delivered over to the agent whom the executive authority demanding him shall
have appointed to receive him unless he has been informed of the demand made for his surrender,
the crime with which he is charged and that he has the right to demand legal counsel. (b)
If the prisoner, his friends or counsel shall state that he or they desire to test the legality
of the arrest, the prisoner shall be taken forthwith before a judge of a district or circuit
court in this state, who shall fix a reasonable time to be allowed him within which to apply
for a writ of habeas corpus. When such writ is applied for, notice thereof, and of the time
and place of hearing thereon, shall be given to the public prosecuting officer of the county
in which the arrest is made and in which the accused is in... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-6-6 Articles of incorporation - Generally. The articles of incorporation of a cooperative
shall recite in the caption that they are executed pursuant to this chapter, shall be signed
and acknowledged by each of the incorporators, and shall state: The name of the cooperative;
the address of its principal office; the names and addresses of the incorporators; the names
and addresses of the persons who shall constitute its first board of trustees; and any provisions
not inconsistent with this chapter deemed necessary or advisable for the conduct of its business
and affairs. Such articles of incorporation shall be submitted to the Secretary of State for
filing as provided in this chapter. It shall not be necessary to set forth in the articles
of incorporation of a cooperative the purpose for which it is organized or any of the corporate
powers vested in a cooperative under this chapter. (Acts 1939, No. 231, p. 371; Code 1940,
T. 18, ยง36.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-10-29 Deeds - Delivered to purchaser. After the expiration of three years from the
date of the sale of any real estate for taxes, the judge of probate then in office must execute
and deliver to the purchaser, other than the state, or person to whom the certificate of purchase
has been assigned, upon the return of the certificate, proof that all ad valorem taxes have
been paid, and payment of a fee of five dollars ($5) to the judge of probate, a deed to each
lot or parcel of real estate sold to the purchaser and remaining unredeemed, including therein,
if desired by the purchaser, any number of parcels, or lots purchased by him at such sale;
and such deed shall convey to and vest in the grantee all the right, title, interest and estate
of the person whose duty it was to pay the taxes on such real estate and the lien and claim
of the state and county thereto, but it shall not convey the right, title or interest of any
reversioner or remainderman therein. (Acts 1935, No. 194,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-85 Execution of certificate of incorporation; filing of certificate of incorporation,
resolution of governing body, etc., with probate judge and recordation thereof by probate
judge. (a) The certificate of incorporation shall be signed and acknowledged by the incorporators
before an officer authorized by the laws of the state to take acknowledgments of deeds and
shall have attached thereto a certified copy of the resolution provided for in Section 41-10-84
and a certificate by the Secretary of State of the state that the name proposed by the corporation
is not identical with that of any other corporation in the state or so nearly similar thereto
as to lead to confusion or uncertainty. (b) The certificate of incorporation, together with
the documents required by Section 41-10-84 to be attached thereto, shall be filed in the office
of the judge of probate of the county, who shall forthwith receive and record the same. (c)
When such certificate of incorporation and attached... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-1-5.33 Change by registered agent of name or address of registered agent. (a) The
registered agent of any entity required by Section 10A-1-5.31 to designate and maintain a
registered agent or registered office may change its name, its address as the address of the
entity's registered office, or both, by delivering to the Secretary of State for filing a
statement of the change in accordance with the procedures in Article 4. (b) The statement
must be signed by the registered agent, or a person authorized to sign the statement on behalf
of the registered agent, and must contain: (1) the name of the entity represented by the registered
agent; (2) the name of the entity's registered agent and the address at which the registered
agent maintained the entity's registered office; (3) if the change relates to the name of
the registered agent, the new name of that agent; (4) if the change relates to the address
of the registered office, the new address of that office; and (5) a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-30-1.05 Certificate of formation; name of association; dissolution; applicable
to professional associations formed prior to January 1, 1984. Prior to January 1, 1984, person
or persons may form a professional association by executing and recording the certificate
of formation in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which the principal office
of the association is located, and must be by the judge recorded in a book kept for that purpose.
After recording the certificate of formation, the judge of probate shall endorse thereon a
certificate of registration, showing the book and page where recorded, and for services for
recording the certificate shall receive fifteen cents ($.15) for each 100 words of the certificate
of formation and two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) for examining the certificate of formation.
The person or persons forming the association shall adopt such name for the association as
they in their discretion may determine, provided that the name... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-49A-5 Certificate of incorporation - Filing; contents; signing and acknowledging;
additional documents; notice to Secretary of State. Within 40 days following the adoption
of an authorizing resolution by the governing body the applicants shall proceed to incorporate
an authority by filing for record in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which
the municipality is located, a certificate of incorporation which shall comply in form and
substance with the requirements of this section and which shall be in the form and executed
in the manner herein provided. The certificate of incorporation of the authority shall state:
(1) The names of the persons forming the authority, and that each of them is a duly qualified
elector of the authorizing municipality; (2) The name of the authority (which shall be "_____
Transit Authority", with the insertion of the name of the authorizing municipality);
(3) The period for the duration of the authority (if the duration is to be... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89A-4 Incorporation procedure; contents, execution, and filing of certificate of
incorporation; notice to Secretary of State. (a) Within 40 days following the adoption of
an authorizing resolution (or, if there is more than one, the last adopted thereof), the applicants
shall proceed to incorporate an authority by filing for record in the office of the judge
of probate of the county in which the principal office of the authority is to be located a
certificate of incorporation which shall comply in form and substance with the requirements
of this section and which shall be in the form and executed in the manner provided in this
chapter and shall also be in the form theretofore approved by the governing body of each determining
subdivision. (b) The certificate of incorporation of the authority shall state: (1) The names
of the persons forming the authority, and that each of them is a duly qualified elector of
the determining subdivision (or, if there is more than one, at least... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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