Code of Alabama

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Section 45-2-244.077 Charge for collections; dispositition of funds. The county commission
shall be authorized to charge an amount not less than two percent nor more than five percent
of the special county tax collected in the county under this subpart for collecting the special
county tax. In order to charge more than two percent of the special county tax for collecting
the tax, the county commission and the Baldwin County Board of Education shall be required
to agree upon such additional percentage for collection. Prior to any other distribution,
two percent of all net revenues herein collected shall be appropriated to the Juvenile Court
for Baldwin County to be used for drug interdiction and education programs; staffing; and
the leasing, building, staffing, and operation of a home for juveniles; and one percent of
all net revenues collected shall be appropriated to the Baldwin County District Attorney's
Office to be expended for education and intervention programs, with emphasis on... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-23-82.10 Pretrial diversion program fund. The district attorney shall establish
a pretrial diversion program fund. The district attorney shall use the funds in the pretrial
diversion program fund to pay costs and expenses associated with the administration of the
pretrial diversion program or for other purposes contained in other pretrial diversion programs
in this state. Costs associated with program administration shall include, but shall not be
limited to, salaries, rent, vehicles, telephones, postage, office supplies and equipment,
training and travel services, service contracts, and professional services. The district attorney
may pay for services or programs for an offender while the offender is in the pretrial diversion
program if special circumstances and justice dictate. The pretrial diversion program fund
shall be subject to audit every two years, in accordance with state law, by the Examiners
of Public Accounts. In years not subject to audit, the district attorney... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-28-244.01 Levy and collection of tax; disposition of funds; Etowah County
Development Committee. (a) In Etowah County, there is levied a one cent ($0.01) county sales
and use tax in all areas of the county, which may become effective no sooner than January
1, 1996. (b) The tax shall parallel the state sales and use taxes including exemptions therefrom
and enforcement proceedings therefor. The Etowah County Commission may administer and collect
this tax, or contract with a private entity or the State Department of Revenue to administer
and collect this tax, and provide for enforcement penalties by resolution. The county commission,
the State Department of Revenue, or a private entity collecting the tax may retain an amount
or percentage of the total proceeds collected in such an amount as may be agreed upon by the
members of the county commission, but in no event shall the charge exceed two percent of the
total amount of tax collected under this section. (c) The net proceeds... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-19-310 Additional docket fees. (a) In addition to the docket fees now authorized
by law, additional docket fees shall be assessed in all circuit, district, and municipal courts
as follows: (1) In civil cases in the circuit and district courts, except child support cases
and as further provided for small claims cases, an additional docket fee of forty-five dollars
($45) and in small claims cases an additional docket fee of fifteen dollars ($15). (2) In
criminal cases in the circuit, district, and municipal courts, except juvenile cases and as
further provided for traffic cases, an additional docket fee of forty dollars ($40) and in
traffic cases, but excluding parking violations, an additional docket fee of twenty-six dollars
($26). (b) (1) Two dollars ($2) of the traffic docket fee shall be distributed to the Police
Officers' Annuity Fund before any distribution pursuant to subsections (c) and (d). (2) Ten
dollars ($10) of each fee in municipal court shall be retained by the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

There is hereby created the Department of Youth Services Capital Improvement Trust Fund and
the Youth Services Capital Improvement Trust Fund Income Account as separate funds in the
state treasury. Any unexpended or unencumbered balances in the funds shall not revert at the
end of each fiscal year, but shall remain in the funds and may be carried over into each succeeding
fiscal year. Any income earned on the trust income account shall accrue to the fund. The funds
shall be administered by the State Treasurer, which shall be entitled to a reasonable fee
for the administration. All investments shall be made pursuant to the same authority and restrictions
that apply to the investment of State funds. (b) Funding to the Department of Youth Services
Capital Improvement Trust Fund shall consist of funds resulting from the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-27-82 Recovery of court costs. (a) The office of the district attorney serving
Escambia County, Alabama, shall be allowed to establish a court cost recovery division for
the purpose of collecting assessments, costs, fees, fines, or forfeitures due to be paid to
the State of Alabama, Escambia County, municipalities within Escambia County, or any agency
or subdivision of these governments as a result of any court action or proceeding. (b) The
court, the clerk of the court, or a probation officer shall notify the district attorney in
writing when any bail bond forfeitures, court costs, fines, penalty assessments, crime victims'
compensation assessments, or like assessments in any civil or criminal proceeding ordered
by the court to be paid to the state or municipality have been paid or are in default and
the default has not been vacated. Upon notification to the district attorney, the court cost
recovery division of the district attorney's office may collect or enforce the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-25-13 Disposition of funds. (a) In any county that has established a county
law library fund pursuant to this chapter or pursuant to local act, and in any county which
hereafter shall establish a law library fund pursuant to lawful authority, in addition to,
and not to supersede, the authority granted to the presiding judge in a judicial circuit by
such authority, the presiding circuit judge may authorize the moneys designated for the use
of the law library to be expended for any of the following purposes: (1) The purchase of books,
periodicals, equipment, software, hardware, furniture, fixtures, technology, and computers.
(2) The cost of securing advice and attendance of witnesses. (3) Registration fees and expenses
incurred by the judges and court employees when attending seminars, institutions, conferences,
and other meetings related to continuing legal education and judicial education. Allowances
and reimbursements for expenses incurred by the judges and court employees... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-21-4 Procedure for waiver of consent requirement - Notice to parents or guardian
prohibited; participation in proceedings; right to counsel; assistance in preparing petition;
confidentiality; contents of petition; precedence of proceeding; rules of procedure; waiver
of consent; guardian ad litem for interests of unborn child; findings and conclusions; appeal;
no fees or costs; related criminal charges. (a) A minor who elects not to seek or does not
or cannot for any reason, obtain consent from either of her parents or legal guardian, may
petition, on her own behalf, the juvenile court, or the court of equal standing, in the county
in which the minor resides or in the county in which the abortion is to be performed for a
waiver of the consent requirement of this chapter. Notice by the court to the minor's parents,
parent, or legal guardian shall not be required or permitted. The requirements and procedures
under this chapter shall apply and are available only to minors who... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-7-2 Definitions. Terms used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
requires, have the meanings ascribed to them in this section. When not inconsistent
with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the singular
number include the plural number, and words in the plural number include the singular number,
and the word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory: (1) CHILD. Any
person under 19 years of age, a person under the continuing jurisdiction of the juvenile court
pursuant to Section 12-15-117, or a person under 21 years of age in foster care as
defined by the Department of Human Resources. (2) CHILD-CARE INSTITUTION or INSTITUTION FOR
CHILD CARE. A child-care facility where more than 10 children are received and maintained
for the purpose of providing them with care or training or both, or transitional living program
services, but does not include: a. Any institution for child care which is under the ownership
or control,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-13-84 Payment and disposition of taxes generally; Special State Forestry Fund;
appropriation of tax receipts for use of State Forestry Commission. (a) The taxes imposed
by this article, and any other taxes imposed on the severance of forest products, shall be
due and payable quarterly to the department and, when collected, shall be paid by the department
into the State Treasury. When so paid into the State Treasury, all such taxes shall be credited
by the Treasurer to a special fund which is hereby created and which shall be known as the
Special State Forestry Fund of the State of Alabama, which fund shall be disbursed under the
supervision of the State Forester, subject to the restrictions embodied in this article, for
the purpose of carrying out the statewide forestry program as provided by law and for no other
or different purposes. Not less than 85 percent of the taxes collected under and by virtue
of this article shall be expended for forest protection. No portion of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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