Code of Alabama

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Section 15-13-118 Arrest of defendant by surety after conditional forfeiture. After the entry
of a conditional forfeiture against any surety on an undertaking of bail, the surety may arrest
the defendant as provided in Section 15-13-117, but the arrest and delivery of the defendant
to the authorized jail as stated in Section 15-13-117 shall not exonerate the surety unless,
in the judgment of the court, a good and sufficient cause is given for the failure of the
defendant to appear at the time the conditional judgement was entered. (Acts 1993, No. 93-677,
p. 1259, §19.)... - 884 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-13-128 Form for bondsman's process. The following shall be substantially the form
to be used for a bondsman's process. BONDSMAN'S PROCESS STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF ___. (or)
CITY OF ___. WHEREAS, the Sureties on the bail of the defendant _____, in case number _____,
have expressed their desire to surrender the defendant to the custody of _____ of (City or
County), Alabama, and such desire has been expressed to the clerk of the _____ Court of the
City/County of _____, Alabama, and, WHEREAS, the clerk has checked the records and case number
_____ is still pending and the defendant nor his or her sureties have been discharged of their
obligations, or the records of case number _____ reflect that the defendant has failed to
appear on the obligation of bail as required and a warrant has been issued for the arrest
of the defendant. NOW, THEREFORE, this document is issued, as required by law, and the document
gives the right to the Sureties (bondsmen) to arrest... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-13-190 Procedures upon arrest; conditions of release or bail. (a) A person arrested
for domestic violence in the first degree, pursuant to Section 13A-6-130, domestic violence
in the second degree, pursuant to Section 13A-6-131, domestic violence in the third degree,
pursuant to Section 13A-6-132, interference with a domestic violence emergency call, in violation
of Section 13A-6-137, or domestic violence by strangulation or suffocation, pursuant to Section
13A-6-138, or a violation of a domestic violence protection order, may not be admitted to
bail until after an appearance before a judge or magistrate within 24 hours of the arrest,
and if the person is not taken before a judge or magistrate within 24 hours of the arrest,
he or she shall be afforded an opportunity to make bail in accordance with the Alabama Rules
of Criminal Procedure. (b) The judge or magistrate may impose conditions of release or bail
on the person to protect the alleged victim of domestic violence or... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-1-11 Appeal to appellate court by attorney or officer from judgment of contempt.
Any attorney or officer who is ordered to be punished for a contempt in the circuit court
may appeal to the appropriate appellate court and may stay the execution of any fine or sentence
imposed by the execution of a bond, payable to the state, with two sufficient sureties, to
be approved by the tribunal appealed from, in a penalty to be fixed by said tribunal, not
exceeding $300.00, conditioned to pay the fine and costs, in case of affirmance in whole or
in part. The appellant shall be entitled to bail in such cases upon the execution of an appearance
bond, with two or more such sureties, in the penalty of $300.00, payable to the state, conditioned
to appear in the court to which his appeal is prosecuted and to abide the result of such appeal,
which maybe approved by the sheriff or other officer in whose custody the appellant may be.
On such appeal the question shall be whether the appellant... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-22-222 Stay of proceedings on judgment; admission of defendant to bail; proceedings
on failure to appear. (a) If the defendant is in the custody of the sheriff and the order
allowing the writ directs a stay of proceedings on the judgment, the sheriff must, on being
served with the clerk's certificate that the order has been filed and with a copy of the order,
keep and detain the defendant in his custody, without executing the sentence which may have
been passed on his conviction, to abide the judgment that may be entered on the writ of error.
(b) If the conviction is for an offense which is not punished capitally or by imprisonment
for a term not exceeding 10 years, the judge or court must also direct the clerk of the court
in which conviction was had to admit the defendant to bail in a sum which may be prescribed
by the court, with sufficient sureties, conditioned for his appearance at the next session
of the court in which the conviction was had and, from session to... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 43-2-555 Stating account or compelling settlement by attachment. If such outgoing executor
or administrator or, if dead, his personal representative or, in case of his removal from
the state, his sureties fail to make settlement within the time required by this division,
the court may, of its own motion or on the application of any party in interest, compel him
or his sureties to do so by attachment, or may state the account against him or his sureties
from the materials on file or such other information as may be accessible to the court, charging
him or his personal representative or his sureties with such assets as may have come into
the hands of such executor or administrator. (Code 1852, §1881; Code 1867, §2234; Code 1876,
§2592; Code 1886, §2178; Code 1896, §246; Code 1907, §2697; Acts 1923, No. 492, p. 655;
Code 1923, §5930; Code 1940, T. 61, §325.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50A-14 Right to receivership upon default. (a) In the event that the authority shall
default in the payment of the principal of or interest on any of its bonds, bond anticipation
notes or notes after they shall become due, whether at maturity or upon call for redemption,
and such default shall continue for a period of 30 days, or if the authority shall default
in any material respect in any agreement made with the holders of the bonds, bond anticipation
notes or notes, any holder of bonds, bond anticipation notes or notes, or trustee therefor,
shall have the right to apply in an appropriate judicial proceeding to the Montgomery County
circuit court for the appointment of a receiver for the project, the revenues of which were
pledged for payment of the principal of and interest due on the bonds, bond anticipation notes
or notes, whether or not all bonds, bond anticipation notes or notes have been declared due
and payable and whether or not the holder, or trustee therefor, is... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-14-70 Appeals to circuit courts from judgments of municipal courts and proceedings
thereon. (a) All appeals from judgments of municipal courts shall be to the circuit court
of the circuit in which the violation occurred for trial de novo. (b) The municipality may
appeal within 60 days, without bond, from a judgment of the municipal court holding an ordinance
invalid. (c) A defendant may appeal in any case within 14 days from the entry of judgment
by filing notice of appeal and giving bond, with or without surety, approved by the court
or the clerk in an amount not more than twice the amount of the fine and costs, as fixed by
the court, or in the event no fine is levied the bond shall be in an amount not to exceed
$1,000.00, as fixed by the court, conditioned upon the defendant's appearance before the circuit
court. The municipal court may waive appearance bond upon satisfactory showing that the defendant
is indigent or otherwise unable to provide a surety bond. If an appeal... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-36-80 Additional fees and costs; Jackson County jail. (a) In Jackson County, in
addition to any and all court costs and fees now or hereafter authorized, the following fees
shall be charged and collected by the circuit court clerk on the following cases: (1) Additional
court costs in the amount of twenty dollars ($20) shall be assessed and collected on all small
claims, domestic relations, and traffic cases filed in the Jackson County Circuit Clerk's
office and all municipal court cases filed in the several municipal courts of Jackson County,
Alabama. (2) Additional court costs in the amount of fifty dollars ($50) shall be assessed
and collected on all district civil and district criminal cases filed in the circuit clerk's
office. (3) Additional court costs in the amount of seventy-five dollars ($75) shall be assessed
and collected on all circuit civil and circuit criminal cases filed in the Jackson County
Circuit Clerk's office. (4) In addition to any other costs and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-4 Recovery of public moneys, funds or property. (a) The Governor may cause actions
to be commenced for the recovery of any public moneys, funds, or property of the state or
of any county which have been lost by the neglect or default of any public officer, which
have been wrongfully expended or disbursed by such officer, which have been wrongfully used
by such officer, or which have been wrongfully received from him. (b) In the event any public
officer or agent of the state or any depositary or custodian of public funds or moneys has
wrongfully used such funds or moneys, actions for the recovery thereof may be commenced before
any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter; and it shall not be ground of objection
to such an action that either, any, or all of the parties defendant do not reside within the
county or within the district in which such action is commenced. (c) Such action may be commenced
in any court of competent jurisdiction; and such officer or agent,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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