Code of Alabama

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Section 16-6B-4 Financial accountability. Following the analysis of the financial integrity
of each local board of education as provided in subsection (a) or (b) of Section 16-13A-2,
if a local board of education is determined to have submitted fiscally unsound financial reports,
the State Department of Education shall provide assistance and advice. If during the assistance
the State Superintendent of Education determines that the local board of education is in an
unsound fiscal position, a person or persons shall be appointed by the State Superintendent
of Education to advise the day-to-day financial operations of the local board of education.
If after a reasonable period of time the State Superintendent of Education determines that
the local board of education is still in an unsound fiscal condition, a request shall be made
to the State Board of Education for the direct control of the fiscal operation of the local
board of education. If the request is granted, the State... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-31A-3.1 Risk retention groups to comply with governance standards. (a) By January
1, 2016, existing risk retention groups shall be in compliance with the governance standards
set forth in this section. New risk retention groups shall be in compliance with these standards
at the time of licensure. (b) The board of directors or board, as used in this section, means
the governing body of the risk retention group elected by the shareholders or members to establish
policy, elect or appoint officers and committees, and make other governing decisions. Director,
as used in this section, means a natural person designated in the articles of the risk retention
group, or designated, elected, or appointed by any other manner, name, or title to act as
a member of the board of directors. (c)(1) The board of directors of the risk retention group
shall have a majority of independent directors. If the risk retention group is a reciprocal,
then the attorney-in-fact would be required to adhere... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-4A-26 Bond of pilot - Preserving bonds, etc.; new bonds; actions on bonds; liabilty.
(a) The commissioners shall preserve on file all bonds and affidavits taken from bar pilots,
and, whenever they consider it necessary, may require a new bond to be executed. The bar pilot's
bond stands as security for any injury caused by the negligence or want of skill of the bar
pilot, and action may be brought thereon in the name of any person aggrieved. (b) A bar pilot
or apprentice providing bar pilot services to a vessel is not liable for more than five thousand
dollars ($5,000) for damage or loss to any person or property caused by the bar pilot's or
apprentice's error, omission, fault, or neglect in the performance of the bar pilot services,
unless one of the following applies: (1) The damage or loss was caused because of the willful,
intentional, or reckless misconduct of the bar pilot or apprentice. (2) Liability exists for
exemplary or punitive damages for willful, intentional, or... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-1-11 Annual permits to practice; inactive status; continuing education. THIS SECTION
IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (a)(1) Permits to engage in the practice of public accounting
in this state shall be issued by the board to a holder of a certificate of certified public
accountant issued under Section 34-1-4 and to a person registered under Section 34-1-8 who
furnishes evidence satisfactory to the board of compliance with the requirements of subsection
(c) and who: (1) is a citizen of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States,
a person who is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation from the
federal government, or has declared his or her intent to become a citizen; and (2) has attained
the age of 19 years; and (3) is of good moral character; and (4) meets the experience requirements
set forth in subsection (e). Permits to engage in the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-9-18 Grounds for disciplinary action. (a) The board may invoke disciplinary action
as outlined in subsection (b) whenever it shall be established to the satisfaction of the
board, after a hearing as hereinafter provided, that any dentist or dental hygienist has been
guilty of the following: (1) Fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in obtaining any license,
license certificate, annual registration certificate, money, or other thing of value. (2)
Gross immorality. (3) Is a menace to the public health or to patients or others by reason
of a disease. (4) Is an habitual user of intoxicants or drugs rendering him or her unfit for
the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene. (5) Has been convicted for violation of federal
or state narcotics or barbiturate laws. (6) Is guilty of negligence or gross negligence. a.
For the purposes of this subdivision, negligence is defined as the failure to do what a reasonably
prudent dentist or dental hygienist would have done under the same or... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-81-241 Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following words shall
have the following meanings: (1) COSTS OF A QUALIFIED PROJECT. All costs including, but not
limited to, the following: a. All costs of acquisition, by purchase or otherwise, construction,
assembly, installation, modification, renovation, or rehabilitation incurred in connection
with any qualified project or any part of any qualified project. b. All costs of real property,
fixtures, or personal property used in or in connection with or necessary for any qualified
project or for any facilities related thereto, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. The cost of all land, estates for years, easements, rights, improvements, water rights,
connections for utility services, fees, franchises, permits, approvals, licenses, and certificates.
2. The cost of securing any franchises, permits, approvals, licenses, or certificates. 3.
The cost of preparation of any application therefor and the cost of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 39-2-4 Filing of guaranties by bidders; prequalification procedures and criteria; responsibility
of prequalified bidders; revocation of prequalification; rejection of bidder. (a) The bidder
shall be required to file with his or her bid either a cashier's check drawn on an Alabama
bank or a bid bond executed by a surety company duly authorized and qualified to make such
bonds in the State of Alabama, payable to the awarding authority for an amount not less than
five percent of the awarding authority's estimated cost or of the contractor's bid, but in
no event more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), except if the awarding authority is the
Department of Transportation, then the bid guarantee shall not be more than fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000). The bid guaranties as provided in this section shall constitute all of
the qualifications or guaranty to be required of contractors as prerequisites to bidding for
public works, except as required by the State Licensing Board for... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-241.20 Appeals from decisions of the Board of Equalization. (a) For the purpose
of convenience and brevity this act shall be known and referred to as the Expeditious and
Economical Tax Appeals Act. (b) This section shall apply only in Jefferson County. This section
is alternative to and cumulative to Section 40-3-25; but when a taxpayer elects to take an
appeal under this section from a decision or ruling of the board of equalization fixing the
market value of the real property, Section 40-3-25 shall not be applicable to such appeal
but in the event the taxpayer pays his or her taxes before a final decree in the case and
is entitled to a refund then that portion of the section providing for a refund to the taxpayer
shall be applicable or in the event of an increase the increase shall be payable as provided
in the sections. (c) An appeal may be taken under this section from a decision of the board
of equalization fixing the market value of real property, to the circuit... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30D-4 Election of coverage; administration of chapter; rules and regulations. (a)(1)
All owners and operators and all wholesale distributors shall elect by May 24, 2001, to be
covered or not to be covered by this chapter and shall do so by notifying the department in
writing that such owner or operator or wholesale distributor elects to be covered or not to
be covered by this chapter. Following May 24, 2001, any owner or operator or wholesale distributor
who may have initially elected not to be covered by this chapter or who may have inadvertently
failed to notify the department may notify the department that such owner or operator or wholesale
distributor has reconsidered and desires to be covered by the fund, but any such owner or
operator or wholesale distributor shall, with its notice of request for coverage, be required
to pay to the Department of Revenue the registration fees which would otherwise have been
due to the fund had such owner or operator or wholesale... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-1 Definitions. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) ACCREDITED SCHOOL or COLLEGE OF MORTUARY SCIENCE. A school or
college approved by the Alabama Board of Funeral Service and which maintains a course of instruction
of not less than 48 calendar weeks or four academic quarters or college terms and which gives
a course of instruction in the fundamental subjects including, but not limited to, the following:
a. Mortuary management and administration. b. Legal medicine and toxicology as it pertains
to funeral directing. c. Public health, hygiene, and sanitary science. d. Mortuary science,
to include embalming technique, in all its aspects; chemistry of embalming, color harmony;
discoloration, its causes, effects, and treatment; treatment of special cases; restorative
art; funeral management; and professional ethics. e. Anatomy and physiology. f. Chemistry,
organic and inorganic. g. Pathology. h. Bacteriology. i. Sanitation... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

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