Code of Alabama

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Section 14-4-10 Sentencing of convicts - Sentences for costs. Whenever any convict is sentenced
by the court and required to do hard labor for the county, an additional sentence not to exceed
10 months in any case for the payment of costs of conviction may be imposed, and the court
must determine a reasonable time required to work out such costs. The costs of conviction
of county convicts shall be the same as provided by law now in force in the respective counties.
(Code 1896, §4532; Acts 1907, No. 85, p. 179; Code 1907, §6584; Code 1923, §3688; Code
1940, T. 45, §84; Acts 1961, No. 1017, p. 1596, §2.)... - 935 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-175 Eligibility; exclusion; sentencing. (a) An offender who meets one of the
following minimum criteria shall be considered eligible for punishment in the community under
this article: (1) Persons who, without this option, would be incarcerated in a correctional
institution or who are currently incarcerated in a correctional institution. (2) Persons who
are convicted of misdemeanors. (b) The following offenders are excluded from consideration
for punishment in the community: (1) Persons who are convicted of offenses as listed in subdivision
(14) of Section 15-18-171. (2) Persons who demonstrate a pattern of violent behavior. In reaching
this determination, the court may consider prior convictions and other acts not resulting
in conviction or criminal charges, and the offender's behavior while in state or county confinement.
(c) The eligibility criteria established in this section shall be interpreted as guidelines
for the benefit of the court in making a determination of... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-4-4 Report of hard labor sentence to probate judge. (a) All judicial officers shall,
immediately upon the sentence of any person to hard labor for any county, report in writing
to the judge of probate of the county for which such sentence is made, the name of such person,
the length of his sentence, the date of its commencement and the amount of costs. Any judicial
officer presiding over a court that has a clerk may order such report to be made by such clerk.
(b) Any judicial officer or clerk who fails to report in writing to the judge of probate,
as required by law, the name of any person sentenced to hard labor for the county, length
of such sentence, the date of its commencement and the amount of the costs therein must, on
conviction, be fined not less than $25.00. (Code 1896, §§4543, 5118; Acts 1907, No. 85,
p. 179; Code 1907, §§6592, 7462; Code 1923, §§3700, 5054; Code 1940, T. 45, §§79, 80.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-8 Terms of confinement, etc.; probation. (a) When a defendant is convicted of
an offense, other than a sex offense involving a child as defined in Section 15-20A-4, that
constitutes a Class A or Class B felony offense, and receives a sentence of 20 years or less
in any court having jurisdiction to try offenses against the State of Alabama and the judge
presiding over the case is satisfied that the ends of justice and the best interests of the
public as well as the defendant will be served thereby, he or she may order: (1) That a defendant
convicted of a Class A or Class B felony be confined in a prison, jail-type institution, or
treatment institution for a period not exceeding three years in cases where the imposed sentence
is not more than 15 years, and that the execution of the remainder of the sentence be suspended
notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary and that the defendant be placed
on probation for such period and upon such terms as the court... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-20A-19 Adult sex offender - Sexually violent predator. (a) The state, upon conviction
and prior to sentencing, may petition the sentencing court to enter an order declaring a person
convicted in this state of a sexually violent or predatory offense as a sexually violent predator.
(b) At sentencing, a court may declare a person to be a sexually violent predator. For the
purposes of this section, a person is a sexually violent predator if either of the following
applies: (1) The person is a repeat sexually violent offender. (2) The person commits a sexually
violent offense and is likely to engage in one or more sexually violent offenses in the future.
(c) A person is a repeat sexually violent offender for the purposes of this section if the
person is convicted of more than one sexually violent offense. (d) For the purposes of this
section, a sexually violent offense is any of the following: (1) A sex offense committed by
forcible compulsion, violence, duress, menace, fear of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-5A-191 (Effective until July 1, 2023) Driving while under influence of alcohol,
controlled substances, etc. (a) A person shall not drive or be in actual physical control
of any vehicle while: (1) There is 0.08 percent or more by weight of alcohol in his or her
blood; (2) Under the influence of alcohol; (3) Under the influence of a controlled substance
to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safely driving; (4) Under the combined influence
of alcohol and a controlled substance to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safely
driving; or (5) Under the influence of any substance which impairs the mental or physical
faculties of such person to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safely driving.
(b) A person who is under the age of 21 years shall not drive or be in actual physical control
of any vehicle if there is 0.02 percent or more by weight of alcohol in his or her blood.
The Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency shall suspend or revoke the... - 34K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-17-184 Powers and duties generally. It is the duty of every district attorney and
assistant district attorney, within the circuit, county, or other territory for which he or
she is elected or appointed: (1) To attend on the grand juries, advise them in relation to
matters of law, and examine and swear witnesses before them. (2) To draw up all indictments
and to prosecute all indictable offenses. (3) To prosecute and defend any civil action in
the circuit court in the prosecution or defense of which the state is interested. (4) To inquire
whether registers have performed the duty required of them by Section 12-17-117 and shall,
in every case of failure, move against the register as provided by subsection (b) of Section
12-17-114. (5) If a criminal prosecution is removed from a court of his or her circuit, county,
or division of a county to a court of the United States, to appear in that court and represent
the state; and, if it is impracticable, consistent with his or her... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-36 Authority to grant pardons and paroles, remit fines and forfeitures, etc.;
notice of board action. (a) In all cases, except treason and impeachment and cases in which
sentence of death is imposed and not commuted, as is provided by law, the Board of Pardons
and Paroles, after conviction and not otherwise, may grant pardons and paroles and remit fines
and forfeitures. (b) Each member of the Board of Pardons and Paroles favoring a pardon, parole,
remission of a fine or forfeiture, or restoration of civil and political rights shall enter
in the file his or her reasons in detail, which entry and the order shall be public records,
but all other portions of the file shall be privileged. (c) No pardon shall relieve one from
civil and political disabilities unless specifically expressed in the pardon. No pardon shall
be granted unless the prisoner has successfully completed at least three years of permanent
parole or until the expiration of his or her sentence if his or her... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-41-1 Authority; petition to probate judge for order of incorporation. When the inhabitants
of an unincorporated community, which has a population of not less than 300, constituting
a body of citizens whose residences are contiguous to and all of which form a homogeneous
settlement or community, desire to become organized as a municipal corporation, they may apply
to the judge of probate of the county in which the territory is situated, or the greater portion
thereof if it is situated in two or more counties, for an order of incorporation, by a petition
in writing signed by not less than 15 percent of the qualified electors residing within the
limits of the proposed municipality and by the persons, firms, or corporations owning at least
60 percent of the acreage of the platted or unplatted land of the proposed municipality. No
platted or unplatted territory shall be included within the boundary unless there are at least
four qualified electors, according to government survey,... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-11-30 Generally. (1) CIVIL. The circuit court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction
of all civil actions in which the matter in controversy exceeds twenty thousand dollars ($20,000),
exclusive of interest and costs, and shall exercise original jurisdiction concurrent with
the district court in all civil actions in which the matter in controversy exceeds six thousand
dollars ($6,000), exclusive of interest and costs. (2) CRIMINAL. The circuit court shall have
exclusive original jurisdiction of all felony prosecutions and of misdemeanor or ordinance
violations which are lesser included offenses within a felony charge or which arise from the
same incident as a felony charge; except, that the district court shall have concurrent jurisdiction
with the circuit court to receive pleas of guilty in felony cases not punishable by sentence
of death. The circuit court may, on conviction of a defendant, upon a showing of inability
to make immediate payment of fine and costs,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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