Code of Alabama

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Section 12-15-114 Original jurisdiction - Juvenile. (a) A juvenile court shall exercise exclusive
original jurisdiction of juvenile court proceedings in which a child is alleged to have committed
a delinquent act, to be dependent, or to be in need of supervision. A dependency action shall
not include a custody dispute between parents. Juvenile cases before the juvenile court shall
be initiated through the juvenile court intake office pursuant to this chapter. (b) A juvenile
court shall not have jurisdiction over any delinquent act committed by an individual before
his or her 18th birthday for which a petition has not been filed before the individual reaches
21 years of age, except when the delinquent act is an offense having no statute of limitation
as provided in Section 15-3-5. (c) A juvenile court shall also exercise exclusive original
jurisdiction over each of the following: (1) Proceedings pursuant to the Interstate Compact
on Juveniles and the Interstate Compact on Placement of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

law. This term shall not apply to any of the following: a. An offense when committed by a child
16 or 17 years of age as follows: 1. A nonfelony traffic offense or water safety offense other
than one charged pursuant to Section 32-5A-191 or 32-5A-191.3 or a municipal ordinance prohibiting
the same conduct. 2. A capital offense. 3. A Class A felony. 4. A felony which has as an element
the use of a deadly weapon. 5. A felony which has as an element the causing of death or serious
physical injury. 6. A felony which has as an element the use of a dangerous instrument
against any person who is one of the following: (i) A law enforcement officer or official.
(ii) A correctional officer or official. (iii) A parole or probation officer or official.
(iv) A juvenile court probation officer or official. (v) A district attorney or other prosecuting
officer or official. (vi) A judge or judicial official. (vii) A court officer or official.
(viii) A person who is a grand juror, juror, or witness... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-115 Original jurisdiction - Civil. (a) A juvenile court shall also exercise original
jurisdiction of the following civil proceedings: (1) Removal of disabilities of nonage pursuant
to Chapter 13 of Title 26. (2) Proceedings for judicial consent for a person under the respective
legal age to marry, to be employed, withdraw from school, or enlist in military service when
this consent is required by law. (3) Proceedings for the commitment of a minor or child with
mental illness or an intellectual disability to the Department of Mental Health, as provided
in Article 4 (commencing with Section 12-15-401). (4) Proceedings for the adoption of a child
when these proceedings have been transferred from probate court as provided by law. (5) Proceedings
for waiver of parental consent for a minor to have an abortion pursuant to Chapter 21 of Title
26. (6) Proceedings to establish parentage of a child pursuant to the Alabama Uniform Parentage
Act, Chapter 17 of Title 26. (7)... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-12-30 Civil jurisdiction generally. The original civil jurisdiction of the district
court of Alabama shall be uniform throughout the state, concurrent with the circuit court,
except as otherwise provided, and shall include all civil actions in which the matter in controversy
does not exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), exclusive of interest and costs, and civil
actions based on unlawful detainer; except, that the district court shall not exercise jurisdiction
over any of the following matters: (1) Actions seeking equitable relief other than: a. Equitable
questions arising in juvenile cases within the jurisdiction of the district court. b. Equitable
defenses asserted or compulsory counterclaims filed by any party in any civil action within
the jurisdiction of the district court. (2) Any actions enumerated in Rule 81 of the Alabama
Rules of Civil Procedure other than any of the following: a. Actions based in negligence against
municipalities. b. Actions seeking... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

care to participate in activities that are age or developmentally appropriate for the child
based on a reasonable and prudent parent standard, provided the activities are consistent
with provisions of any existing court order, individualized service plan, or promulgated policy
of the department that provides guidance to caregivers concerning the reasonable and prudent
parent standard. The guidance shall include factors for the caregiver to consider prior to
allowing a child to participate in age or developmentally appropriate normal childhood activities.
(2) A caregiver shall be immune from liability in a civil action to recover damages for injury,
death, or loss to person or property that results from a caregiver's decisions using a reasonable
and prudent parent standard. This subsection shall not be construed to remove or limit any
existing liability protection provided by law. (Act 2008-277, p. 441, §18; Act 2010-712,
p. 1744, §13; Act 2016-129, p. 290, §1; Act 2018-273, §1.)... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

as it deems best adapted for public convenience. Such publications shall be made permanently
available and constitute the official reports of the Alabama Tax Tribunal. (p) Service of
Process. (1) Mailing by first class or certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the
address of the taxpayer given on the taxpayer's notice of appeal, or to the address of the
taxpayer's representative of record, if any, or to the usual place of business of the Department
of Revenue, shall constitute personal service on the other party. The Alabama Tax Tribunal,
by rule, may prescribe that notice by other means shall constitute personal service
and, in a particular case, may order that notice be given to additional persons or by other
means. (2) Mailing by registered or certified mail and delivery by a private delivery service
approved by the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with Section 7502(f) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall be deemed to have occurred,... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-11-30 Generally. (1) CIVIL. The circuit court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction
of all civil actions in which the matter in controversy exceeds twenty thousand dollars ($20,000),
exclusive of interest and costs, and shall exercise original jurisdiction concurrent with
the district court in all civil actions in which the matter in controversy exceeds six thousand
dollars ($6,000), exclusive of interest and costs. (2) CRIMINAL. The circuit court shall have
exclusive original jurisdiction of all felony prosecutions and of misdemeanor or ordinance
violations which are lesser included offenses within a felony charge or which arise from the
same incident as a felony charge; except, that the district court shall have concurrent jurisdiction
with the circuit court to receive pleas of guilty in felony cases not punishable by sentence
of death. The circuit court may, on conviction of a defendant, upon a showing of inability
to make immediate payment of fine and costs,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-117.1 Continuing jurisdiction of juvenile court to modify and enforce judgments.
(a) The Legislature finds that it was its original intent in the adoption of the Alabama Juvenile
Justice Act (Act 2008-277) for a juvenile court to retain continuing jurisdiction in all cases
in its jurisdiction to the extent provided by law. Act 2012-383 is curative and shall apply
retroactively to ratify and confirm the exercise of continuing jurisdiction of the juvenile
court to modify and enforce a judgment in cases filed in juvenile court on or after January
1, 2009, and prior to May 14, 2012. Any order of a juvenile court issued while exercising
jurisdiction pursuant to this subsection during this time shall be deemed valid. (b) Nothing
in Act 2012-383 shall affect the jurisdiction of the circuit courts over any custody, visitation,
or support issues, or enforcement or modification of the same issues, that a circuit court
exercised in cases filed on or after January 1, 2009, and prior... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-131 Issuance of orders restraining conduct of parties to proceedings. In any
proceeding commenced pursuant to this chapter, on motion of the juvenile court or on motion
of a party, the juvenile court may make an order restraining the conduct of any party over
whom the juvenile court has obtained jurisdiction, if all of the following occur: (1) An order
of disposition of a delinquent child, dependent child, or a child in need of supervision has
been made in a proceeding pursuant to this chapter. (2) The juvenile court finds that the
conduct of the party is or may be detrimental or harmful to the delinquent child, dependent
child, or child in need of supervision and will tend to defeat the execution of the order
of disposition made. (3) Notice of the motion and the grounds therein and an opportunity to
be heard thereon have been given to the party against whom the order is directed. (Acts 1975,
No. 1205, p. 2384, §5-141; §12-15-73; amended and renumbered by Act 2008-277,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-120 Cases initiated by filing of petitions by juvenile court intake officers.
(a) Delinquency, child in need of supervision, and dependency cases and proceedings pursuant
to Section 12-15-132 before the juvenile court shall be initiated by the filing of a petition
by the juvenile court intake officer who shall receive verified complaints and proceed thereon
pursuant to rules of procedure adopted by the Supreme Court of Alabama. (b) A petition alleging
that a child is a delinquent child, dependent child, or a child in need of supervision shall
not be filed by a juvenile court intake officer unless the juvenile court intake officer has
determined and endorsed upon the petition that the juvenile court has subject matter jurisdiction
and venue over the case and that the filing of the petition is in the best interests of the
public and the child. (Acts 1975, No. 1205, p. 2384, §5-114; §12-15-50; amended and renumbered
by Act 2008-277, p. 441, §7.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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