Code of Alabama

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Section 12-15-217 Notice of delinquent acts. (a) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of Section
12-15-133, written notice that a child enrolled in a school, kindergarten to grade 12, has
been found delinquent of an act which if committed by an adult would be a Class A or B felony
or any other crime, at the discretion of the juvenile court, shall be provided within seven
days to the superintendent of the school district of attendance, or, if the child attends
a private school, to the principal of the school. The juvenile court shall provide the notice
using whatever method it deems appropriate or otherwise as decided by the Administrative Office
of Courts. The prosecutor may recommend to the juvenile court that notice be given to the
school for any delinquent act. Written notice shall include only the offenses, enumerated
by the appropriate code section and brief description, found to have been committed by the
child and the disposition of the case involving the child. Where applicable, this... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-107 Juvenile probation officers - Duties of juvenile probation officers generally;
powers of juvenile probation officers as to taking into custody and placing in shelter or
detention care of children generally; procedure upon taking into custody of child by juvenile
probation officer generally. (a) For the purpose of carrying out the objectives and purposes
of this chapter and subject to the limitations of this chapter or imposed by the juvenile
court, a juvenile probation officer shall perform the following duties: (1) Make investigations,
reports, and recommendations to the juvenile court. (2) Serve as a juvenile court intake officer
when designated by the juvenile court judge. (3) Supervise and assist a child placed on probation
or aftercare by order of the juvenile court or other authority of law until the terms of probation
or aftercare expire or are otherwise terminated. (4) Make appropriate referrals to other private
or public departments or agencies of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-21-131 Interpreters for persons defective in speech and/or hearing - Qualified interpreter
provided in certain criminal and juvenile proceedings; requirements; fees. (a) Deaf person
means any person either totally deaf, or who has defective hearing, or who has both defective
hearing and speech. (b) For the purpose of this section, the term qualified interpreter means
an interpreter certified by the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Alabama Registry
of Interpreters for the Deaf, or, in the event an interpreter so certified is not available,
an interpreter whose qualifications are otherwise determined. Efforts to obtain the services
of a qualified interpreter certified with a legal skills certificate or a comprehensive skills
certificate will be made prior to accepting services of an interpreter with lesser certification.
No qualified interpreter shall be appointed unless the appointing authority and the deaf person
make a preliminary determination that the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3B-208 Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct. (a) Except as otherwise provided
in Section 30-3B-204 or by other law of this state, if a court of this state has jurisdiction
under this chapter because a person seeking to invoke its jurisdiction has engaged in unjustifiable
conduct, the court shall decline to exercise its jurisdiction unless: (1) The parents and
all persons acting as parents have acquiesced in the exercise of jurisdiction; (2) A court
of the state otherwise having jurisdiction under Sections 30-3B-201 through 30-3B-203 determines
that this state is a more appropriate forum under Section 30-3B-207; or (3) No court of any
other state would have jurisdiction under the criteria specified in Sections 30-3B-201 through
30-3B-203. (b) If a court of this state declines to exercise its jurisdiction pursuant to
subsection (a), it may fashion an appropriate remedy to ensure the safety of the child and
prevent a repetition of the unjustifiable conduct, including... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-318 Service of process. (a) Except as otherwise provided by the Alabama Rules
of Juvenile Procedure and this section, service of process of termination of parental rights
actions shall be made in accordance with the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. (b) If service
of process has not been completed within 45 days of the filing of the termination of parental
rights petition, the petitioner shall request service by publication. (c) Service of process
by publication may not be ordered by the juvenile court unless at least one of the following
conditions is met: (1) The child who is the subject of the proceedings was abandoned in the
state, or (2) The state or private department or agency having custody of the child has established,
by evidence presented to the juvenile court, that the absent parent or parents are avoiding
service of process or their whereabouts are unknown and cannot be ascertained with reasonable
diligence. (d) Service shall be made by publication in a... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-17-70 Designation of judge to handle domestic relations, divorce, etc., cases in
districts having more than one judge. In those districts having more than one district court
judge, the presiding circuit court judge may designate from time to time a district court
judge, who shall have the same powers and authority as a circuit judge to handle all cases
involving domestic relations, divorce, annulments of marriage, custody and support of children,
granting and enforcement of alimony, proceedings under the Reciprocal Nonsupport Act and all
other domestic and marital matters over which the circuit court has jurisdiction as well as
all laws pertaining to juvenile and nonsupport cases arising in the county under Title 30
of this code and who shall serve as an ex officio circuit judge when handling such cases,
regardless of any provisions contained in this title or any other laws to the contrary; provided,
that in those counties having one district judge and in which a circuit... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-10A-21 Related proceedings. If, at any time during the pendency of the adoption
proceeding, it is determined that any other custody action concerning the adoptee is pending
in the courts of this state or any other state or country, any party to the adoption proceeding,
or the court on its own motion, may move to stay such adoption proceeding until a determination
has been made by an appropriate court with jurisdiction pursuant to the provisions of the
Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA) or the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act (PKPA).
The adoption may be transferred and consolidated with a custody proceeding pending in any
court in this state. (Acts 1990, No. 90-554, p. 912, §21; Act 99-435, p. 857, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3C-2 Definitions. In this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) ABDUCTION. The wrongful removal or wrongful retention of a child. (2) CHILD. An unemancipated
individual who is less than 19 years of age. (3) CHILD-CUSTODY DETERMINATION. A judgment,
decree, or other order of a court providing for the legal custody, physical custody, or visitation
with respect to a child. The term includes a permanent, temporary, initial, and modification
order. The term does not include an order relating to child support or other monetary obligation
of an individual. (4) CHILD-CUSTODY PROCEEDING. A court proceeding in which legal custody,
physical custody, or visitation with respect to a child is at issue. The term includes a proceeding
for divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, neglect, abuse, dependency, paternity,
termination of parental rights, or protection from domestic violence. The term does not include
a court proceeding involving juvenile... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-26 Powers of authority generally. The authority shall have the following powers:
(1) To have succession by its corporate name until dissolved as provided in this article;
(2) To institute and defend legal proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction and proper
venue; provided, that the authority may not be sued in any trial court other than the courts
of the county in which is located the principal office of the authority; provided further,
that the officers, directors, agents and employees of the authority may not be sued for actions
in behalf of the authority in any trial court other than the courts of the county in which
is located the principal office of the authority; (3) To have and to use a corporate seal
and to alter the seal at pleasure; (4) To establish a fiscal year; (5) To anticipate by the
issuance of its bonds the receipt of the revenues appropriated and pledged in this article;
(6) To pledge the proceeds of the appropriations and pledges provided for... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

father and decrees the name the child is to bear together with the information necessary to
identify the original certificate of birth. (b) The new certificate of birth prepared as a
result of subsection (a) shall be on the form in use at the time of its preparation and shall
include all of the following items and other information necessary to complete the certificate:
(1) The name of the child. (2) The actual place and date of birth as shown on the original
certificate. (3) The names and personal particulars of the adoptive parents or of the
natural parents, whichever is appropriate. (4) The name of the attendant. (5) The birth number
assigned to the original birth certificate. (6) The original filing date. (c) The new certificate
shall be substituted for the original certificate of birth in the files, and the original
certificate of birth and the evidence of adoption, legitimation, or paternity determination
shall not be subject to inspection except upon order of a court of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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