Code of Alabama

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Section 40-9B-3 Definitions. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following words and
phrases mean: (1) ABATE, ABATEMENT. A reduction or elimination of a taxpayer's liability for
tax or payments required to be made in lieu thereof. An abatement of transaction taxes imposed
under Chapter 23 of this title, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, shall relieve
the seller from the obligation to collect and pay over the transaction tax as if the sale
were to a person exempt, to the extent of the abatement, from the transaction tax. (2) ALTERNATIVE
ENERGY RESOURCES. The definition given in Section 40-18-1. (3) CONSTRUCTION RELATED
TRANSACTION TAXES. The transaction taxes imposed by Chapter 23 of this title, or payments
required to be made in lieu thereof, on tangible personal property and taxable services incorporated
into an industrial development property, the cost of which may be added to capital account
with respect to the property, determined without regard to any rule which... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-55-1 Enactment of compact; terms. The Interstate Compact on Mental Health
is hereby enacted into law and entered into by this state with all other states legally joining
therein in the form substantially as follows: INTERSTATE COMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH The contracting
states solemnly agree that: Article I The party states find that the proper and expeditious
treatment of the mentally ill and mentally deficient can be facilitated by cooperative action
to the benefit of the patients, their families and society as a whole. Further, the party
states find the necessity of and desirability for furnishing such care and treatment bear
no primary relation to the residence or citizenship of the patient but that, on the contrary,
the controlling factors of community safety and humanitarianism require that facilities and
services be made available for all who are in need of them. Consequently, it is the purpose
of this compact and of the party states to provide the necessary legal basis... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-90.2 Purchase of business license; classification of taxpayers; vehicle
decals; determination of gross receipts; construction with other provisions. (a) Every taxpayer
required to purchase a business license under this chapter shall: (1) Purchase a business
license for each location at which it does business in the municipality, except as otherwise
provided by the municipality. (2) Except as provided in Section 11-51-193, with respect
to taxpayers subject to state licensing board oversight, be classified into one or more of
the following 2002 North American Industrial Classification System ("NAICS") sectors
and applicable sub-sectors, industry groups, industries, and U.S. industries thereunder: SECTOR
LICENSE CALCULATION 111 Crop Production Agriculture, farming, nursery, fruit, growers Gross
Receipts and/or Flat Rate 112 Animal Production Animal, dairy, cattle, ranching, sheep,... - 26K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-19-4 Specific functions of bureau. ACMEC shall be responsible for the following
specific functions: (1) To receive and promptly enter into the Alabama State Law Enforcement
Agency's computer system all reports of law enforcement agencies, and other persons and agencies,
of missing children and adults, exploited children, and of unidentified deceased persons,
and all pertinent information submitted by the person or agency reporting which is contained
in any investigation or investigations conducted pursuant to the report. ACMEC shall promptly
enter the information in the NCIC computer network. If a missing person is subsequently found
or if an unidentified deceased person is subsequently identified, and the information is reported
to the ACMEC, ACMEC shall maintain, as necessary, the data for law enforcement purposes only.
(2) To coordinate with and provide assistance to state and local public and private nonprofit
agencies, including those of other states and the federal... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-2A-2 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words have the
following meanings: (1) BASIC TELEPHONE SERVICE. Refers to a service that, as provided by
an incumbent local exchange carrier, may be through any technology and through any affiliate
or service arrangement and includes the functionalities described in 47 C.F.R. 54.101(a).
(2) BROADBAND SERVICE or BROADBAND ENABLED SERVICE. Any service that consists of or includes
a high-speed access capability to transmit at a rate that is not less than 200 kilobits per
second either in the upstream or downstream direction, and either of the following: a. Provides
computer processing, information storage, information content or protocol conversion, including
any service applications or information service provided over such high-speed access service.
b. Is used to provide access to the Internet. (3) BUNDLED OFFERING. A combination of retail
services offered as a package, whether at a single price or with the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-8-117 Forfeiture of certain computers, software, etc. (a) On conviction
of a violation of this article or any other violation of the criminal laws of Alabama, the
court shall order that any computer, computer system, computer network, instrument of communication,
software or data that was owned or used by the defendant with the owner's knowledge of the
unlawful act or where the owner had reason to know of the unlawful act, and that was used
in the commission of the offense be forfeited to the State of Alabama and sold, destroyed,
or otherwise properly disposed. If the defendant is a minor, it also includes the above listed
property of the parent or guardian of the defendant. The manner, method, and procedure for
the forfeiture and condemnation or forfeiture of such thing shall be the same as that provided
by law for the confiscation or condemnation or forfeiture of automobiles, conveyances, or
vehicles in which alcoholic beverages are illegally transported. If the computer,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-5-32 Postsecondary Education Communication Center created; center to operate
statewide computer network, develop interactive communication system, establish annual ninth
graders data base, operate toll-free numbers, and research factors affecting educational choices.
(a) The commission shall enter into a contract with a state educational institution to establish
a Postsecondary Education Communication Center to operate a statewide computer network and
to perform the functions prescribed in this section. The commission shall supervise
the operation of the center. The functions and services of the Postsecondary Education Communication
Center shall not duplicate the functions and services provided by the Computer Articulation
Program operated by Troy State University. (b) The center shall assist and support the steering
committee and local groups in fulfilling their duties. (c) The center shall develop and provide
an interactive communication system that accomplishes each of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-16-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have
the following meanings: (1) ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS CAPABILITIES. The communications capabilities
defined from time to time as advanced telecommunications capabilities by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) through regulations, statutes, or other written guidance or orders. The term
also includes broadband systems and broadband services. (2) BROADBAND AFFILIATE. A person
that is at least 10 percent owned by an electric provider, controlled by way of ownership
interests therein, directly or indirectly, by the electric provider, or under common control
with the electric provider, and which is formed to provide, among other services, utility
support services or nonutility support services. (3) BROADBAND OPERATOR. A person that owns
or operates a broadband system within an electric easement, including the electric provider
if the electric provider is operating the broadband system and including a... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-25-26 Performance of duties by retired persons; service in elected public
office. (a) Any person who is retired under the Teachers' Retirement System may perform duties
in any capacity, including as an independent contractor, with any employer participating in
the Employees' Retirement System or the Teachers' Retirement System without suspension of
his or her retirement allowance provided that (1) the person is not employed in a permanent
full-time capacity and (2) the person's compensation from the employer in calendar year 2016
does not exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). Beginning in calendar year 2017, and each
calendar year thereafter, the annual earning limit shall be increased by the same percentage
increase as the increase in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers as published
by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Any increase in the annual earning
limit shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of one thousand dollars... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-27-8.2 Performance of duties by retired persons; service in elected public
office. (a) Any person who is retired under the Employees' Retirement System may perform duties
in any capacity, including as an independent contractor, with any employer participating in
the Employees' Retirement System or the Teachers' Retirement System without suspension of
his or her retirement allowance provided that (1) the person is not employed in a permanent
full-time capacity and (2) the person's compensation from the employer in calendar year 2016
does not exceed thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). Beginning in calendar year 2017, and each
calendar year thereafter, the annual earning limit shall be increased by the same percentage
increase as the increase in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers as published
by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Any increase in the annual earning
limit shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of one thousand dollars... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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