Code of Alabama

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Section 14-6-22 Misdemeanant required to pay costs of incarceration; remission of costs; amount
and method of payment; payment of costs as condition of probation, etc., authorized; procedure
upon default; disposition of costs. (a)(1) A court shall require a convicted defendant in
a misdemeanor case to pay housing, maintenance and medical costs associated with the defendant's
incarceration in a county or city jail except as otherwise provided herein. Such costs shall
not exceed $20.00 per day that the defendant has been incarcerated plus actual medical expenses
incurred on behalf of the defendant. Such costs shall be taxed as costs of court and shall
be in addition to any and all other costs of court. (2) At the time of sentencing such defendant
may petition the court for remission of the payment of these costs or of any portion thereof.
If it appears to the satisfaction of the court that payment of the amount due will impose
manifest hardship on the defendant or his immediate family,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-20.6 Released time for student participation in religious instruction. (a) This
section shall be known and may be cited as the Alabama Released Time Credit Act. (b) The Legislature
finds and declares all of the following: (1) That the United States Supreme Court, in its
decision in Zorach v. Clauson, 343 U.S. 306 (1952), upheld the constitutionality of released
time programs for religious instruction for public school students during the school day.
(2) That the United States Constitution and state law allows local school districts to offer
religious released time education for the benefit of public school students. (3) That the
purpose of this section is to incorporate a constitutionally acceptable method of allowing
school districts to offer released time classes and, in grades where credit is earned, to
award students elective credit for classes taken during the school day in released time programs.
(c) As used in this section, the term released time means a period of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-10-83 Effect of payment by original owner or assignee. THIS SECTION WAS AMENDED
VERSION, SEE THE VERSION LABELED PENDING. When the action is against the person for whom the
taxes were assessed or the owner of the land at the time of the sale, his or her heir, devisee,
vendee or mortgagee, the court shall, on motion of the defendant made at any time before the
trial of the action, ascertain (i) the amount paid by the purchaser at the sale and of the
taxes subsequently paid by the purchaser, together with 12 percent per annum thereon, subject
to the limitations set forth in Section 40-10-122(a); (ii) with respect to property located
within an urban renewal or urban redevelopment project area designated pursuant to Chapters
2 or 3 of Title 24, all insurance premiums paid or owed by the purchaser for casualty loss
coverage on insurable structures and the value of all permanent improvements... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-12-23 Appointment and compensation of counsel - Post-conviction proceedings. (a)
In proceedings filed in the district or circuit court involving the life and liberty of those
charged with or convicted of serious criminal offenses including proceedings for habeas corpus
or other post-conviction remedies, the trial or presiding judge or chief justice of the court
in which the proceedings may be commenced or pending may appoint counsel through an indigent
defense system approved by the office to represent and assist indigent defendants if it appears
to the court that the indigent defendant is unable financially or otherwise to obtain the
assistance of counsel and desires the assistance of counsel and it further appears that counsel
is necessary in the opinion of the judge to assert or protect the right of the indigent defendant.
(b) In proceedings filed in the district or circuit court involving the life and liberty of
those persons charged or adjudicated for juvenile offenses... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-200 Motion by persons convicted of capital offense for forensic DNA testing and
analysis. (a) An individual convicted of a capital offense who is serving a term of imprisonment
or awaiting execution of a sentence of death, through written motion to the circuit court
that entered the judgment of sentence, may apply for the performance of forensic deoxyribonucleic
acid testing on specific evidence, if that evidence was secured in relation to the investigation
or prosecution that resulted in the conviction of the applicant, is still available for testing
as of the date of the motion, forensic DNA testing was not performed on the case at the time
of the initial trial, and the results of the forensic DNA testing, on its face, would demonstrate
the convicted individual's factual innocence of the offense convicted. The filing of a motion
as provided in this subsection shall not automatically stay an execution. (b) Upon receipt
of a motion for DNA testing, the circuit court shall... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-54.1 Resentencing. (a) Any person now serving a prison sentence based on revocation
of probation who would have been an eligible offender as defined in Section 15-22-54 at the
time of revocation shall be entitled to be resentenced upon petition to the sentencing court.
Such petition shall be on a form and filed in the manner prescribed by the Administrative
Office of Courts. Petitions shall be considered authorized motions for modification of sentence,
assigned a unique identifier by the Administrative Office of Courts, and shall not require
payment of a filing fee. (b) The court shall have jurisdiction to resentence the offender
in accordance with the terms of this section, upon a showing of the following: (1) The petitioner
met all requirements of an eligible offender as defined in Section 15-22-54 at the time of
revocation. (2) Probation was thereafter revoked and the petitioner was sentenced to the penitentiary
only as a result of administrative violations of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-16-100 Drawing, selection, and empaneling of juries in criminal cases - Generally.
(a) In every criminal case the jury shall be drawn, selected and empaneled as follows: Upon
the trial by jury in the circuit courts of any person charged with a felony, including a capital
felony, a misdemeanor, or violation, the court shall require a strike list or lists to be
compiled from the names appearing on the master strike list as established in Section 12-16-74.
In compiling the list or lists, names of qualified jurors may be omitted on a nonselective
basis. A strike list shall be furnished for the trial of any case at hand and a copy thereof
given to all parties. The jurors whose names appear thereon shall be brought into open court,
the case shall be called and in the presence of the district attorney and the defendant and
his attorney, the jurors shall be examined on voir dire for the trial of the case at hand.
After the conclusion of the voir dire examination and the removal from... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-14-51 Magistrates deemed chief officers of agency; appointment and powers of magistrates.
(a) The magistrates shall be considered the chief officers of the municipal court administrative
agency. (b) The Supreme Court may, by rule, prescribe procedures for the appointment of magistrates
by class or position and, in addition thereto, provide for the appointment of other magistrates
by the Administrative Director of Courts, upon recommendation by municipal judges. (c) The
powers of a magistrate shall be limited to the following: (1) Issuance of arrest warrants.
(2) Granting of bail in minor misdemeanor prosecutions in accordance with the discretionary
bail schedule and approving property, cash, and professional surety bonds upon a municipal
judge's approval. (3) Receiving of pleas of guilty in minor misdemeanors where a schedule
of fines has been prescribed by rule. (4) Accountability to the municipal court for all uniform
traffic tickets and complaints issued, including all... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-45-233.28 Release pending trial; conditions; order; notice. (a) Any person in Madison
County charged with an offense, at his or her appearance before a judicial officer, may be
ordered released pending trial on his or her personal recognizance or upon the execution of
an unsecured appearance bond in an amount specified by the judicial officer, unless the judicial
officer determines, in the exercise of his or her discretion, that such a release will not
reasonably assure the appearance of the person as required. When such a determination is made,
the judicial officer shall, either in lieu of or in addition to the above methods of release,
impose the first of the following conditions of release which will reasonably assure the appearance
of the person for trial or, if no single condition gives that assurance, any combination of
the following conditions: (1) Place the person in the custody of a designated person agreeing
to supervise him or her. (2) Place restrictions on the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 3-5-12 Proceedings for recovery of livestock or animal by owner; determination of validity
of seizure, amount of damages, etc., where owner unknown, etc.; fees and costs of district
court judge and officer making seizure; appeals from judgment of district court. (a) The owner
of any livestock or animal which has been seized shall have the right to possession of the
same by paying such judgment and the costs thereof or, if no judgment has been entered, by
paying such damages as may be agreed upon together with fees and costs and expenses due on
account of such seizure to the person or officer so seizing such livestock or animal or to
the person who may at the time of such payment have such livestock or animal in his possession
and by paying to the court the costs of the court incurred to the time of such payment. Should
the parties be unable to agree upon the amount of damages, fees, costs and expenses due, either
party shall have the right to go before any district court judge... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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