Code of Alabama

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Section 40-17-349 Violations. (a) Persons violating any provision of this article may be restrained
from distributing, using, or withdrawing from storage any taxable motor fuel, as herein defined,
and may be prosecuted in the name of the State of Alabama by the Attorney General or, under
his or her direction, by a district attorney or, with the approval of the Governor, an attorney
employed by the department until that person has complied with this article. (b) It shall
be unlawful for any person to sell for use or to use motor fuel upon which the tax levied
by this article has not been paid or the payment assumed by a licensee. Any person who willfully
fails to comply with this article, for each failure, shall be subject to a penalty imposed
by the department of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than ten thousand dollars
($10,000). (Act 2011-565, p. 1084, ยง30.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-5-294 Communications, etc. privileged; documentation; release of records or information;
penalty for obtaining information under false pretenses. (a) All letters, reports, communications,
and other matters, written or oral, from employer or employee to each other, to the Secretary
of the Department of Labor, any of his or her agents, representatives, or employees, or to
any official or board functioning under this article, which have been written, sent, delivered,
or made in connection with the requirements and administration of this article, shall be absolutely
privileged. Information obtained from the above mentioned matters shall be held confidential,
except to the extent necessary for the proper presentation of the contest of a claim, and
shall not be published or open to public inspection in any manner. Any person violating this
section shall be fined not less than $20.00 nor more than $200.00, or imprisoned for not longer
than 30 days, or both. (b) The secretary may... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-11A-69 Confidentiality standards; uses of information gained during investigation.
(a) The records, proceedings, deliberations, and documents related to the investigation and
review of any infected health care worker are confidential and shall be used by committees,
licensing boards of licensed health care workers, panels, and individuals only in the exercise
of their official duties and shall not be public records nor be admissible in court for any
purpose nor subject to discovery in any civil action except appeals governed by Sections 22-11A-64
and 22-11A-65 and appeals from adverse professional license determinations made pursuant to
Sections 22-11A-66 and 22-11A-72(a). Information gained during the investigation of an infected
health care worker and the decision about restriction of practice of an infected health care
worker shall be made available to the appropriate licensing board and to the employer of an
infected health care worker and may be used by the licensing... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-123 License requirements under article; permit requirement for nonlicensed owner
of chiropractic practice. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to practice chiropractic
unless he or she shall have first obtained a valid license as provided in this article and
possesses all the qualifications prescribed by the terms of this article. Any person who shall
practice or attempt to practice chiropractic without such a license or any person who shall
buy or fraudulently obtain such a license or shall violate any of the terms of this article,
or shall use the title "chiropractic," "D.C.," or any word or title to
induce the belief that he or she is engaged in the practice of chiropractic, without first
complying with the provisions of this article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100)
nor more than five hundred dollars ($500), or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less
than... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-12-233 Drug trafficking enterprise defined; punishment. (a) This section shall
be known as the "Alabama Drug Trafficking Enterprise Act." For purposes of this
section, a person is engaged in a criminal enterprise for the purpose of trafficking in illegal
drugs if that person violates any provision of Section 13A-12-231, and such violation is:
(1) Undertaken by such person in concert with five or more other persons with respect to whom
such person occupies a position of organizer, a supervisory position, or any other position
of management, and (2) From which such person obtains substantial income or resources. (b)
For purposes of this section, "substantial income" means any amount exceeding the
established minimum wage, as established by law. (c) Any person who engages in a criminal
enterprise for the purpose of trafficking in illegal drugs shall be punished as follows: (1)
Upon the first conviction of violation of this section, he shall be sentenced to a mandatory
minimum... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-255 Manufactured homes. (a) Every person, firm, or corporation who owns, maintains
or keeps in this state a manufactured home as defined according to subsection (n) of this
section, except a manufactured home that constitutes a part of the inventory of a manufacturer
or dealer, shall pay an annual registration fee of $24 for an owner occupied single wide (one
transportable module) manufactured home, $48 for an owner occupied double wide or larger (two
or more transportable modules) manufactured home, $48 for a commercial single wide (one transportable
module) manufactured home, or $96 for a commercial double wide or larger (two or more transportable
modules) manufactured home, provided, however, that any manufactured home 10 years of age
or greater but less than 20 years of age shall pay 75 percent of the above stated fees, and
any manufactured home 20 years of age or greater shall pay 50 percent of the above stated
fees; and upon payment thereof such owner shall be... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-14C-6 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license; hearing; notice, penalties;
appeal. (a) The board may deny, suspend, or revoke a license as provided in this section.
(b) A license may not be denied, suspended, or revoked except by majority vote of the board
and with prior notice and opportunity for hearing in accordance with this chapter and the
Alabama Administrative Procedure Act. (c) The board may institute a hearing for denial, suspension,
or revocation of a license or any person may file a written complaint with the board seeking
the denial, suspension, or revocation of an application for licensure or license issued by
the board or the investigation of any unlicensed person or entity providing home medical equipment
services. The complaint shall be in a form prescribed by the board. (d) A copy of the charges,
including notice of the time and place of hearing, shall be served by certified mail, return
receipt requested, at least 21 days before the scheduled hearing... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-23-26 Tax to be added to purchase price; refund unlawful; tax a direct tax on retail
consumer. (a) Every person, firm, corporation, association or copartnership engaged in or
continuing within this state in the business for which a license or privilege tax is required
by this division shall add to the sales price and collect from the purchaser on all sales
upon the gross receipts or gross proceeds of which there is levied by this division a sales
tax at the rate of four percent, $.04 tax for each whole dollar of sales price; provided,
that on that part of the sales price which is a fractional part of a dollar, in addition to
whole dollars, and on sales of less than a dollar there shall be collected in addition to
the tax collected on whole dollars, no tax on $.01 to and including $.10 of sales price, $.01
tax on $.11 to and including $.30 of sales price, $.02 tax on $.31 to and including $.54 of
sales price, $.03 tax on $.55 to and including $.73 of sales price, and $.04 tax... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-94 Penalties. (a) Any permittee or operator who violates any permit condition
or who violates any other provision of this article, may be assessed a civil penalty by the
regulatory authority, except that if such violation leads to the issuance of a cessation order
under Section 9-16-93, the civil penalty shall be assessed. Such penalty shall not exceed
$5,000.00 for each violation. Each day of continuing violation may be deemed a separate violation
for purposes of penalty assessments. In determining the amount of the penalty, consideration
shall be given to the permittee's history of previous violations at the particular surface
coal mining operations; the seriousness of the violation, including any irreparable harm to
the environment and any hazard to the health or safety of the public; whether the permittee
was negligent; and the demonstrated good faith of the permittee charged in attempting to achieve
rapid compliance after notification of the violation. (b) A civil... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-19 Penalties - Violation by person whose license or driving privilege has been
cancelled, etc.; impoundment of vehicle. (a)(1) Any person whose driver's or chauffeur's license
issued in this or another state or whose driving privilege as a nonresident has been cancelled,
denied, suspended, or revoked as provided in this article and who drives any motor vehicle
upon the highways of this state while his or her license or privilege is cancelled, denied,
suspended, or revoked shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished
by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500),
and in addition thereto may be imprisoned for not more than 180 days. In addition to all fines,
fees, costs, and punishments prescribed by law, there shall be imposed or assessed an additional
penalty of fifty dollars ($50) to be placed in the Traffic Safety Trust Fund and the Peace
Officers Standards and Training Fund. Also, at the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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