Code of Alabama

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Section 45-29-82.69 Written agreement; other terms and conditions. (a) In any case in which
an offender is admitted into a pretrial diversion program, there shall be a written agreement
between the district attorney and the offender. The agreement shall include the terms of the
pretrial diversion program, the length of the program, and the period of time after which
the district attorney shall dispose of the charges against the offender in a noncriminal manner
or what charges the defendant shall plead guilty to and the sentence the offender shall receive.
If, as part of the pretrial diversion program, the offender agrees to plead guilty to a particular
offense and receive a specific sentence, this agreement concerning the offense and sentence
shall be approved by an appropriate circuit or district judge of the Twenty-fourth Judicial
Circuit prior to admission of the offender in the pretrial diversion program. (b) As a condition
of being admitted to the pretrial diversion program, the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-34-82.09 Written agreement; other terms and conditions. (a) In any case in which
an offender is admitted into a pretrial diversion program, there shall be a written agreement
between the district attorney and the offender. The agreement shall include the terms of the
pretrial diversion program, the length of the program, and the period of time after which
the district attorney will dispose of the charges against the offender in a noncriminal manner
or what charges the defendant will plead guilty to and the sentence the offender will receive.
If, as part of the pretrial diversion program, the offender agrees to plead guilty to a particular
offense and receive a specific sentence, this agreement concerning the offense and sentence
shall be approved by an appropriate circuit or district judge of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit
prior to admission of the offender in the pretrial diversion program. (b) As a condition of
being admitted to the pretrial diversion program, the district... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-4-83.09 Written agreement; other terms and conditions. (a) In any case in which
an offender is admitted into a pretrial diversion program, there shall be a written agreement
between the district attorney and the offender. The agreement shall include the terms of the
pretrial diversion program, the length of the program, and the period of time after which
the district attorney will dispose of the charges against the offender in a noncriminal manner
or what charges the defendant will plead guilty to and the sentence the offender will receive.
If, as part of the pretrial diversion program, the offender agrees to plead guilty to a particular
offense and receive a specific sentence, this agreement concerning the offense and sentence
shall be approved by an appropriate circuit or district judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit
prior to admission of the offender in the pretrial diversion program. (b) As a condition of
being admitted to the pretrial diversion program, the district... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-45-83.48 Individual agreement between offender and district attorney. (a) In any
case in which an offender is admitted into a PTIP there shall be a written agreement between
the district attorney and the offender. The agreement shall include the terms of the intervention
program, the length of the program, and the period of time after which the district attorney
will dispose of the charges against the offender in a noncriminal manner or what charges the
defendant shall plead guilty to and the sentence the offender shall receive. In all cases
where as part of the PTIP the offender agrees to plead guilty to a particular offense and
receive a specific sentence which shall be approved by an appropriate circuit or district
judge of the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit prior to admission to the PTIP. (b) As a condition
of being admitted to the PTIP the district attorney may require the offender to agree to any
of the following terms or conditions: (1) Attend school including, but not... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-154 Violations constituting contempt; proceedings thereon. (a) In case of the violation
of any injunction or closing order granted under the provisions of this division or of any
restraining order or the commission of any contempt of court in proceedings under this division,
the court or the judge thereof may try and punish the offender. The proceedings shall be commenced
by filing with the register or clerk of the court a complaint under oath setting out and alleging
facts constituting such violation, upon which the court or judge shall cause a warrant to
issue, under which the defendant shall be arrested; he may be released on bond, pending the
hearing, to be fixed by the judge. The trial may be had upon affidavits or either party may
demand the production and oral examination of witnesses. (b) A party found guilty of contempt
under the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor
more than $200, or by imprisonment in the county jail... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-117 Retention and termination of jurisdiction generally. (a) Once a child has
been adjudicated dependent, delinquent, or in need of supervision, jurisdiction of the juvenile
court shall terminate when the child becomes 21 years of age unless, prior thereto, the judge
of the juvenile court terminates its jurisdiction by explicitly stating in a written order
that it is terminating jurisdiction over the case involving the child. Nothing in this section
is intended to affect the initial and continuing jurisdiction of juvenile courts over cases
other than delinquency, dependency, or in need of supervision cases as provided in Sections
12-15-114, 12-15-115, 12-15-116, or any other statute by which jurisdiction was initially
lawfully invoked. (b) The jurisdiction of the juvenile court shall terminate when the child
is convicted or adjudicated a youthful offender as provided in Section 12-15-203(i) and Section
12-15-204(b). If a person already under the jurisdiction of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-16-100 Drawing, selection, and empaneling of juries in criminal cases - Generally.
(a) In every criminal case the jury shall be drawn, selected and empaneled as follows: Upon
the trial by jury in the circuit courts of any person charged with a felony, including a capital
felony, a misdemeanor, or violation, the court shall require a strike list or lists to be
compiled from the names appearing on the master strike list as established in Section 12-16-74.
In compiling the list or lists, names of qualified jurors may be omitted on a nonselective
basis. A strike list shall be furnished for the trial of any case at hand and a copy thereof
given to all parties. The jurors whose names appear thereon shall be brought into open court,
the case shall be called and in the presence of the district attorney and the defendant and
his attorney, the jurors shall be examined on voir dire for the trial of the case at hand.
After the conclusion of the voir dire examination and the removal from... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-12-232 Sentence not to be suspended, deferred, etc., prior to mandatory minimum
term; reduction, suspension, etc., of sentence for assistance in arrest, conviction, etc.,
of accessories, principals, etc. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 22, Title 15,
or any other provision of law, with respect to any person who is found to have violated Section
13A-12-231, adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence shall not be suspended, deferred,
or withheld, nor shall such person be eligible for any type of parole, probation, work release,
supervised intensive restitution program, release because of deduction from sentence for good
behavior under corrections incentive time act or any other program, furlough, pass, leave,
or any other type of early, conditional, or temporary release program, nor shall such person
be permitted to leave the penitentiary for any reason whatsoever except for necessary court
appearances and for necessary medical treatment, prior to serving... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2A-64 (Article 64.) Review by the Senior Judge Advocate. (a) Each general and special
court-martial case in which there has been a finding of guilty shall be reviewed by the senior
judge advocate, or a designee for the convening authority. The senior judge advocate, or designee,
may not review a case under this subsection if that person has acted in the same case as an
accuser, investigating officer, member of the court, military judge, or counsel or has otherwise
acted on behalf of the prosecution or defense. The senior judge advocate's review shall be
in writing and shall contain all of the following: (1) Conclusions as to whether: a. The court
had jurisdiction over the accused and the offense. b. The charge and specification stated
an offense. c. The sentence was within the limits prescribed as a matter of law. (2) A response
to each allegation of error made in writing by the accused. (3) If the case is sent for action
under subsection (b), a recommendation as to the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-1-82.09 Written agreement; other terms and conditions. (a) In any case in which
an offender is admitted into a pretrial diversion program, there shall be a written agreement
between the district attorney and the offender. The agreement shall include the terms of the
pretrial diversion program, the length of the program, and the period of time after which
the district attorney will dispose of the charges against the offender in a noncriminal manner
or what charges the defendant will plead guilty to and the recommended sentence the offender
is suggested to receive. If, as part of the pretrial diversion program, the offender agrees
to plead guilty to a particular offense and to be subjected to receive a recommended specific
sentence, this agreement concerning the offense and suggested or recommended sentence, or
both, shall be submitted to and shall be subject to approval or disapproval by an appropriate
circuit or district judge of this state prior to admission of the offender... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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