Code of Alabama

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Section 41-13-7 Identifying information of state employees on records available for public
inspection. (a) As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) EMPLOYEE. Any person who is regularly employed by the state and who is subject to the
provisions of the state Merit System or any person who is regularly employed by a criminal
justice agency or entity or by a law enforcement agency within the state or any honorably
retired employee thereof, to include, but not be limited to, the following: A judge of any
position, including a judge of a municipal court; a district attorney; a deputy district attorney;
an assistant district attorney; an investigator employed by a district attorney; an attorney,
investigator, or special agent of the Office of the Attorney General; a sheriff; a deputy
sheriff; a jailor; or a law enforcement officer of a county, municipality, the state, or special
district, provided the law enforcement officer is certified by the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-17-636 Order adjudicating parentage; limitation on liability for education and support;
cost, fees, and expenses. (a) The court shall issue an order adjudicating whether a man alleged
or claiming to be the father is the parent of the child. (b) An order adjudicating parentage
must identify the child by name and date of birth, if known. (c) Except as otherwise provided
in subsection (d), the court may assess filing fees, reasonable attorney's fees, fees for
genetic testing, other costs, and necessary travel and other reasonable expenses incurred
in a proceeding under this article, subject to the following rules: (1) Parties to proceedings
under this chapter should pay the fees and expenses of retained counsel, expert witnesses,
guardians ad litem, the costs of appropriate tests and other costs of the trial as they may,
themselves, incur. The court may order reasonable fees for attorneys, expert witnesses, guardian
ad litem fees, costs of appropriate tests and other costs of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

and thereafter, the only requirement for a marriage in this state shall be for parties who
are otherwise legally authorized to be married to enter into a marriage as provided in this
section. However, the judge of probate shall continue to collect the recording fee provided
for in subdivision (32) of subsection (b) of Section 12-19-90 for each marriage recorded with
the judge of probate. Furthermore, at the time the marriage is recorded, the judge of probate
shall also collect the fee provided for in Section 30-6-11 to be distributed as provided in
that section. (b) The marriage document required to be executed by the parties shall contain
information to identify the parties as set forth in Section 22-9A-6, as well as the following
minimum information: (1) The full legal names of both of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-1-9.1 Requirements for marriage; validity; construction with other laws. (a) On
August 29, 2019, and thereafter, the only requirement for a marriage in this state shall be
for parties who are otherwise legally authorized to be married to enter into a marriage as
provided in this section. However, the judge of probate shall continue to collect the recording
fee provided for in subdivision (32) of subsection (b) of Section 12-19-90 for each marriage
recorded with the judge of probate. Furthermore, at the time the marriage is recorded, the
judge of probate shall also collect the fee provided for in Section 30-6-11, to be distributed
as provided in that section. (b) The marriage document required to be executed by the parties
shall contain information to identify the parties as set forth in Section 22-9A-6, as well
as the following minimum information: (1) The full legal names of both of the parties. (2)
A notarized affidavit from each party declaring all of the following: a.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-15-318 Service of process. (a) Except as otherwise provided by the Alabama Rules
of Juvenile Procedure and this section, service of process of termination of parental rights
actions shall be made in accordance with the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. (b) If service
of process has not been completed within 45 days of the filing of the termination of parental
rights petition, the petitioner shall request service by publication. (c) Service of process
by publication may not be ordered by the juvenile court unless at least one of the following
conditions is met: (1) The child who is the subject of the proceedings was abandoned in the
state, or (2) The state or private department or agency having custody of the child has established,
by evidence presented to the juvenile court, that the absent parent or parents are avoiding
service of process or their whereabouts are unknown and cannot be ascertained with reasonable
diligence. (d) Service shall be made by publication in a... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-25-3 Prosecution for physical or sexual offense or exploitation involving child
under age 16 - Use of closed circuit equipment; competence of victim as witness. (a) In those
criminal prosecutions set out in Section 15-25-1, the court, on motion of the state or the
defendant prior to the trial of the case, may order that the testimony of any alleged victim
of the crime or witness thereto who is under the age of 16 at the time of the order shall
be viewed and heard at trial by the court and the finder of fact by closed circuit equipment.
In ruling on the motion the court shall take into consideration those matters set out in Section
15-25-2. (b) If the court orders that the victim's or witness's testimony in court shall be
by closed circuit equipment, the testimony shall be taken outside the courtroom in the judge's
chambers or in another suitable location designated by the judge. (c) Examination and cross-examination
of the alleged child victim or witness shall proceed as... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-2-40 Legal separation. (a) The court shall enter a decree of legal separation if
all of the following requirements are satisfied: (1) The court determines that the jurisdictional
requirements for the dissolution of a marriage have been met. (2) The court determines the
marriage is irretrievably broken or there exists a complete incompatibility of temperament
or one or both of the parties desires to live separate and apart. (3) To the extent that it
has jurisdiction to do so, the court has considered, approved, or provided for child custody,
and has entered an order for child support in compliance with Rule 32 of the Alabama Rules
of Judicial Administration. (b) A legal separation is a court determination of the rights
and responsibilities of a husband and wife arising out of the marital relationship. A decree
of legal separation does not terminate the marital status of the parties. (c) If a party files
a complaint for a decree of legal separation rather than a decree of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-5-4 Remedies and relief; duty to inform court of pending proceedings, litigation,
etc.; previous court orders; issuance of orders. (a) The plaintiff's right to relief under
this chapter shall not be affected by his or her leaving the residence or household to avoid
further abuse. (b) At any hearing in a proceeding to obtain a protection order, each party
has a continuing duty to inform the court of each pending proceeding in this state or any
other state for a protection order, any pending civil litigation in this state or any other
state, each pending proceeding in any family or juvenile court of this state or any other
state, each pending criminal case involving the parties in this state or any other state,
and any existing child custody or support order, including the case name, the file number,
and the county and state of the proceeding, if that information is known to the party. (c)
The remedies and procedures provided in this chapter are in addition to and not in lieu... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-4 Recovery of public moneys, funds or property. (a) The Governor may cause actions
to be commenced for the recovery of any public moneys, funds, or property of the state or
of any county which have been lost by the neglect or default of any public officer, which
have been wrongfully expended or disbursed by such officer, which have been wrongfully used
by such officer, or which have been wrongfully received from him. (b) In the event any public
officer or agent of the state or any depositary or custodian of public funds or moneys has
wrongfully used such funds or moneys, actions for the recovery thereof may be commenced before
any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter; and it shall not be ground of objection
to such an action that either, any, or all of the parties defendant do not reside within the
county or within the district in which such action is commenced. (c) Such action may be commenced
in any court of competent jurisdiction; and such officer or agent,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-21-6 Copy of hospital records - Subpoena duces tecum; inspection; form; weight.
(a) A certified copy of said hospital records may be procured by any litigant in any court
of competent jurisdiction in the state by subpoena duces tecum, and when any such subpoena
duces tecum is issued for said hospital records, the custodian of said hospital records shall
prepare a copy of said hospital records as provided in this subsection and securely seal the
same in an envelope or other container and date and fill out and sign a certificate in substantially
the form provided in Section 12-21-7 and place on, or securely fasten said certificate to
the outside of, said envelope or container in which said copy of said hospital records are
placed and deliver the same to the clerk or register of the court hearing, or to hear or to
try, the case or proceeding in which the records are sought, and he shall not otherwise be
required to appear in court unless thereafter ordered to do so by the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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