Code of Alabama

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Section 12-15-306 Removing a child from the custody of a parent, legal guardian, or
legal custodian. (a) A child may be removed by a law enforcement officer from the custody
of a parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian if there are reasonable grounds to believe
any of the following: (1) The child is suffering from an illness or injury or is in imminent
danger from the surroundings of the child and that the removal of the child is necessary for
the protection of the health and safety of the child. (2) The child has no parent, legal guardian,
legal custodian, or other suitable person able to provide supervision and care for the child.
(b) The person removing the child shall immediately deliver the child to the Department of
Human Resources. (Act 2008-277, p. 441, ยง18.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-125 Taking into custody of children generally. (a) A child or minor may
be taken into custody for any of the following reasons: (1) Pursuant to an order of the juvenile
court. (2) By a law enforcement officer having reasonable grounds to believe that the child
or minor has run away from a juvenile detention, residential, shelter, or other care facility.
(3) By a law enforcement officer having reasonable grounds to believe that the child or minor
is suffering from an illness or injury or is in immediate danger from the surroundings of
the child or minor and that the immediate removal of the child or minor from those surroundings
is necessary for the protection of the health and safety of the child or minor. (b) In addition
to the grounds listed in subsection (a), a child may also be taken into custody for any of
the following reasons: (1) By a law enforcement officer for an alleged delinquent act pursuant
to the laws of arrest; (2) By a law enforcement officer who has... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-13-8 Failure to report missing child. (a) This section shall be known
and may be cited as Caylee's Law. (b) For purposes of this section, the following terms
shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1) ABDUCTION.
The removal or retention of a child without the consent of the child's custodian. (2) CHILD.
A person who is less than 18 years of age. (3) CUSTODIAN. A child's father or mother, whether
biological or adoptive, a child's legally appointed guardian, or the spouse of a child's father,
mother, or legally appointed guardian. In the case where only one parent has legal custody,
the term means the parent with legal custody or his or her spouse. (4) GUARDIAN. A guardian
as defined in Section 26-2A-20. (5) LOST CHILD. A child who is unable to find his or
her way back to his or her custodian. (6) RUNAWAY CHILD. A child who voluntarily absents himself
or herself from the control of his or her custodian with intent to remain away indefinitely.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-208 Facilities to be used for detention or shelter care of children generally;
when child may be detained in jail or other facility for detention of adults; notification
of juvenile court, when child received at facility for detention of adult offenders or persons
charged with crimes; development of statewide system; Department of Youth Services to subsidize
detention in regional facilities, may contract for detention; transfer of child to detention
facility, when case transferred from juvenile court for criminal prosecution. (a) Persons
who shall not be detained or confined in secure custody include all of the following: (1)
STATUS OFFENDERS. Effective October 1, 2009, status offenders, as defined in this article,
shall not be detained or confined in secure custody, except that a status offender who is
charged with or who commits a violation of a valid court order may be detained in secure custody
in a juvenile detention facility for up to 72 hours in any six-month... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-127 Release, delivery to detention or shelter care facility, medical facility
of children taken into custody generally. (a) A person taking a child into custody without
an order of the juvenile court shall, with all possible speed, and in accordance with this
chapter and the rules of court pursuant thereto: (1) Release the child to the parents, legal
guardian, or legal custodian of the child or other suitable person able to provide supervision
and care for the child and issue verbal counsel and warning as may be appropriate. (2) Release
the child to the parents, legal guardian, or legal custodian of the child upon his or her
promise to bring the child before the juvenile court when requested, unless the placement
of the child in detention or shelter care appears required. If a parent, legal guardian, or
other legal custodian fails, when requested, to bring the child before the juvenile court
as provided in this section, the juvenile court may issue an order directing that... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-102 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases
have the following meanings: (1) ADULT. An individual 19 years of age or older. (2) AFTERCARE.
Conditions and supervision as the juvenile court orders after release from the Department
of Youth Services. (3) CHILD. An individual under the age of 18 years, or under 21 years of
age and before the juvenile court for a delinquency matter arising before that individual's
18th birthday, or under 19 years of age and before the juvenile court for a child in need
of supervision matter or commitment to the State Department of Mental Health or under 19 years
of age and before the juvenile court for a proceeding initiated under Section 12-15-115(b)(2).
Where a delinquency petition alleges that an individual, prior to the individual's 18th birthday,
has committed an offense for which there is no statute of limitation pursuant to Section
15-3-5, the term child also shall include the individual subject to the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-13-2 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words shall have
the following meanings: (1) ADULT. An individual 19 years of age and older. (2) ADULT CARE
FACILITY. A person or entity holding a Department of Human Resources license or approval or
certification to provide care, including foster care, for adults. (3) APPLICANT. A person
or entity who submits an application for license as a child care or adult care facility to
the Department of Human Resources or a child placing agency, or an application for employment
or for a volunteer position to a Department of Human Resources licensed child care or adult
care facility. With regard to child care and adult care facilities in a home setting, the
term includes an adult household member whose residence is in the home. The term also includes
an individual who submits an application for a volunteer position or for employment with the
Department of Human Resources in a position in which the person has unsupervised... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-314 Dispositions for dependent children. (a) If a child is found to be
dependent, the juvenile court may make any of the following orders of disposition to protect
the welfare of the child: (1) Permit the child to remain with the parent, legal guardian,
or other legal custodian of the child, subject to conditions and limitations as the juvenile
court may prescribe. (2) Place the child under protective supervision under the Department
of Human Resources. (3) Transfer legal custody to any of the following: a. The Department
of Human Resources. b. A local public or private agency, organization, or facility willing
and able to assume the education, care, and maintenance of the child and which is licensed
by the Department of Human Resources or otherwise authorized by law to receive and provide
care for the child. c. A relative or other individual who, after study by the Department of
Human Resources, is found by the juvenile court to be qualified to receive and care for the... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-202 Rights of the child. (a) Rights of the child when taken into custody.
When a child is taken into custody, the person taking the child into custody shall inform
the child of all of the following, in language understandable to the child: (1) The reason
that the child is being taken into custody. (2) That the child has the right to communicate
with his or her parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian whether or not that person is present.
If necessary, reasonable means will be provided for the child to do so. (3) The child has
the right to communicate with an attorney. If the child does not have an attorney, one will
be appointed for him or her. If the child has an attorney who is not present, reasonable means
shall be provided for the child to communicate with the attorney. (b) Rights of the child
before being questioned while in custody. Before the child is questioned about anything concerning
the charge on which the child was taken into custody, the person asking the... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-308 Filing of petition and conduct of 72-hour hearing as to necessity
for continuation of shelter care of a child. (a) When a child alleged to be dependent has
been removed from the custody of the parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian and has not
been returned to same, a hearing shall be held within 72 hours from the time of removal, Saturdays,
Sundays, and holidays included, to determine whether continued shelter care is required. (b)
Notice of the 72-hour hearing requirement, either verbal or written, stating the date, time,
place, and purpose of the hearing and the right to counsel shall be given to the parent, legal
guardian, or legal custodian if he or she can be found. (c) At the commencement of the 72-hour
hearing requirement, the juvenile court shall advise the parent, legal guardian, or legal
custodian of the right to counsel and shall appoint counsel if the juvenile court determines
he or she is indigent. If the juvenile court already has not done so, it... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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